[Setting] New Sith Wars

By 6Kilgs, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG

Something for my campaign but I figured I'd offer the rough notes to everyone...

Back when I was dreaming about the future Force corebook, I was looking for a neat setting. I came across the New Sith Wars (-2000 BBY to -1000BBY). It hits all the right spots and has lots of wiggle room. But mostly, it provides the ability to run a campaign from any and all of the corebooks. It offers solutions to many of the “what do I do with it” concerns that a few people have raised here.

Campaign ideas at the bottom. I’ll post my rough map at a later date since it’s on another computer.

THE REPUBLIC BEGINS TO ROT [-2000 BBY/0 Intrabellum]

For almost a thousand years after the seventeenth and last Alsakan Conflict, the galaxy had enjoyed an era of relative peace and social and economic stability. The Sith had not been heard of since the end of the Galactic War sixteen hundred years prior, and what little remnants of that order existed, posed no threat to the now unchallenged, if complacent Jedi.

It is the second great age of colonization as galaxy-spanning hyperlanes such as the Hydian Way and Corellian Trade Spine are finalized. The Republic spreads beyond the Slice and into the Mid Rim and Outer Rim territories, making contact with new species and colonizing thousands of new star systems. Over the years, the Republic struggles to assimilate these new member worlds. Giving each of them full membership in the Senate would create a bureaucratic nightmare, so instead, the new member worlds are given only partial membership, most only able to send non-voting representatives and lobbyists to the Senate.

A solution is proposed by enacting sector-based senator positions. As new sectors are added to the Republic, the Galactic Senate nominates a single Senator to represent the entirety of the sector. These new positions mollify the masses for only a short time. As the existing Senators remain representative of their individual planets, these newcomers beset by demands from many constituents lack the voting power to overcome the entrenched elite of the Core. Factionalism within species and sectors rears its ugly head and renders many sector Senators ineffectual or simply incapable of providing resolutions to their consituents.

This weak representation leaves the new colonies and junior members of the Republic vulnerable to political and economic exploitation at the hands of interstellar megacorporations, who use bribery and coercion to block any attempts at curbing their power. As disillusionment grows in the outlying systems, well-meaning senators propose legislative remedies, only to see them killed in committee through the efforts of the commerce guilds.


The Jedi Order watched from the sidelines as the power and the corruption of the Senate infected the very institutional beliefs of the Republic. While debate and factionalism grew within the Order itself, the Jedi Council strictly adheres to the belief that their role in the Republic is to maintain law and justice. The precepts of the Order are to allow individuals the opportunity for freedom and independence. That the Republic has no longer become a similar tool worries many in the Order.

The Fourth Great Schism was the result of a well-respected Master Jedi, Phanius, who felt that the Order was the only instrument capable of reforming the Republic and ending the corruption. His call to action gained adherents and traction within the Order but eventually he was brought to heel before the Council. The Council is firm in its stance and Master Phanius publicly steps away from the Jedi Order. In doing so, he became known as one of the Lost (XXX), esteemed Jedi whose philosophies required a respectful withdrawal from the Jedi Order and its precepts. Master Phanius disappeared from sight but not before dozens of Jedi Knights and younger Padawans rally to his cause. In the space of a year, their odyssey from the Republic is over and they are not seen again.


The return of the Sith was without warning and their power swept aside opposition in the north-east quadrant of the galaxy. Led by Darth Ruin, the first Dark Lord of the Sith in a hundred generations, the Sith Empire consolidated its hold over ancestral territories such as Korriban and Yavin 4. Darth Ruin strode the stars at the head of a military machine millions strong surrounded by Sith warlords and acolytes. The Sith Empire was led by its dark warlords, now comprised of all species not just the Sith purebloods, and drove the light of the Republic back and back again.

