Anything new for Deathwatch

By SinisterSyx, in Deathwatch

Is this on the back burner now, haven't seen much activity for deathwatch for awhile just wondering what's up with this lately.

As far as I know, no. The reprint of the Core, yes, but anything else..

Furthermore I would like to know, if the reprint includes the errata or is it just the same version as before? The product page says nothing about it..

It's just too quiet on the 40k front other than DH2 not one thing new for Deathwatch just like to know did ffg ran out of idea's or are they planning to hit us with a DW2.

It's just too quiet on the 40k front other than DH2 not one thing new for Deathwatch just like to know did ffg ran out of idea's or are they planning to hit us with a DW2.

Even DH2 is pretty quiet- there haven't been any new books announced in months.

I suspect that there will be a Rogue Trader 2nd Edition- the volume of traffic on the RT Forums indicates that there is still a lot of fan interest in that game. DW , however... not so much. I think this game may now belong solely to the fans...

Edited by Adeptus-B

I expect them to bring RT and DW to the FFG's rules up from Black libraries, make a few supplements (at least finish up the Ordo books they seem to be making for Dark heresy...hopefully) then let them fall by the wayside and work heavily on star wars.

I hope for a Warhammer Fantasy revival into a non cardless non special dice system, but am not holding my breath.

Its a very special kind of hobby after all, but I think that the european market could really have its fair share. We are not so well equipped with the books, but maybe thats just my perspective. :)

I would certainly appreciate a proper errata for the Books. I do not "need" a new Version of DW, but I would appreciate this too :D

I wouldn't be surprised if Gen Con reveals something for the 40k line. At least?

I'd love to hear about the next splat book for DH2, I wouldn't be surprised if they announced RT2.

Rogue Trader is, sadly, the one line I think might not get a 2e, as I understand it, it was the least successful by a rather wide margin. :(

I hope I'm wrong because it was awesome. But yeah...

Actually, I hope even more that instead of a new line it's released as a sourcebook for DH2.0

Rogue Trader is, sadly, the one line I think might not get a 2e, as I understand it, it was the least successful by a rather wide margin. :(

It still has a strong fan following, though. Compare the amount of activity on the RT Forums with the DW Forums- RT still gets several posts a day, while DW regularly goes multiple days without a new post. That's why I think RT is likely to get a 2nd Edition, while DW is a longshot...

Message board activity of a few die hards does not popular appeal mean. Sales numbers were apparently rather significantly lower than the other lines, that's what matters.

Yes, the forums are more active. Because for us hardcore gamers who love the setting and theme, RT spoke. It has a lot more to discuss! It appealed to the minority subset that haunts the boards and likes discussing things. But we're a very small group in the hobby at large. It always blows my mind how many gamers I know never bother posting on any gaming boards. Especially with as much as I'm on them.

Yes, the forums are more active. Because for us hardcore gamers who love the setting and theme, RT spoke. It has a lot more to discuss!

I think that's true -- Deathwatch sold well because it's SPESS MEHREENS (I once heard they make up 50% of all of GW's sales in the tabletop), but as with any hype, popularity does not equal loyalty/dedication. A lot of DW players may have moved on by now, whereas RT is niche and freeform enough to stand on its own two legs, as small as its "cult following" may be.

The question is whether the people who have moved on would come back if there really was a DW2.

Edited by Lynata


Unless GW decides to advance time in the 40k universe or adds gamer-driven content (like the Albion campaign in Fantasy), I doubt there will be a Deathwatch 2e. OR they could go backwards in DW history in the Reach....

The only other alternative would be for GW/FFG to create another area of space to focus on with its own unique history - giving the players another set of fluff to explore with updated DW rules.

Other than that, no. I'm not holding my breath for DW 2e.

Edited by Snerded

Well, personally I've never been of the opinion that GW's insistence to have the setting "frozen" at 999.M41 should be a problem. Even at that one point in time, the setting has many interesting places where things could happen, and any RPG group could simply decide to play at an earlier or later date as well -- it is their game, after all. Rules and setting are two different things, and the players have the right to make up their own 42nd millennium just as much as some Black Library novel writers do.

Indeed, I dread what could happen if GW advances the timeline, because they have written themselves into a rather narrow corner. Any kind of resolution to the current situation would split the playerbase by disappointment over either things not changing enough, or things changing in ways they do not appreciate. I think it could be interesting, but I also see the huge risks involved with such an endeavour.

