Rising Whirlwind: (4th row talent) 20pts
Spend move equivalent and roll force dice in a lightsaber or melee attack action. Spend Pips to grant blast rating of 1 per Pip generated & spent (upto Force rating)on next two weapon lightsaber or melee attack. Primary weapon must hit the initial target while offhand weapon causes blast damage to any engaged enemy including primary target instead of its normal damage. Attack has same difficulty as normal two weapon fighting and advantage cost.
Improved Rising Whirlwind: (5th row talent) 25 pts
Spend move equivalent action and make a Force roll in a lightsaber or melee attack action. Spend Pips generated & spent (upto Force rating) gives them a defense or deflection per Pip spent choosing where each pip gets allocated until the beginning of their next turn. Attack has same difficulty as normal two weapon fighting and advantage cost, but only primary weapon attacks while secondary concentrates on defense.
So you spend a manoeuvre, if you succeed you can spend light/dark pips up to force rating? So basically Blast 1 for as long as you stay in this tree? Why not also require Strain and 2 force pips, and let the second weapon deal full or half damage as Blast?
Twin Strike: (Row 3 talent) 15 pts
Reduces difficulty of two weapon fighting with lightsbers, melee, or brawl.
I'd add a Strain cost here, 2 strain would be sufficient and in line, I believe, with the Gunslinger's talent for ranged (light) attacks.