The New Sith, as the Council names them, call on their traditional comrades-in-arms, the Mandalorians, for their military expertise. As the Republic prevaricated and debated about the presence this new power in the Outer Rim, the Sith Empire marshaled their forces and trained new recruits under the eyes of Mandalorian experts. The manufactories of a hundred worlds glowed brightly with the industry of war.

The Jedi Order did not fail to realize the extent of the threat; recognizing their ancient enemies immediately. Republican elites refused to heed their calls for action and counseled patience and diplomacy. Lacking the support of the Republic and, therefore, its military, the Jedi gathered their own ranks and prepared for war.

The Jedi found unlikely allies in the megacorporations. Under Darth Ruin, the Sith Empire absorbed industries, corporations and clamped down on trade in every area under their control. Those behemoths that dominated systems trade and markets outside the Core saw this Sith Empire as a threat to their profits. A crude alliance of these megacorps backed the Jedi militarization and supplied the Order with an army of droids to supplement their ranks.

The Sith Empire launched its first major assault down the Hydian Way from Taris. Darth Ruin’s devastating assault ripped through systems along the hyperlane until it reached the mobilized Jedi Order. This battle was devastating to both sides but the Sith recoiled from Darth Ruin’s suicidal tactics and disregard for his followers. For the first time, the Sith are driven back to their own borders in the Outer Rim.

This defeat costs Darth Ruin his life as the Sith warlords turn on him. Bereft of their leader, the Sith Empire becomes a unified power in name only. The Sith Empire breaks into numerous factions led by warlords. These factions coalesce with each other to form multiple, mobile threats to the surrounding space. Seeking territory of their own, the Sith warlords, accompanied by their faithful followers and hired mercenaries, spread like an infection at the edges of the Republic.

The Jedi Order, unaware of these happenings and having suffered its own losses, are incapable of pressing the advantage. Pleas to the Republic for military aid fall on deaf ears as the Core Worlds vote overwhelmingly to acknowledge the defeat of the Sith. While the sentients on the Rim and other Regions see the darkness spreading, the Republic remains secure and distant from the perspective of those in power. Instead of a single united enemy, the Republic now faces dozens of independent armies, all equally ruthless and capable of striking anywhere at any time.

THE INFECTION SPREADS [-1950 to -1740/50 to 260 IB]

THE SITH INTERREGNUM [-1740 to -1540/260 to 460 IB]

For the next two hundred years, the Sith Empire and the Republic trade blows across the galaxy. As the cohesiveness of the Sith erodes, the various factions and warlords stake out territories throughout the stars. The Republic

The Jedi were the foremost defenders of the Republic’s far-flung members and states at this time. While the Council heeded the dictates of the Republic Senate, the call for justice was too strong for many Jedi.

THE REPUBLIC/JEDI MILITARIZATION [-1540 to -1466/460 to 534 IB]

By the mid-5 th century, the Jedi Order had convinced the Republic that victory over the Sith was a necessity. The Republic and the galaxy had suffered greatly under the ongoing struggles in the Outer Rim, Expansion and Mid-Rim regions. The call for militarization was heard throughout the systems of the Republic. Generations that had known nothing but distant war were inspired to enlist in the new Republic military. With the support of Chancellor Kee Okor, an upstart supported by industrial clout, the Republic swung back onto war footing.

The new Republic offensives, bolstered by scores of combat-trained Jedi, swept into Sith space and those areas left to their own devices generations ago. The Republic achieved numerous victories over a number of years as the disorganized Sith were divided and easy meat for the return of the Republic. Large-scale victories in Corphelion, King’s Galquek and Gap Nine were responsible for freeing entire sectors of the galaxy from Sith domination.

These systems were reclaimed in the name of the Republic but…


Even the Jedi Order, long deferring to their agenda for order and peace-keeping, stepped wholeheartedly into the militant effort. Padawans were required to return to the Academy for a year of military training before they could be considered for the Trials. Many masters sent their apprentices at young ages such as fifteen and sixteen in order to improve their efficacy at their master’s side. Instructed in conventional weaponry, strategy and tactical coordination, the new Jedi were prepared to take their role as battle-leaders in the coming storm.

