We are now starting to play through the Frozen Reaches Campaign.
If you are aiming to play this setting and want it to be a surprise best stop reading now.
I'll let you know when we're done
Chapter 21 – A Trip into the Heart of… Blueness
Calling a quick conference, Thelonious and his command crew held a discussion about the best way to get to the co-ordinates, with Thelonious’s idea of a freefall parachute entry, from orbit, being met with a degree of incredulity from the rest of the conference before they settled on the eminently more sensible suggestion of flying down in a shuttle. The journey down was quite easy… the Orks were mostly ground based and the co-ordinates were far away from the main battles on Damaris. However, as soon as they started to pass the 5km threshold that they had been warned again, Isendark found that even his skills were not enough to keep the shuttle flying due to the turbulence and disruption and the best he could hope for was a controlled crash! The shuttle smashed through the upper tree canopy and skidded along the ground, miraculously avoiding ending its journey crushed against a tree… the command crew emerged into the primordial forest, shaken but alive.
The going was tough for even this hardened group of explorers, roots seemed to always be in the wrong place to trip everyone up, the foliage was extremely dense in places and, in general, they just got a vibe that it was wrong for them to be in this part of the forest. That being said, they did have items of their own to make their journey at least tolerable… from the Power Swords of Thelonious and Isendark, slicing through even the thickest branches with ease, to the unrelenting fury of Bazak, uprooting and destroying entire trees with his Thunder Hammer, to the Telekinesis of Mistress Valentina, lightly pushing things out of the way… they made their way through the forest. After a long trudge the group found their way to a clearing, and they immediately knew that this was something different, when they saw a massive arch, made of a white material that was obviously alien in origin… in the white material were dark red stones of indeterminate type… the whole place reeked of Xenos.
This became even clearer when the Explorers started looking around further… they realised they were standing near a temple like structure that obviously belonged to the Eldar but, before they could start exploring further, a rustling noise signalled the approach of the Xenos themselves. Before they arrived, Thelonious was thinking to himself that Governor Kalpak (or General Remi, he had not decided on that yet) owed him a favour… and what better, and more innocuous, request than to ask for this continent… after all, no-one was living on it and probably wouldn’t be for some time. His thoughts brought back into the present, Thelonious made sure to nod his greeting to Captain Opwith, who was looking his usual annoyed self, before a couple of power armoured Eldar came into the clearing, escorting a hooded Eldar Mystic. The Eldar Captain started doing a circuit of the temple, making sure that the interlopers had not done anything to profane the holy ground, and he did it whilst carrying a plant.
You see, Thelonious had taken to growing a Hellebore in the arboretum of the Hope in the Void because he knew that was the name of the Eldar ship. Captain Opwith didn’t seem to know what to make of the gift, which pleased Thelonious no end but, after that, he got down to business and made a greeting to the Eldar Farseer.
Farseer: “Lord High Captain, Thelonious T Deepstalker. When we last met, I mentioned to you that you had a destiny that was both Grand and Terrible at the same time. Little did I know just how Grand, and how Terrible, it has the potential to be! My name is Beljalannor and I am here to give you grave warning.”
Thelonious was somewhat stunned by this revelation… plus, the fact that the Farseer had used his full title and name, something he was sure that Captain Opwith would never do. Thelonious’s attention was also taken up, somewhat, by Mistress Valentina, who was trying her hardest to wind up Captain Opwith with her lack of respect for anything remotely Eldar… Thelonious thought it was like watching a comedy about two mismatched people being forced to work together. He shook his head slightly in Sari’s direction before refocussing on what the Farseer was saying.
Farseer: “A long time ago, as you humans would measure time, I had a vision regarding an Ork invasion of a human held plant. As I could not see anything related to my people, I did not pay it as much attention as I should have. No too long ago, a few of your human months, I had exactly the same vision.”
For those amongst the command crew of the Hope in the Void who had knowledge of the Eldar, and in particular what they had heard about their Farseers’, it was vanishingly rare for them to have a vision that is exactly the same as one previous… something about how they interpret things being unique each time. For those who understood the impact of this, they paid even more attention to the Farseer’s words.
