cut, sell, Regenerate, repeat. Money generating idea!

By Rese, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

I have got an idea. My PC is Psyker with mastered biomancy. I could remove any limb, or organ, regenerate it and sell it. Of course it is dangerous but still :D

1) what do you think about this?

2) How long my PC would need to regrow linb or organ?

3) For what price I could sell these linbs?

4) Do these limbs transfer some psychic energy to hosts?

Errr... while I can't imagine that the Imperium has no use for excess body parts (Servitors may need maintenance occasionally afterall), generally I would assume these parts are taken from those who no longer have any use of them.

Using Regeneration so frivolously is almost unquestionably going to result in Psychic Phenomena and Perils eventually, and honestly? If I were your GM I'd probably start giving you insanity points from the sheer pain of removing your own limbs repeatedly. Also, might be a good question for pondering but /why/ would your character do this? I would argue that the average puritan would see this as outright heretical. Peddling parts of your own body-- especially as you're a filthy Psyker who's very existence is a sin? Depending on the GM, I wouldn't be surprised if outright corruption points would be given for this action.

On top of this, people are probably gonna start asking questions about the guy who's walking around with a barrel full of human arms. Selling human limbs is not normal. People are going to start asking questions. A best case scenario is everyone starts getting REALLY uncomfortable around you and don't want to deal with you or talk to you anymore. A worst case scenario is people assume you're with a cult of some kind and call in someone to deal with the problem-- possibly another Inquisitorial investigative team.

As far as how long limbs take to regrow, I personally go with the assumption that it takes about one round to regrow a limb with Regeneration, but this only happens after the character has fully recovered.

But yeah, something tells me that there would be serious consequences for repeatedly butchering your own flesh like this. This is /not/ the behavior befitting a servant of the Inquisition. Sacrificing a limb for the greater good, to buy the trust of a group you're infiltrating? Fine. Lose a leg battling a cultist? Acceptable sacrifice. Cutting off your own hand and eating it to avoid starving in a hostile environment? Eww, I might just make you take insanity for that but.... okay.... Cutting off your arm so you can sell it for fifty gelt? That's just.... no. I cannot imagine even a Radical Inquisitor would give you a thumbs up for that.


Overall? Can you sell your limbs? ....Probably? Should you? Definitely not. And the crowds that would buy them from you are probably not the crowds you want to be associating with.

Edited by ColArana

Depends on if there's a buyer. It takes a special person to want to buy organs from a psyker, and who knows what they'll use them for.

Price is all about negotiation. Though it's probably illegal to traffic psyker organs on the face of it.

Honestly, you're far better off investing some of your thrones into a couple of grox farms or appartment buildings and harvesting from your livestock/tenants. Bonus points if you can get them to pay rent for the priviledge.

Thanks for answer :) I gues black market is an answer where to sell it.