Greetings fellow Admiral !
Pretty new to the game here from France and thoroughly enjoying it so far, the guys at FFG made a kid's dream come true with that game !
As I'm currently building my fleet(s?), I was looking at the Dominator card and the Dominator's fluff on Wookieepedia where it says that it was refitted as an anti-Rebel Squadron ship. So, this prompted the following question regarding its ability :
When making an attack that targets squadrons, is it considered as a single attack that targets all squadrons in range and within the arc of the hull zone, or is each squadron subject to an attack. The Learning Book and the Reference book both seem to hint that it is a single attack that targets all the squadrons in range but I wanted to be sure with help from you guys because you're using the "proper" ruleset (in English). Therefore, a single use of the Dominator's ability would allow to add the dice to the pool for each targeted squadron ?
Would it be legal to say that when using the Dominator's ability in an anti-fighter attack, you could potentially add up to 2 blue dice when resolving the attack against each squadron in range and line of sight of the attack, and only losing up to two shields ?
Thanks a lot !