Do you have questions about attacking, defense tokens and critical hits? READ THIS FIRST

By DWRR, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

Okay, I'm still way confused about crits. Do they apply an effect AND a technical hit?

See here:

Glad hits with 2hits1crit after using defense tokens.

I choose ACM crit. Does that still happen if the defending hull zone has 3 shields and doesn't take a face-up card?

Does that result in: 2 damage, down to 1 shield on defending hull zone, and then the adjacent sides take 1 damage? Meaning that the crit damage is replaced by the crit effect?


Then look at this:

VSD uses Overload Pulse.

1. Where does this effect happen? I'm assuming after defense tokens are spent for this attack.

2. Does this remove 1 damage from the pool and give the effect instead?? (The heck.)

3. Does this apply if only shields are removed since you lost 1 damage? (The heck!)

You get a single critical effect. This can be dealing a damage card face up OR activating an upgrade that starts with a critical symbol.

Critical icons on a dice are a hit with the capacity to activate a critical effect so they do indeed deal 1 damage.

Remember ONLY squadrons with bombers can activate the critical effect, all other squadrons can not (Vader can not)

Overload Pulse occurs after defense tokens are spent, it is 1 damage still and it applies with or without damage (though the attacked ship will be taking 1 damage at the very least because of the critical symbol)

ACM: As an effect (entirely separate from the rest of he attack) will cause a hit on each adjacent hull zone.

So lets say you attack as follows...

You've rolled your dice

You've modified your dice

Your opponent had used their defense tokes

Now, at this point you have 2 hits and 1 critical hit showing on your dice.

We move to the damage step.

STEP 1 - Critical Effects

  • If you showing at least one critical hit on your dice you can choose one critical effect to resolve.
  • ACM is a critical effect. Overload Pulse is a critical effect. Flipping the first damage card is a critical effect.
  • They all require you to have at least one critical hit (sometime on a specific colourd dice) in your dice pool at this point in the attack.
  • You can only ever resolve one.
  • You choose to use Assault Concussion Missiles.
  • You don't remove the critical hit dice from you dice pool, you don't spend it. It stays there.
  • To resolve ACM you inflict a hit against each adjacent hull zone.
  • For the sake of the example lets say both are fully shielded. So each hull zone takes a point of damage and loses a shield.

STEP 2 - Calculate Damage

  • Now you calculate damage.
  • You look at your dice pool (2 hits and 1 crit) and add up all the hits and crits.
  • The total is 3.
  • Was the Brace defense token used? If yes then this total is reduced to 2 (half round up).

STEP 3 - Inflict Damage

  • If the Redirect defense token was used your opponent can choose to move hits to an adjacent hull zone with shields.
  • Lets assume redirect and brace wasn't used.
  • So you inflict 3 hits on the target hull zone.
  • shields are removed first and any remaining hits inflict damage cards.
Edited by DWRR

And the same example using Overload Pulse just to really spell it out!

So lets say you attack as follows...

You've rolled your dice

You've modified your dice

Your opponent had used their defense tokes

Now, at this point you have 2 hits and 1 critical hit showing on your dice.

We move to the damage step.

STEP 1 - Critical Effects

  • If you showing at least one critical hit on your dice you can choose one critical effect to resolve.
  • ACM is a critical effect. Overload Pulse is a critical effect. Flipping the first damage card is a critical effect.
  • They all require you to have at least one critical hit (sometime on a specific colourd dice) in your dice pool at this point in the attack.
  • You can only ever resolve one.
  • You choose to use Overload Pulse.
  • You don't remove the critical hit dice from you dice pool, you don't spend it. It stays there.
  • To resolve Overload Pulse your opponent flips all his fresh defense tokens over to exhausted. Any that were already exhausted stay that way.

STEP 2 - Calculate Damage

  • Now you calculate damage.
  • You look at your dice pool (2 hits and 1 crit) and add up all the hits and crits.
  • The total is 3.
  • Was the Brace defense token used? If yes then this total is reduced to 2 (half round up).

STEP 3 - Inflict Damage

  • If the Redirect defense token was used your opponent can choose to move hits to an adjacent hull zone with shields.
  • Lets assume redirect and brace wasn't used.
  • So you inflict 3 hits on the target hull zone.
  • shields are removed first and any remaining hits inflict damage cards.
Edited by DWRR

I can keep posting this example each time with a different critical effects currently in the game but hopefully it makes sense now.

It looks like I need to make a video on just critical effects now

You get a single critical effect. This can be dealing a damage card face up OR activating an upgrade that starts with a critical symbol.