Farseer: “Because of this, I utilised all my high level of skill to see as much as I could about this particular vision, to try and find out why it had plagued me again. What I found was staggering. Should the Orks be victorious on this, otherwise no account, human world, it will set into progress a chain of events that will lead to the Destruction of my Craftworld and, indeed, this entire sector of the galaxy.”
That statement was enough to make even Mistress Valentina take notice of what the Eldar were saying and the Farseer continued speaking into the silence that had come crashing down like a net.
Farseer: “However, should this human world manage to repel the Ork invasion then the links and chains towards that probability are slightly less likely to come to fruition which is all we have to hold onto at this time. This is why we have come, and why we have help to offer.”
Beljalannor pulled an item from a pocket on his robe, a blue, wafer thin crystal that sparkled in the sunlight that managed to pierce the roof of the forest canopy and handed it to Thelonious, informing him that it had been engineered to work with their primitive technology and that it held the co-ordinates of the Blue Giant “Skadi” and where it would be in 60 hours. Thelonious calculated that this would give them about a day to search around the planet to find where the Ork Warboss was and end this war… it was not the best they could hope for but it was better than what they had. The Farseer explained that the Warboss had spread most of his fleet throughout the system and had thus left himself vulnerable to a decapitating strike and, once the Warboss was down, the rest of the Greenskins would turn on each other in a fight for supremacy that would allow Damaris to recover and push the Orks off their world.
Farseer: “One final thing, Thelonious T Deepstalker. You will only, truly, know that the Ork Warboss is dead when you see the light fade from its red eyes as you hold up its severed head. Without that, you will never know whether the Ork is dead and whether he will come back to plague Damaris. This I have foreseen.”
With that final pronouncement, the Farseer started to remove himself from the clearing but was engaged in negotiations by Thelonious for an Eldar Runecaster, to allow his ship to make its way through the Warp in a more efficient manner. The Farseer took this interruption in his stride and informed the Rogue Trader that he had the word of Beljalannor that, if the Sector was saved then he could have what he desired, but not until then. Thelonious took this for a win and started thinking about how saving a sector would look in the eyes of the Imperium and other Rogue Traders… pretty **** good was his conclusion. Other than a very frosty goodbye with Captain Opwith, there was nothing else to focus on and both sides went their separate ways. Isendark found that the turbulence and interference was much less when you were trying to leave the area around the Eldar temple than trying to get in and the return journey was smooth and uneventful.
One of the first things that Thelonious decided to do when he arrived back on his ship was to contact Magos Shard and bargain for a powerful vox caster. If he was going to find Skadi then he wanted to leave something behind so that it was possible to find it again… Thelonious knew that others had seen Skadi before, but no-one had ever returned from those voyages and he did not intend for that to happen to his ship and crew. The Magos was impressed by his thinking and ambition and agreed to provide one to his ship. Then, afire with new purpose after the grinding campaign to date, the command crew entered the command bunker and informed the council of their plans of attack. Blitz, and his cruiser, was to stay back and defend the orbit of Damaris whilst Lady Orleans, Sylvia Locke and Thelonious would lead the attack against the Ork Warboss.
Whilst there were questions about how Thelonious had managed to get his hands on the co-ordinates of Skadi, the overriding emotions were hope and vengeance, with both Orleans and Locke hurrying from the chamber to get their ships ready as soon as they could… everyone knew they were on the clock. Soon the Hope in the Void , the Aegis , the Starweaver and the captured Onslaught were on course for the co-ordinates and, after a couple of days of travel at best speed, not torturing the engines but definitely pushing them to their limits, they found themselves at the edge of the Damaris system, seeing the massive and unpredictable asteroid fields that they would have to traverse… it was a daunting sight. However, the Hope in the Void had been in worst places and soon Guncutters were released to find a way through the shifting rocks, signalling the small fleet through in the safest way they could.
