Players in Poland?

By kuba4, in 3. AGoT Organized Play

Someone play? :) Is there scene in Poland? :)

there still should be many polish players! send me an email to and i will send you a few addresses. then you can contact them ...


I've played AGoT few years ago, had a break, but returned to this great card game.

I have one friend who also plays AGoT in my city (Lubin).

Some times ago, we played few tournaments in Wroclaw, but there were only 6-8 people each time.

But I think there can be more players now, because of LCG format. Especially among the board game players. I'm going to check it out :)

I wouldn't call it "a scene", but maybe someday...

E mail me at [email protected]


Thanks, I've left the message there.

Hope, there're more AGoT players.

Take care

Any players from Warszawa?

Hi I just wanted to say that in Czech republic we have a small meta comunity, and we held tournamets with 10-12 players. So if you would like to come and play sometimes with us I guess it would not be a problem. Mostly we play in Prague or in Ostrava which is very close to Poland borders and we just had there tournament last weekend. There is a big place to play and you can sleep over if you want. I think it would be nice if you join us for some time. I dont know if there will be another tournament this year, but definetly next year in january or february. So if you would like to come I am sure that we could arrange something. I will speak to the main NW here and if you are intrested PM me.

It's too big distance for me but I hope to see you at Eurocon 2010 happy.gif

It is 4h 30min trip by train from Warszaw to Ostrava so it is just 1h more then the trip from Prague. So I am just saying that if you ever wanted you are welcome to join us.