Critical icons on a dice are a hit with the capacity to activate a critical effect so they do indeed deal 1 damage.

Remember ONLY squadrons with bombers can activate the critical effect, all other squadrons can not (Vader can not)

Overload Pulse occurs after defense tokens are spent, it is 1 damage still and it applies with or without damage (though the attacked ship will be taking 1 damage at the very least because of the critical symbol)

Edited by Reiryc

You get a single critical effect. This can be dealing a damage card face up OR activating an upgrade that starts with a critical symbol.

Critical icons on a dice are a hit with the capacity to activate a critical effect so they do indeed deal 1 damage.

Remember ONLY squadrons with bombers can activate the critical effect, all other squadrons can not (Vader can not)

Overload Pulse occurs after defense tokens are spent, it is 1 damage still and it applies with or without damage (though the attacked ship will be taking 1 damage at the very least because of the critical symbol)

Vader can not what exactly? You mean activate the standard critical effect? If so, agreed.

So, if after defense tokens are used, there are still 2hits1crit remaining and I chose ACM, the zone I attacked takes 3 damage. Then ACM will give TWO MORE hits to each adjacent for a total of 3 damage from that single crit?

Is that correct? As, I had an opponent say that the ACM crit replaces the damage and the zone I attacked took 2 damage, and then ACM takes effect. ALSO regardless of whether the crit hit on a shield or a hull. IS that correct?

I have a video on crits that I should be posting soon

Read my examples above, It clearly lays out exactly the steps you follow.

You need to divorce the critical effect from the dice when thinking about it. The critical effect happens first. And is resolved entirely. The dice is not removed or spent or anything!

Also, your opponent is wrong.

Remember you work out the critical effect completely before you work out the damage from the dice.

Remember you work out the critical effect completely before you work out the damage from the dice.

You are right. Resolving the critical effect is the first thing that occurs

So what is the actual use of Overload Pulse?

If he spends tokens they are not affected by overload pulse and at the end of the turn they flip anyway back to green.

Its 8 points for that upgrade. You can rather deal enough damage that he has to use his token anyway.

Basically using OP forces a ship to use all its defense tokens, either on the incoming attack or from the OP itself. It's a clean sweep so other ships in your fleet can attack more easily. It's a set-up card.

Also some ships will have multiple tokens of the same type (VSD has 2 redirect, Corvette has 2 Evade), and against a single attack they would only be able to spend one of those tokens. OP wipes them all out.

It's not the best, but it's okay.

thanks guys. helps. its really weird to think about the crit going first.

Yeah. u nfortunately, it means my playtest of ACM against that guy is totally a dud. Gonna have to completely do it again. There goes another 2 hours. lol

Video on Targeting

Video on Critical Effects

I just thought of this while answering a question on Critical Effects via reddit concerning Screed and spending dice.

"Since this is done in the modify phase where you add dice, spend, change, etc, if you spend a die of your only color before adding a die you can no longer add a die of that color since it is no longer in the attack pool"

I just thought of this while answering a question on Critical Effects via reddit concerning Screed and spending dice.

"Since this is done in the modify phase where you add dice, spend, change, etc, if you spend a die of your only color before adding a die you can no longer add a die of that color since it is no longer in the attack pool"

I can't agree with that....

Attack Pool

During an attack, the attack pool is comprised of all dice

being used for that attack. This includes the dice gathered

prior to rolling as well as the dice after they are rolled.

The dice used prior to the attack are part of the pool, so you can spend a die of a color to add a die of that color since it was part of the attack pool prior to rolling. All dice being used for the attack includes everything that was rolled.

The attack pool changes though. There is no snap shot of what's in the attack pool.

For instance I could add a black die through Paragon to my attack pool, now I can also use my Concentrate Fire dial and get a second black die. If you can add to the attack pool you can remove

The attack pool changes though. There is no snap shot of what's in the attack pool.

For instance I could add a black die through Paragon to my attack pool, now I can also use my Concentrate Fire dial and get a second black die. If you can add to the attack pool you can remove

The snap shot is that the attack pool consists of all the dice prior to rolling and after they are rolled.

So even if you spent a die to spend it on the same color die, that pool still consisted of what was there prior to the roll.

So if I have a single blue die and 3 red, I can spend the single blue die to get another blue die. The pool that I can spend from is what was rolled prior to modifying.

Spent dice are removed from the attack pool. RRG page 7.

Spent dice are removed from the attack pool. RRG page 7.

Do I get to resolve the evade token before determining if I want to spend other defense tokens?