Isendark was in his element here, feeling almost at one with the ship, threading the galaxy’s largest needle through some of the smallest gaps it was possible for them to fit through. At multiple instances it seemed as if the Hope in the Void would slam into numerous asteroids only for Isendark’s flight plan to become obvious to the rest of the bridge crew as the ship sailed past unharmed. The Starweaver , being much smaller than the Hope and the Aegis was able to follow in the wake of the bigger ships and thus avoided anything that their shields could not handle. The helmsman of the Aegis appeared to have a bad day at the office as numerous small asteroids and meteors struck against it… the cruisers void shields were able to deflect most of this damage but the armour of the Aegis was more pitted than it had been when they finally found their way through the Asteroid field.
What they saw was, in the words of Mistress Valentina, enough to make Astromancers cry. The “bubble” that seemed to surround Skadi was actively pushing away the Asteroids in the field surrounding it, no wonder the Asteroid field was always so unpredictable, not only was it affected by gravity but by this unknown force. Skadi, however, was worth the effort, a shining cobalt blue gas giant surrounded by a necklace of hundreds of moons; truly it was a sight for the ages. However, Thelonious and his fleet could not luxuriate in this sight for long, they realised that it was going to take them some time to search all the moons around Skadi, and they had less time than they would have wished to find the Ork Warboss and put an end to his schemes, and finally end the war on Damaris. The ships separated, to better scan the area, leaving the Onslaught hidden at the edge of the asteroid field… they did not want the Ork’s to even think about betraying them.
To make sure that this did not happen, Bazak ceded control over the Onslaught to his three Boyz and Gromit, the Grot, who gained a little bit of respectability by riding around on Mawz, the Squig. Bazak had a special mission for them and did not want anyone to mess it up… secretly, the plasma drives on the Onslaught were set with as many explosives as they could be… it was a suicide mission that only a few would know about. When Mistress Valentina asked Bazak whether he was bothered by the deaths of his followers, she was told that Bazak would get some more, no matter what happened, and “dis was FUN!” Meanwhile, the rest of the fleet was moving through the moons, scanning as much as they could but, perhaps unsurprisingly, it was the Hope in the Void that made the breakthrough, even without using their Ultimo Array they had fearsome passive scanners.
As the Hope in the Void entered a higher orbit around Skadi, they hit the jackpot. Yorke, who was supervising the scanning effort, started seeing numerous objects on the augur arrays and, after filtering out the ghosts and the moons, she seemed to have something. Isendark drifted the ship through space, keeping the Hope in the Void as hidden as it could be until they came to the area that Yorke had identified… it was a moon and everyone was a little disappointed until certain things became clear to them and Thelonious pointed out “that is no moon!” What they had found was the Rok production facility and, after observing it for a little while, they saw its tractor beam in operation and they counted at least a dozen half-finished Roks… the Warboss was not playing around anymore, this was the final invasion effort and it needed to be stopped.
Sending out short communications that would be lost in the general chatter, the Hope in the Void signalled its allies to come to this spot, including the Onslaught, for the battle that would define the fate of Damaris. However, whilst they were continuing to scan, hidden just behind one of the other moons, a few things caught their eye. One was an absolutely massive Ork Kroozer, silently drifting in the void far above Skadi… it was not recognisable as the previous Kroozer they had faced (although they soon spotted that, still not fully repaired) and it was even larger… this had to be the Warboss’s Kroozer and, by the large Weirdboy tower that protruded from it, it most certainly was. This was not a surprise, they had known to find the Warboss here… what was a surprise was when the Kroozer moved slightly and they saw on their screen a more angular, blocky ship, carved with symbols that made everyone on the bridge, sans Mistress Valentina, avert their eyes, almost at the same moment. The forces of Chaos were here!
After taking a slightly closer look, their mental fortitude enough to not imperil their very soul, both Isendark and Commander Rolaine conferred briefly before informing Thelonious that the symbols, and how they had been laid out, spoke that this ship belonged to a pack of Chaos Reavers that served an infamous Pirate Lord called Karad Vall. Vall was well known for his depredations, but also for his power… many crusades had been launched after him, and all of them had failed… the fact that he was interested in Damaris did not seem to bode well for the fate of the planet. It was at this point that both the Aegis and the Starweaver arrived and, after being informed of the circumstances that they had found a plan was quickly concocted. The Hope in the Void would go straight for the Warboss’s Kroozer from one flank whilst the Aegis would take the other flank and go after the recently repaired Kroozer. Whilst this was happening, the Onslaught would go straight for the Rok production facility, shadowed by the Starweaver , on a suicide boarding run.
