First Armada tournament in the Netherlands

By Elkerlyc, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

With a grand total of 4 games under my belt (one single core, one double core and two 'wave 1' games with either faction) I went with the build I used my last game to Utrecht.

I expected way more imperial players than Rebels so I decided to bring a Rebel list and the (IMO) rather easy to use and n00b-firendly assault frigate list.

To be more specific: (295 of 300 pts)

Flagship: (98 pts)

  • Assault Frigate Mark II B(72 pts)
  • General Dodonna (20 pts)
  • Flight Controllers (6 pts)

Fleet Ship 1: (99 pts)

  • Assault Frigate Mark II A(81 pts)
  • Ray Antilles (7 pts)
  • Paragon (5 pts)
  • XI7 Turbolasers (6 pts)

Fleet Ship 2: (49 pts)

  • CR90 Corvette A(44 pts)
  • Leia Organa (3 pts)
  • Jaina's Light (2 pts)

Squadrons (49 of 99 pts):

  • 1x Tycho Celchu A-Wing Squadron (16 pts)
  • 3x A-Wing Squadron (33 pts)


  • Advanced Gunnery
  • Hyperspace Assault
  • Intel Sweep

My first opponent had a Victory Class II with Tarkin, Chiraneau, A Gladiator with the Demolisher title and engine techs.

7 or 8 squadrons including Vader. Mauler, Soontir but only one bomber iirc. (yes; I am missing some upgrades. Blame my imperfect memory)

He had used more points than me and I made him choose from my objectives, hoping he'd make the mistake of picking Advanced Gunnery. He did.

After deployment i noticed his VSD was just a bit too far away from his Gladiator and I raced my chunky space whales as fast as their speed 3 allowed towards the Demolisher.


The Demolisher was crippled in one turn (one or two hull left) and finished off the turn after.

His VSD closed the Gap in turn 6 in an attempt to claw back some points. Leia handed out a concentrate fire to one AF. The other had the order already. All three of them fired away and on one turn the proud VSD was no more.

(yes; I think I had some good dice that turn. I did stack the odds in my favour but still.)

10-0 win.

The second game I saw Rebels. One Nebulon (salvation), two corvettes (Tantive and Dodonna's Pride) and some squadrons X-wings and A-wings including Tycho, Wedge and Luke. This time I opted to go second and picked "contested outpost". (not sure what he was thinking choosing that mission with his list)

I went with the two space whales for the outpost, the rebellious rebel scum (how should I call him? Traitorous rebels? Anyhow) obliged and met me head on. It did not work for him.
Boom! head-shot! -> Dodonna's Pride went the way of the Dodo.

(yes; 2 X-wing space mats next to each other do not look as good as one large one :( )

9-1 win.

3rd and last game; another traitor to the Rebel cause.

3x Nebulon B , Escorts including Salvation and gawdafwul many X-wings and B-wings.

I wanted to be first player. He had seen the first game and discarded 'advanced gunnery' and went for 'hyperspace assault. this turned out to be almost as evil as AG really.

10010310_1106096739404416_34795910330248 Paragon appearing (and a plucky A-wing) Much funz 2 B had. ^_^

Getting side shots on Nebulons with a Paragon with an extra die plus a reroll (conc. fire+Raymus) is seriously crippling. Add Dodonna for the added critical bonus and things go pearshaped FAST for Nebs.

9-1 win.

prize support:


I got me a medal for 1st place.

(neat but considering that so few play Armada and turned up I am merely pleased, not over the moon)

I got me alternate art Nebulon B escort and Victory Class II (Weee! AWESOME!) plus a dice bag and 5 nice acrylic concentrate fire tokens.

Armada is an amazing game in desperate need of more love in NL. :wub:

Edited by Elkerlyc

Well done and I hope that I can make the next one.

Did all the games finish in time?

Did all the games finish in time?

Not quite but close enough.

My second game we only played till 5th turn. This was in his favour.

I would have had a field day vs his single battered Nebulon with my 2 AF plus Corvette.

I think the majority of games were played to finish.

[edit; apparently only about half of the games were played to finish. Most went to turns 4 or 5 though.]

Edited by Elkerlyc

This was not the first Armada tournament in the Netherlands, nor did the majority of games get played to finish yesterday.

This was not the first Armada tournament in the Netherlands, nor did the majority of games get played to finish yesterday.

Oh? I was not aware of any other Armada tournament in the Netherlands?

where and when was it? I only knew of one Armada tournament and that one was cancelled.

As the organizer of the tournament Saturday I'm really pleased about all the attention from people in the shop and I expect that the next tournament we'll hold in Utrecht will have much higher attendance. Let's make the Armada community grow!

I think just under half the games finished completely within the time, the rest made it to turn 4-5 at least, by which time the winner was usually clear. It is understandable with everyone's unfamiliarity with this game that turns can often take a bit longer.

@Cremate: this definitely was the first organized play Armada tournament here in the Netherlands. There was supposed to be one earlier in Leiden and one in Rotterdam but both were postponed due to the delay of Wave 1 and corresponding lack of registrants. I haven't heard of a new date for either but will get on that to check.



re; attention.

Armada sure is a looker! SO many people p[assing by stopped and watched for a while. All sizes, shapes and ages.


@Cremate: this definitely was the first organized play Armada tournament here in the Netherlands. There was supposed to be one earlier in Leiden and one in Rotterdam but both were postponed due to the delay of Wave 1 and corresponding lack of registrants. I haven't heard of a new date for either but will get on that to check.

We were three people for the tournament in Leiden and we were three people for the tournamet in Utrecht (until a fourth player was called in as a substitute joining some hours later). Both events suffered from signups not showing up. We got nifty stuff from the tournament kit at both stores. I think it is a bit of a needless technicality claiming to be first in this, isn't it? ;)

Crossed fingers for the stores to keep trying to set these up; and for people to join them.