Any Rumors of Future Core Books after FaD?

By Darth Poopdeck, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I know they originally planned 3 core books, but now that the 3rd core book has been made, are there any rumors of future core books? Because, if that's the plan, they would be designing them right now, which means there would likely be rumors.

But more core books doesn't make sense. Maybe taking things a different direction? Sith books? Something associated with the new movies likely would make the most sense.

I think they are focusing on supplements for the current lines.

I could see a new Core book of sorts putting together most of the three books, but tie all the source material into post-Jedi/The Force Awakens. It would be smart to do a tie-in game for the new movie.

It might not necessarily result in a new core book, but FFG did recently extend the Star Wars license with Disney. Apparently it includes content from the new movies. I bet we'll see some sourcebooks involving the time between Jedi and Force Awakens. Probably at least enough material for one book in each line.

Why would you need further CRBs? I would think Sector/Setting books could cover anything else.

You can build a Clone Wars Jedi, or a Old Republic Sith Sorcerer with the current CRBs if you are creative and spend XP wisely.

I noticed that the Stronghold sourcebook was listed as going to be available in Q2 of 2015. Well, we are fresh outta Q2 today and it's still listed as in dev. Makes me wonder if the mouse didn't sound an all hands on deck alarm and tell licensees to have something ready to go by Ep 7's launch in support of the new movie/history. They announced a slew of novels and such to be released over the next few months so I wonder if FFG didn't have to hit the pause button on other projects and throw extra effort at a new movies book.

Edited by 2P51

FFG never respect their initial release prediction. It always have delay so that doesnt surprise or worry me.

I noticed that the Stronghold sourcebook was listed as going to be available in Q2 of 2015. Well, we are fresh outta Q2 today and it's still listed as in dev. Makes me wonder if the mouse didn't sound an all hands on deck alarm and tell licensees to have something ready to go by Ep 7's launch in support of the new movie/history. They announced a slew of novels and such to be released over the next few months so I wonder if FFG didn't have to hit the pause button on other projects and throw extra effort at a new movies book.

That's an interesting theory. I've hoped to see more Edge material in Q3 and Q4 but there's not much of a whisper on development right now for a Q3 release. I can see what you're suggesting coming to pass that a "The Force Awakens" sourcebook may have been required by Disney or perhaps a sourcebook to cover the period between Return of the Jedi and the new movie (I think that would be the more practical product myself).

The Mouse is releasing the first novel Aftermath that covers that time frame. That new Uprising game is set then. So I would think Disney released some kind of timeline info to developers for them to work with. They announced 20 books by the end of the year so it's just a hunch on my part their game lines were given marching orders.

FFG never respect their initial release prediction. It always have delay so that doesnt surprise or worry me.

The devs are having too much fun in the playtest phase to rewrite and release to the gaming masses :)

... and aren't we waiting for two splatbopok for EotE.. technician and,,, errr,,, erm,,, is it bounty hunter,,,, GRRRR these are what I'm waiting for tbh,, got everything else, (E*** sellers love me now)

Edited by DidntFallAsleep66

The Mouse is releasing the first novel Aftermath that covers that time frame. That new Uprising game is set then. So I would think Disney released some kind of timeline info to developers for them to work with. They announced 20 books by the end of the year so it's just a hunch on my part their game lines were given marching orders.

The Diplomat source book was announced one month before Strongholds of Resistance and just released a couple weeks ago. So while it appears that Strongholds of Resistance is not on the same pace that book was, I would think Desperate Allies would have been affected by any sort of Disney mandate.

We don't actually know the pacing of projects though. It may be that FFG was already brainstorming the new content, which I'm sure they were, and the people with the best ideas were on the Stronghold project.

It's all idle speculation, but to have announced a release date for a product a month before Gencon, and then to not have it out for Gencon when they can cut so many middle men and sell direct to fans, to me says something is up.

I would be surprised if the release of episode VII would not bring a new CRB on the shelves. FFG is a company, all of us wipould buy it and it might bring in new players on top of that. Thus, smart business decision if they do, missed opportunity if they don't.

Is it needed? Because that is what I inherently will be asked here now and what people will say it is not... No idea yet. But I am certain it will happen.

Tough stuff. I'm not sure a core book based on just one movie would be very satisfying, but as others have said, it's kind of a no-brainer, sales-wise.

Do you guys think this is the sort of thing they would announce while it's still in development, like they usually do, or wait until it's already on the boat? And if the latter, would it be foolhardy of them to release it without a Beta shakedown?

Edited by I. J. Thompson

I would be surprised if the release of episode VII would not bring a new CRB on the shelves. FFG is a company, all of us wipould buy it and it might bring in new players on top of that. Thus, smart business decision if they do, missed opportunity if they don't.

Is it needed? Because that is what I inherently will be asked here now and what people will say it is not... No idea yet. But I am certain it will happen.

Why would this need a Core book as opposed to just a setting book? WEG was also a company wanting to make money and they didn't release new Core books when popular comic lines or such came out. They just put out a book that covered that time period and the events described.

I could see a revised core book for each line, to coincide with any major canon changes, being certainly possible. Not necessarily likely, but possible.

There is also the chance we will see a "the Force Awakens" book. Whether a separate game or setting book, I think that very likely.

I suspect some episode VII game announcements at GenCon, for the RPG and x-wing.

Canon changes don't change the rules of this game, they just add more information, fluff, heheh.