It was the Aegis that led the attack, the Imperial Cruiser, under the command of one of the best tacticians of the age, Lord Captain Sylvia Locke, as they smashed forward into the teeth of the Ork ships, angling her guns to fire on the nearest Onslaught. Their Macrocannon Broadside, aimed and loaded by some of the best in the business, tore through the Void Shields and armour of their target, leaving them open for a scything blow from their Lance weaponry… any other ship would have been destroyed but the Ork ship managed to keep going, although their combat potential was greatly diminished. With the Aegis went the Starweaver , itself only a mere frigate, but outfitted for war, flitting around the underside and overside of the Aegis , sending volley after volley into any ship that tried to outflank her, waiting for the Onslaught to begin its attack run, but not wanting to be left out of the “fun” before then.
The Hope in the Void was soon attacking from the other direction, once again running into the Ork Onslaughts that were screening the Kill Kroozers, of which they were doing a very good job. However, they could not prevent the team of Yorke and Rolaine from locking onto the Kill Kroozer and firing “through the gap” against the behemoth. The fire was as accurate as could be expected, given the range, and then even more so, so that even though the attack was against the prow armoured front of the Kill Kroozer, it still managed to batter down their Void Shields and cause some damage… it was one of the best shots that Rolaine had ever attempted. Lt Haines, who had been scanning the augurs, started shouting out the specific weaponry and what made up the Kill Kroozer, especially making note of the incredible Air Pump system the Kroozer appeared to have… now the crew knew what they were fighting in intimate detail.
Meanwhile, Thelonious was paying more attention to the nearby Onslaught, launching his patented blend of Fighters and Bombers to bring them a gift from humanity. The Bombers flew behind their Fighter screen, dodging the turret fire from the Onslaught and planted a bomb directly down their sensor array… until that was repaired the Onslaught was not likely to be hitting anything, even at very close range. The bombs also did their usual damage to the rear of the Onslaught… it was a double whammy and pretty much took the Onslaught out of their threat envelope. Mistress Valentina was looking at the scans from Lt Haines and was concerned about the amount of damage that the Kill Kroozer could put out… however, she had a plan for that and took her mental enhancing level of White Void as she started meditating. Her preparation proved to be invaluable as the Kill Kroozer, jolted out of its seeming dormancy, charged directly at them.
The Kroozer was followed by the Chaos Reaver ship and they both closed on the Hope in the Void Gunz and Macrocannons blazing. The shooting from the Ork ship was unusually good, the Warboss putting the fear into the gunners, and it seemed like the Hope was in for some pain. This is when Mistress Valentina opened her eyes from her meditation, reaching out with her mind towards the massive ordinance that was coming their way. It did not take much… no massive slaps of mental power sending the shells flying off into the void, this was a little more precise than that, just amending the flight trajectory enough that they missed slamming into the ship and, fortified by White Void, she did not even break into a sweat. The rest of the crew was once again dumbfounded at her power and decided (again) never to annoy her in the morning… it just wasn’t worth the potential pain!
Her intervention proved to be critical when the Reaver opened up on them, had she not deflected so much of the Ork’s fire away from them, then the Lance would have cut through their hull as if it was not there but, instead, it ended up splashing against their Void Shields. Whilst this was going on, the Onslaught, now flanked by the Starweaver was launching into an attack run, the Ork Kaptin pressing the big red button as hard as he could and rocketing forward towards the Rok Production Facility… it was not there yet, but it soon would be. The Starweaver broke off slightly to face an Onslaught that had guessed what their plan was, her Macrobatteries playing merry hell with the Onslaughts thrusters and trapping it within a dance of death that was only going to have one victor. The Aegis turned its attention towards a more worthy foe, the Kill Kroozer that the Hope in the Void had faced before and battered down its shields, denting the vast amounts of armour on the ship and then missing with their Lance shot, the Kroozer proving more nimble than the targeting array’s thought.
