Hello. I'm new to fantasy flight games, normally only have played dnd, any help to my questions is greatly appreciated. While I was looking at the books and I began to wonder if all three core rulebooks are able to be used together? I plan on starting a Force and Destiny game when the core rule book is released and have ordered the beginners game kit. But something I keep seeing is that the book sort of caters to force users. The group I have wants something along the lines of smugglers or soldiers/ stormtrooper type of classes. Am I able to use Edge of the Empire and Age of Rebellion core rule books? Are there different rules, updated or re done at all? Any help would be great. Thanks.
Just starting....
Yes, all three books work well together. The mechanics are the same. Just each book focuses on a different aspect the the Star Wars universe: Edge of the Empire for your smugglers, Age of Rebellion for your soldiers, and Force and Destiny for your Force users.
As andyrross pointed out, all 3 books can be used together and, in fact, are designed to that purpose. You can play each separately as well but each one focuses on a different piece of the Star Wars universe. By the same token, just because Force and Destiny focuses on Force Sensitive characters and careers it doesn't mean everyone in it has to be jedi-like.
All careers in Force and Destiny grant Force Rating 1, this allows you to take force powers but doesn't require you to do so. Each of the careers also has 1 specialization that focuses on lightsaber combat in some way... again, nothing says you have to do this though. You could easily have a Seeker / Pathfinder with no lightsaber skill, no force powers and really no clue what the force is. They would, however, be a fairly decent explorer type character. As an example.
Yes, your players will have a good number more options if the other books are included. Still, it is likely they can also make a character to their tastes with just Force and Destiny. The other books do have supporting systems for a focus on a given kind of play though. Such as obligation for the down and out fringer type or duty for the stalwart rebellion supporter.
@andyrross Thanks for the information. I really appreciate it!
@ShiKage, Thanks, I have read tidbits on the force points, you actually cleared up a question of mine. Thanks for the information.
Each core rulebook also has a unique mechanic. Edge of the Empire has "Obligation", Age of Rebellion has "Duty", and Force and Destiny has "Morality". Like everything else in the game, however, any character can have any of these mechanics, more than one, or none, as the GM sees fit. My current group started out as EotE and found their way to the Rebellion. So, they have both Obligation and Duty. One of the PCs is also a Force-user, so he has Morality as well.
Each core rulebook also has a unique mechanic. Edge of the Empire has "Obligation", Age of Rebellion has "Duty", and Force and Destiny has "Morality". Like everything else in the game, however, any character can have any of these mechanics, more than one, or none, as the GM sees fit. My current group started out as EotE and found their way to the Rebellion. So, they have both Obligation and Duty. One of the PCs is also a Force-user, so he has Morality as well.
Thanks for the feed back. Luckily my party decided to meet me half-ways in a sense and we are starting with just one book, then may look to expand for a future game. This way we can all get the swing of it. We tested out to beginning campaign for Edge of the Empire and enjoyed it.