BATTLE OF MIZRA [-1466/534 IB]

The Battle of Mizra marked the end of the renewed Republic war effort. The massive economic toll and loss of life that accompanied the victories and campaigns of the last century were leaving their mark on the Republic. As always, a sensation of victory amongst the populace far exceeded the reality of the situation. With this sensation came a disinterest in the life-and-death struggle taking place hundreds of lightyears away. This apathy and discontent grew as pressure on the Republic eased even while, economically, the entity withered under war debt.

Considered one of the most decisive victories in the war, the Sith devastated a Republic offensive and turned the tide. Over a half-million Republic soldiers slain and hundreds of Jedi surrendered to the Dark Side and the Sith. The defeat sent shockwaves through the Jedi Order.

SITH ASCENDANCY AND THE NEW IMPERIUM [-1466 to -1401/534 to 599 IB]

The backlash to the Battle of Mizra was severe and far-reaching. The galaxy tremored as new dedication swept through the Sith ranks. The infusion of Fallen Jedi bolstered the ranks of the Dark Side. Conquered systems throughout the galaxy began to churn out materiel for the Sith war machine. New warlords rose amongst the Sith and brought order to the civil war that had weakened their ranks and allowed the Republic to reverse the course of the war over the past century. The Sith factions began to cooperate and even discuss unity amongst them. At the time, huge swathes of the galaxy were under Sith rule and many of the systems had known centuries of dominion by the Dark Side.

The Republic reeled from the defeat and the betrayal of so many Jedi. The Senate and the people turned on the Jedi Order with accusing eyes. It had been the Order that pushed so hard for the resumption of active warfare with the Sith and the…

During this time, a cohesiveness began to appear amongst the Sith. Word of joint operations and reduced factional conflict reached the Republic and the Jedi Order. Without serious opposition from the Republic, still reeling, the Sith began to coalesce into a unity not seen for centuries.

The Sith Ascendancy adopted a quasi-feudal approach to governance amongst the dark forces. While some conflict occurred between dominions, it was clear that the Sith had evolved a new form of unity as lesser warlords and adepts swore fealty to stronger Sith. These High Lords, the oath-holders of many warlords, brought a measure of order to Sith Space. Territories began to firm up their borders, resources and military assets began to be shared amongst the various over-dominions formed by these feudal bonds.

These High Lords accepted responsibility for their own territories but also began to coordinate and stifle warring between other Sith factions. Whispers of this new body, the Imperium, filtered down to Republic spies and the results of this unity was to tilt the scales once again against the Republic.


A seed of fear amongst the Republic had grown into a movement, quiet at first, that gained traction among many in power. A movement to seek an armistice with the Sith and an end to the centuries of war. The movement was promulgated in backrooms and private conversations. It had its greatest support amongst the financial communities which had suffered long under the onus of the conflict. As it grew in support, word of it inevitably reached the ears of the Jedi Order.

As word of the growing support for an armistice reached the Jedi, the Council was pressured into action. The Order itself had hardened into factions over the centuries. The influence each of these factions held over the Jedi and the Council itself ebbed and flowed with each passing year. he Council had been in disarray since Mizra. Unwilling to commit to the conflict for fear of another disaster, the Council had retreated behind its protestations of protecting only the Republic despite the avowed purpose of the Sith to destroy them. These decisions marred the membership of the Council in the Order’s eyes as antagonism towards Jedi again reared its head.

Pressure within the Order itself, led by several militaristic Masters, resulted in the resignation of five Council members over a short period of time. Responding to the cries of their Order, the Council raised up two of the most vocal Masters to long-term seats on the Council. A life term was granted to Master Ranc Tyu, a more conservative Jedi who had nevertheless seen his share of warfare. Present at the Battle of Mizra, Master Tyu was scarred by the massive betrayal of his brethren and his experiences lent fervor to his cause. The previous holder of the seat, Master Laxum, had been one of those who remained subservient to the Senate over the decades of his tenure. This position cast him poorly in the new politics of the Order. Master Tyu’s appointment was to be a sop to the militaristic factions, as were the short-term seats, in order to forestall any action on their part.