Isendark, knowing what a pass the ship had received by having Mistress Valentina on board was determined not to need that to happen again (and to show off his awesome piloting skills), started throwing the ship into manoeuvres that a Frigate would have been jealous of, nevermind a huge Cruiser. The hull of the ship cried out in pain at such treatment but, more importantly, it held together under the enormous stresses that were being placed upon it. Even with the crazy moves that were being pulled, Yorke was able to feed Rolaine accurate firing solutions that made her shooting even more incredibly effective than it would have been and, with the Kroozer having closed to within short range, the pain was coming. The single Macrocannon broadside often seemed to be a mere extension of her usual skills with a pistol and so it proved here again, holing one of the Gunz and smashing pieces off the side of the Kroozer but, it was a hardy beast and it was still very much in the fight.
The more important thing, from the crews thinking anyway, was that they had taken down the Void Shields and thus left the Kroozer open for a Hit and Run, led by Bazak. Before, this had always proven to be devastating for the ship being attacked but, for the first time, Bazak faced a foe who was as dangerous as he was, a favoured lieutenant of the Warboss and, although Bazak was able to cause some damage to the ship, it was miniscule compared to the ship itself. Thelonious wasted no time in ordering a couple of squadrons, each, of Fighter and Bombers to attack the Kill Kroozer and his caution in regards to the makeup of the attack proved to be well founded as the first fighter squadron lost over half its strength to the deadly fire from the Kroozer’s turrets but the Bombers were able to release their payload before turning and running back to the Hope in the Void . Their bombs did moderate damage but, nothing compared to what the Kroozer had left.
The Onslaught, mindful of Bazak’s orders and seeing an opening, powered all its engines to the max, hit the big red button and went hurtling towards the Rok facility. Just as it was about to impact, a green beam flew out of the facility and stopped the Onslaught in its tracks, holding it motionless in the void, although scans indicated that the Onslaught had lots none of its momentum and it was only the green beam stopping it from smashing into the facility with incredible force. The Chaos Reaver, seeing this, and seeing the chunks being torn out of the Kill Kroozer, decided to make its way to the outside of the combat but, with its Keel mounted weapons, it could fire even as it was making a tactical flanking manoeuvre (read, retreat). However, the moves that Isendark had put together were confounding enough that both the Reaver and the Kill Kroozer could find nothing with their shots, they may as well have been shooting into the Void in anger for all the harm they did.
The other Kroozer and the Aegis were starting to wale seven bells out of each other, both circling and both firing with everything they had, causing grievous damage on each other… it appeared, to all intents and purposes, to be a slugging match where both fighters were tethered together… one would rise and one would fall. It was the Aegis that emerged, battered and bloodied, in one piece, her Lance battery cutting the Kill Kroozer in half as the final blow in their battle, before turning her attention towards the Rok Production facility. The Hope in the Void took heart from their allies victories in their battles and redoubled their attempts to take down the Warboss, although the Warboss also redoubled its attempts to bring down these ‘umies’ who had invaded his sanctum. Isendark continued to throw the Hope around space in an attempt to avoid damage, his attempts getting more and more random until it was only himself who could keep up.
Sylvia Locke hailed Thelonious and pointed out that her sensors were picking up far too much activity coming from just behind the Rok facility and to be wary of what might be coming from that direction. Both were surprised when an Eldar vessel appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, with tattered Solar Sails and a very ghostly complexion. Natasha scoured her memory for anything to do with a ship such as this, cross referencing numerous texts together until she came up with the answer, all in a fraction of a second… her face went pale and she whispered “ The Whisper of Aeneris ” just as all the servitors on the bridge spasmed, the lights went out, and then everything went back to “normal.” The Whisper swung too and started blowing the crap out of the Rok facility, leading to a sigh of relief across the bridge crew of the Hope in the Void .
The evasive manoeuvres that Isendark was throwing the Hope into proved to be too much even for the vaunted Yorke and Rolaine combo and the Macrocannon shells went wide of the mark, the targeting computer and natural skill being unable to make up for the lack of a stable firing platform. Similarly, the Bombers and Fighters were launched at such an odd angle compared to their usual graceful exit that they were unable to gather themselves for an attack run on the Kroozer and ended up returning to the hangar, the flyboys looking somewhat foolish. It seemed to be down to Mistress Valentina to actually do something before the Kill Kroozer fired back at them and she did not disappoint. She had learnt how to pull fire out of the warp and, mind fortified with White Void, tore open a rift in warp/time space in the middle of the Kroozer and spread fire into half of the ship which happened to include the Kroozer’s void shields! However, apart from the fires on the ship, this did not come to much because Bazak’s teleportarium hit and run was beaten back before the Ork could do any damage.
