That travel step

By Chav, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hey guys

This comes up time and time again, and we have never found an answer. Can you use skills, items and hero abilities/feats during the travel step? Say you have 3 might and have to test might, can you use lucky charm (re-roll attribute test) or the one that adds +1 might?


Heroes have skills during the travel step for sure- and there is a travel card that has a hero attack with his equipped weapon (and the mapstone exists), so there seems to be gear as well. Anything you exhaust will stay exhausted until the refresh step of your first turn, and note if there are timing restrictions. For example, the travel step is not your turn, or part of a round- so "during your turn" or "once per round" abilities could not be used.

Thanks for the explanation

Thanks gonna help alot.

Not that it is necessary, but in case it makes you feel better, I can confirm that what Zaltyre has stated is accurate.

FFG has previously ruled that Lucky Charm can be used during the Travel Step, but only once due to the fact that you have no "turns" and thus the card cannot be refreshed.

so "during your turn" or "once per round" abilities could not be used.

FFG answered to me once that I could use once during travel step Arvel Hero ability. I think those kind of things could work.

so "during your turn" or "once per round" abilities could not be used.

FFG answered to me once that I could use once during travel step Arvel Hero ability. I think those kind of things could work.

If you want to roll travel into the first round somehow (which seems silly to me since the quest hasn't started yet) it would at least use it up for the first round.

Edited by Zaltyre

Well, in any case, it just would give Arvel a slightly advantage, as Travel events are not that decisive, and not that many imply tests. And if you want to compute the Travel into the first round, not such a change as it's not that usual to make a test on first round (even when I love to play a Web Trap on the very first step of the heroes).

I'd say in this case is absolutely correct to house rule it, whatever the current FFG opinion would be.

Edited by AndrewMM