Gaining Destiny

By Bulkathos, in Talisman Rules Questions

When you face your destiny at the "Meeting with destiny" with your path card and resolve all. It states that you gain a destiny.

My question is regarding the two diffrent types of destinys there are. There a both light and dark types of destiny.

When you gain your destiny, is it a free choise?

Can a character that is darkbound choose any light destiny from the stack that he wants, or is it a random pick or is it restricted that darkbound characters only pick dark destinys?

Cant seem to find any answears in the instruction manual.

The standard rules are to shuffle all light and dark destinies together, and draw at random.

I guess that's what you mean Bulkathos but just to be sure, you don't always get a Destiny after resolving the Meeting with Destiny space, only if it says so on your path card.

Your question:
I guess it could have been written more precisely how you actually "gain a destiny", I was somewhat surprised when I re-read that part of the rule book just now.

You do get an answer from other places in the rule book though:

Setup p.4

Set Up Destiny Deck: Shuffle the Destiny deck and
place it facedown next to the Woodland board.

Alternative rules p.14

Choose Your Destiny
When a character gains a Destiny, instead of taking
the top card of the Destiny deck as normal, he may
search the Destiny deck for a Destiny of his choice
and take it.

So.. just like Artaterxes said

The standard rules are to shuffle all light and dark destinies together, and draw at random.

I guess that's what you mean Bulkathos but just to be sure, you don't always get a Destiny after resolving the Meeting with Destiny space, only if it says so on your path card.

Your question:

I guess it could have been written more precisely how you actually "gain a destiny", I was somewhat surprised when I re-read that part of the rule book just now.

You do get an answer from other places in the rule book though:

Setup p.4

Set Up Destiny Deck: Shuffle the Destiny deck and

place it facedown next to the Woodland board.

Alternative rules p.14

Choose Your Destiny

When a character gains a Destiny, instead of taking

the top card of the Destiny deck as normal, he may

search the Destiny deck for a Destiny of his choice

and take it.

So.. just like Artaterxes said

The standard rules are to shuffle all light and dark destinies together, and draw at random.

Mmmh, now that you point it out, a sentence explaining how you determine the Destiny card to gain is missing from the "Destiny Card" section of the Woodland Rulebook. It only says that the Destiny is placed in your play area.

You can infer the procedure from the "Choose Your Destiny" alternative rule, but it's a bit weird and the right place to state that would have been the Destiny Card rules section.

Edited by The_Warlock

Thank you for your replies!