It was just as well Bazak could teleport back because, as soon as the Ork arrived it was obvious to the crew that the Kill Kroozer had launched its own Hit and Run attack, the Ork pilots dodging heavy turret fire to land enough troops against various parts of the ship to break through. Bazak took control of the effort to repel the Ork raiders but, once again, he was against someone who was his equal in ferocity and, potentially, his better in kunnin’. The Orks managed to slip past some of the patrols and plant explosives through the ship, which detonated as they exited, with the Ork Commander giving Bazak a smarmy (as smarmy as Orks can be anyway) grin as he exited, inviting Bazak to try again. For the first time since they came into the Koronus expanse, the Hope in the Void faced the peril of fire… in both their Void Shield array and Macrocannon batteries… two of the most important parts of the ship. The crew looked at each other with grim determination as they carried on the fight.
Two Onslaught raiders had the gall to get between the Aegis and its primary target, the Rok facility. The Aegis did a daring manoeuvre, for which Sylvia Locke had become known, and flew directly between them, the Macrocannon Broadsides of the Aegis making short work of the weaker Onslaughts… in a scene that could have come from a vic-pict, the Aegis moved between the Onslaughts and then seemed to be buoyed forward by them both exploding behind her. Sylvia Locke would mention that she had been inspired by the work of some obscure British Admiral in the prehistory of Terra for the manoeuvre, but could not really remember his name. Meanwhile, back on the Hope the crew was trying, and failing, to put out the fires that would be crippling in their ability to fight the Kroozer if they could not be brought under control… once again it was Mistress Valentina who stepped up to the plate.
Shoving yet more White Void up her nose, she could feel the highs that she was getting and felt herself being drawn to be this way all the time, it was a creeping, dangerous feeling and she clamped down on it, hard, with her incredible willpower… she would not be a puppet to the White Void, it would be a puppet for her! Thus fortified, she reached out and, with her affinity for fire, managed to locate the source of the fires and slowly starve them of oxygen, pushing them away from the vital components until they winked out of existence… although the effort of doing this caused her to stagger back into her choir before almost passing out. She had done her duty though; the Hope in the Void was back in the fight! Yorke and Rolaine, more used to the crazy moves being performed by the Hope under the care of Isendark, managed to correct for the movement enough to allow the Macrobatteries to land a stinging hit to the Port side of the Kill Kroozer.
Thelonious had martialled his bombers again and sent them, once more, into the teeth of the Kill Kroozer, following closely behind the Macrobatteries, so much so that it was as though they were using the technique of an artillery rolling barrage, but in space. The Bombers caused untold destruction to the Port side of the Kill Kroozer, but the hardened Ork ship was still a going concern, something it would prove to the Hope in the Void . The Gunz on the Kroozer, whilst baffled by the umie ships movements, put enough metal in the air to take down the Void Shields and it was then that the Weirdboy tower started pulsing ominously. As the pulsing reached a crescendo, a green wave of psychic fire coruscated down the Hope in the Void , ripping hull plating to pieces and sending crewmen out into the dark of space… it left a massive tear in the starboard side and made everyone glad that they could not do that more often!
The Hope in the Void and the Kill Kroozer continued to circle each other, both wounded predators, wondering which one of them would become the prey… the Kill Kroozer looked more damaged than the Hope , but the crew did not know whether that was just what their hope was seeing. The Rok facility, now under fire from a few directions, suffered a power failure at a critical moment and the Onslaught, now freed from the momentum cancelling beam, smashed into the Rok facility at full force, driving deep into its heart, before being stopped by the sheer mass of the thing. Yorke looked across to Thelonious, a thin smile coming across her lips as she sent the code towards the Onslaught… both of them waited for the signal to reach the explosives in the Onslaught engine room with baited breath…
Edited by Major Kimenth