On a sidenote, as far as I know, FFG's "current" Deathwatch takes place at 815.M41. Even if you are playing by FFG's current chronology (my group did not), you still have ~180 years to go until you get to the 13th Black Crusade. Almost enough time to retire due to old age. ;)

Edited by Lynata

At some point GW is going to advance time in 40k to keep the player base interested. I'm not saying everyone will be happy but there has to be an endgame in mind for them - just look at the way Fantasy is ending.

Personally, I think mankind in the 40k universe will be either eaten by Tyranids or destroyed by the Necron. That is, unless, the Emperor returns with the missing Primarchs; anything short of that is unlikely to stop the advance of those two xenos.

Instead of Deathwatch, I still wouldn't be -entirely- surprised if there is an update... called Horus Heresy.

It would solve the problem of needing all the missing successors, only 18 legions needed for characters!

That said, I'd still be surprised because I imagine that would be one hell of a licensing fee and likelihood questionable. But I'd buy the heck out of it!

Well now; THERE'S an interesting idea. A 40k roleplaying game where the PCs choose to be either traitors or loyalist Marines just before Horus splits.

Alternatively, it could be the Great Crusade or Unification War on Terra.

Yeah, I guess I figured it would be set before the Dropsite Massacre. With rules for random gribblies to kill and leave it open if it stays Crusade or if you have to choose.

Hell, there's even in-universe justification for the random non-your-legion Marine in a unit. That said, strongest if all the same, but still!

Message board activity of a few die hards does not popular appeal mean. Sales numbers were apparently rather significantly lower than the other lines, that's what matters.

True, but do any of us fans have reliable access to their sales numbers? Without that, we're all just taking our 'best guess'.

The only other alternative would be for GW/FFG to create another area of space to focus on with its own unique history - giving the players another set of fluff to explore with updated DW rules.

Given that every WH40KRP game has its own unique setting, including DH2, I think it's a given that a DW2 would have a new setting.

On a sidenote, as far as I know, FFG's "current" Deathwatch takes place at 815.M41. Even if you are playing by FFG's current chronology (my group did not), you still have ~180 years to go until you get to the 13th Black Crusade. Almost enough time to retire due to old age. ;)

DH2 doesn't have an official start date, does it? I suspect that's the direction FFG would take with any future Second editions- keep it vague and let individual GMs tailor the date to their own taste and campaign goals. Want to have a race against inevitable darkness? Use 999.M41. Want to be able to play in the universe without worrying about the Endtimes fluff intruding on your fun? Set it earlier in the century.

At some point GW is going to advance time in 40k to keep the player base interested.

I dunno, they've been running with 999.M41 for almost 30 years now, which is at least two generations of gamers. It is a somewhat prevalent demand, but so far it never seemed to hurt the franchise and it's certainly been the safest option. As they once said, they're giving you a setting, not a story. The story is what you make of it.

The rather drastic development in WHFB - which comes across less as advancing the plot, but rather providing a background excuse to turn the entire setting into a weird war-zoo where everyone is locked in perpetual battle - seems to have been the result of sales plummeting. I'm not sure they've reached this stage with 40k yet, nor am I convinced that a WHFB-style 40k would look more interesting than what we have now.

I still consider it a fun pastime to craft theories of how the setting might evolve, though. :)

Instead of Deathwatch, I still wouldn't be -entirely- surprised if there is an update... called Horus Heresy.

Hum.. It's not my cup of tea at all , but I still recognise that as a good idea. The Horus Heresy seems to be insanely popular, so there's certainly some justification for FFG to tap this potential in spite of the cost.

Given that every WH40KRP game has its own unique setting, including DH2, I think it's a given that a DW2 would have a new setting.

All the games in DH1 seem to have been linked somehow, though -- one of the DW Chapters is from DH's Calixis sector, for example, and I recall they even made it so that some IG regiments from there were funnelled into DW's crusade.

I'm not actually sure if FFG ever provided a date for RT or DW, though; I just assumed it was similar to DH because of said links.

DH2 doesn't have an official start date, does it?

Hmm, good question!

That being said, an official date should not feel binding to the players anyhow. My DW group certainly didn't feel like we absolutely had to adhere to the setting outlined in the books, and instead opted to use GW stuff about the Eastern Fringe at 999.M41. It allowed us to use some cool background that would have otherwise been unavailable.