Probably utterly wrong but what if Strongholds of Resistance covers both OT and ST era stuff? I know I'm reaching but the fact it is titled Strongholds of Resistance rather then Strongholds of Rebellion might mean something given that the Protagonist faction in the ST is apparently known as the Resistance rather then the Rebel Alliance or Rebellion.

I would be surprised if the release of episode VII would not bring a new CRB on the shelves. FFG is a company, all of us wipould buy it and it might bring in new players on top of that. Thus, smart business decision if they do, missed opportunity if they don't.

Is it needed? Because that is what I inherently will be asked here now and what people will say it is not... No idea yet. But I am certain it will happen.

Why would this need a Core book as opposed to just a setting book?

Did you read my post? I already said I have no idea if it is needed or not, I just said I am sure they will put it out.

Also, in order to attract a new market of people to by their games a settingsbook just won't do.

If they're making a new crb for ep 7 and onwards, I'd wager it would be slightly different than what we have now. I'd hope so at least. I think it's more likely they'll make different flavoured ST books for each line, one covering

the Rebellion changing into the Resistance and the Empire into the First Order

for AoR, one covering the changes, developments and such when it comes to the fringe elements for EotE, and one covering the development and nature of the Force and (the meaning behind) it's subsequent awakening 50 odd years after the clone wars.

These books would include new species from the ST (and perhaps the anthology films too?), perhaps some new specialisations if at all necessary, new ships, places and stuff like that. Hopefully they'll wait with the first ST book until around ep 8 or ep 9, as I've got this gut feeling that one (or three different) book(s) for each film would make for a thin and not so full of content book(s). But what do I know, perhaps they've received guidelines of what they're allowed to include from Legends...

I do wonder what kind of supplements they'll be introducing after they've finished the career books though. Sector/site books can go on for a while, and adventure books are always nice, but what else?

I'm not sure we'll ever get that Dark Side/Sith/Empire setting book, that seems to go against the design philosophy for this game. I don't think it's needed either. But I would welcome it, as with most of the stuff they've made so far.

What about the PT era? The clone war era? Pre-PT era? I wouldn't mind something on this, but I doubt that's far down on the list, considering the ST and anthology films. And the Rebels show of course.

Will they continue to use Legends stuff or is the game going to focus more on canon? These things I do wonder about. I would like both.

The problem I see with them doing yet another core rulebook to tie into Force Awakens is that it'd be occurring not that long after the Force and Destiny core rulebook; the movie is less than 6 months away, and the FaD book is probably going to drop later this month.

There's also the question of what careers do they include? Unlikely they're going to include all of the careers and specs from the prior three core rulebooks, no matter how much some folks want that to happen. Then you've got which species to include, as well as potentially needing to cover Obligation, Duty, and Morality in a single book when each of those is a core element of the prior three core rulebooks.

And in the wake of Force and Destiny, I'm not so sure that FFG is going to want to produce yet another core rulebook. Yes, folks are more likely to buy a "core" rulebook over a splat book, but core rulebooks are more expensive to produce due to larger page counts and higher shipping costs. And with this proposed Force Awakens core rulebook, that'd make four core rulebooks for one system within as many years; even WotC in the heyday of their 4e product bloat wasn't quite that bad.

Truthfully, I think Force Awakens can be covered as a setting book in a similar vein to Suns of Fortune or Lords of Nal Hutta, discussing the new planets we see, the new factions, new gear/ships, and the general state of the galaxy during that time frame, along with a handful of modular encounters. From what little speculation I've heard (trying to avoid "leaked from the set" spoilers as much as I can), it doesn't sound like there's going to be a restored Jedi Order, so any hopes that folks might have of said Force Awakens core rulebook having actual "Jedi" careers and specs as opposed to the "watered down" versions in Force and Destiny should probably be jettisoned.

If they would go for a CRB I think that Gencon 2016 would be a perfect release 'date', not the release of the movie perse.

Truthfully, I think Force Awakens can be covered as a setting book in a similar vein to Suns of Fortune or Lords of Nal Hutta, discussing the new planets we see, the new factions, new gear/ships, and the general state of the galaxy during that time frame, along with a handful of modular encounters.

I don't think anybody here disagrees with that but it is not always a matter of what could be done. I think it "Could be done" in that way as well. Do I think it will be? No, not really.

If you take the CRB for Edge for instance and look at the page count you will find that there is pretty much a lot of room for a new book.

Races? There will be tons of new possibilities

Careers? No idea

Equipment? No doubt

Vehicles? Yup

NPC's? Yep

Background/the galaxy/history? Duh.

In fact i would go so far to say that we might need multiple books (splat or otherwise) to get all the new goodies.

Either way, whichever way they choose to go, I am excited for the future!

Edited by DanteRotterdam

Empire Core would be awesome. We got stupid Rebels, I want me some Empire love.

Strictly speaking, Age of Rebellion and Might of the Empire is the same book... except the Might of the Empire would have a boring grey colour rather than this fantastic eye watering red :ph34r:

Of course, there's lots of fluff that could be added about the Empire, it could be a good propaganda manual really, but I don't see a reason for new or different careers... but you'd have only one species I guess... :ph34r: more space for prop--- err public relations... and stuff.

So, for those of us who dream about it, fingers crossed for a dark side/might of the empire source book... but an entirely new crb? pft! There's no point.

Why would you need further CRBs? I would think Sector/Setting books could cover anything else.

I wouldn't mind having a consolidated, all mechanics/no fluff rule book. The important bits from all three systems in one place.

But beyond that, yeah - no real need for more.