Got my box today, and once I stopped grinning like a moron, I naturally set about checking content. Now the minis are awesome, but not unlike the ones I got in Chaos in the Old World, some were bent.
If you (like me) are the kind of person who cares, here's what you do:
1) identify and set aside all minis you want to straighten out.
2) Get 2 glasses or cups of water. One with cold water and one with hot. When I say "hot", I mean not boiling, but not far from it. I use the microwave myself to heat it to boiling point and let it settle slightly before going ahead.
3) Get some small pliers or a fork or something to gently lower bent mini into the hot water.
4) Be amazed as the mini de-warps (insert chaos joke here) back to it's original form.
5) Gently move the mini to the cup of cold water so it hardens back into it's correct shape.
6) Once dry, you should be ready to rock and roll.
For those interested, what happened here is that the plastic basically "remembers" its original shape from its printing. It has been bent by force and time in the bag it was shipped in, and that energy remains waiting to be unleashed, once we give it the chance by applying heat.
Ok, so make that VERY basically. =)
Have fun and don't burn yourselves.