Edited by Lynata

Yeah. The WHFB thing is all about trying to create a new IP so they can sue. The point about Spess Mehrens being 50+% of ALL GW sales is true. So they wanted to make something else new they can sue over. Hence even changing the names of Orks and Goblins. Creating the Stormforged thingies to be Fantasy Mehrens of a sort and all. I don't forsee the mega popular 40k needing to change more than the slow pace it has been at.

changing the names of Orks and Goblins

lol -- the "Astra Militarum" says hi. I guess this is one change I can see coming to 40k as well ... :S

the "Astra Militarum" says hi

As someone who had to suffer through 6 years of obligatory Latin in high school, and then some during the uni days, the words "Astra Militarum" made me discover my inner autist for the first time. Despite honestly hating all those classes and considering most of them a waste of time, the new name makes me cringe soooo hard I just want to cover my ears and sing "I can't hear you" over and over. Other Dog Latin in 40k is easy to ignore as it only comes up rarely, but the poor Guard is everywhere. It's kinda weird to discover I have actual emotions associated with the topic of Latin, but it turns out I am a weak man :)

I fervently hope that if when the big bosses at GW decide they want to have more names they can copyright, they leave "High Gothic" alone :angry:

Edited by musungu

Instead of Deathwatch, I still wouldn't be -entirely- surprised if there is an update... called Horus Heresy.

It would solve the problem of needing all the missing successors, only 18 legions needed for characters!

That said, I'd still be surprised because I imagine that would be one hell of a licensing fee and likelihood questionable. But I'd buy the heck out of it!

Horus Heresy could be fun, except it sort of has a concrete end to it; we know how it goes. This might leave little opening for some really good, long-term gaming, and that spells doom for the company who, like the material, or just use it to make money, want to sell books. If you want to say "it's your game. You can decide if Horus loses, or the Thousand Sons fall to Chaos!", then you already could, and don't need a whole new book line. We've all read some of the weird fanfics people have posted; I've done one, or two, myself, that no other fan of 40K would probably support, but many aren't popular. The current games work because they lead into hazy, with little likelihood of lasting up till the 13th Black Crusade, but that's material you can lead into, too. The Heresy? Not as much, in my singular opinion.

As for them writing past the 41st Millennium, I know some people weren't fans of the Battle of Cadia stuff, or the way they "ended" Fantasy, and then took it off in weird, new directions. Sort of like how Star Wars infuriated me by killing much of my EU (which I still use, anyway), to make room for new material I may not like, or may like, but am still sulking over the loss of the material I knew, better or worse, it's no certainty. Add to it that, sort of like 40K, SW is doing NOTHING to keep the fanbase interested in their upcoming movie, and it hurts, all the more. I've seen more trailers for SWTOR than they've done for the new continuity, Rebels seems dead, with no new toys, minusing Legos, no games, no Season 1 DVD, and possibly no Season 2, and the movie hasn't leaked anything, or given me any more idea what it's going to do. 40K is almost as guilty. I have NEVER liked Fantasy much, and got really mad when the not-tactical rules for it wormed into 40K, making a game at least purported to be tactical depend far too much on "lucky dice rolls", and AFTER you built your force. Rolling for powers and Warlord traits is dumb, and I'll never like it, there, or in Fantasy. Still, that's all they talk about on GW, right now (they also changed site format, and it's terrible, now); the new Age of Sigmar stuff. Hobbit is done, so that line of minis might disappear, now, like Specialist Games stuff did, but 40K is quiet, after the weird AdMech Not Quite Real Army books, that almost feel like they should be for the Heresy stuff, on FW.

Okay, I apologize for whining, and am done. I wouldn't mind a new version of RT, using more rules from OW/BC, maybe not even DW, either, but I'm not holding my breath. I also have 36 FFG 40K books, that tell me I'd rather not have them all rendered "the old edition", right now, so I can buy new books, with old rules, reworded to new format.

What I find absolutely vexing is that there's a rules clarification guy still theoretically available, but the Errata is not updated. The game would be so much more accessible for all involved if all the known issues and typos and omissions and the like were just simply collected and made available in one document, instead of hunting down Tim's answers as quoted in herichimo's and others' comments case by frigging case. Do we actually know why FFG won't touch it?

That said, I would gladly pay for a new edition with an actually useful, reworked Imperial Fists design.

Edited by musungu