Over the course of the following decade, the tenor of the Jedi Order changed and became almost paranoid in its perception of the Republic especially the Senate. The whispers of armistice had grown into open calls for such action, calls that were answered firmly by Jedi and their allied Senators. The politics seeped its way into the Order and brought resounding calls for Jedi leadership and reformation of the Republic.

In 599 IB, Jedi Master Ranc Tyu ascended to the office of the Chancellor of the Republic Senate. Several years earlier, the Senate narrowly passed a resolution allowing distinguished military and non-Senatorial individuals to seek the position of Senate Chancellor. Seen as a non-starter, the resolution was rarely commented on since no such individual could expect the support of an entrenched Senate elite to vote outside the “family.”

History records that the Jedi Order did not seek the power though many would disagree with such a statement. Whispers of coercion, bribery and power-wrangling between Jedi factions, Senators and the elite would grow into shouts and accusations but it did not stop his appointment. Indicating that his assumption of the seat was a temporary measure to lead the Republic in a time of strife, Chancellor Tyu promised that he would step down from the post when he was confident in his reforms.

After seventeen years in the office, Chancellor Tyu did step down… to his hand-picked candidate, Jedi Master Koor. It soon became apparent in the Order that a powerful faction of Jedi intended to strengthen their grip on the Republic. To the supporters, it is believed that this leadership will provide a restoration of the Republic and victory over the Sith. To the detractors, it is yet another sign that the Order has been subverted into a faction of elites that seek power for themselves. Accusations of corruption and excess abound within and without the Order.

Four years into his term, Chancellor Koor with the support of the Senate, issued the Bastion Decree.


Preservation of the Republic and a restoration of stability was deemed necessary to the continued existence of the Republic. The Bastion Decree ordered all Republic forces to withdraw to established corridors of control and territories to maintain a strong defense against the encroaching Sith Imperium. The dismantling of far-flung hyperspace beacons has been ordered in certain areas vulnerable to invasion. Holonet transceivers and relays have been shut down or left to decay in areas no longer defended by the Republic.


The struggle for galactic supremacy continues. The Jedi Order is polarized between philosophical and militant factions. Many Jedi Knights have abandoned the Order and made their way into the Conflict Zones of the Outer Rim, Mid-Rim and Expansion Regions. Alone, in small groups, and sometimes supported by mercenaries or loyalist troops, these knights continue to fight the Sith and petty dictators amongst the lawless stars. They are supported by local systems, various Core World groups and corporations, as well as clandestine activities within the Republic itself.

Republic forces, held in check by a nerveless Senate, maneuver constantly to press the advantage. Espionage, deep-strikes, and covert operations in support of localized insurrections or campaigns has become the norm. The Republic military machine has seen mass defections in personnel who have followed the Jedi into war against the Sith. Many of them simply seek to reclaim worlds once cherished by the Republic.

The Sith Imperium continues to grow and war against free peoples everywhere. While strife and conflict between the Sith is still common, the Ascendancy feudal order has stemmed the most vicious of these internal struggles. Now, when a Sith Lord rides the stars to war, they are accompanied by vassals and forces from all of their holdings. High Lords can muster military forces sufficient to crush entire sectors of the galaxy. Acting in a mutual non-aggression, the High Lords have dissected the galaxy into areas of responsibility and future expansion. The mercenary Sith warlords and Adepts gather together to wage war and seek power or profit in these very same stars. Acting independently, these Sith raiding forces cause trouble throughout the galaxy. Many of these campaigns result in the formation of new fiefdoms for these raiders and christen the truly victorious as new Lords.

Within the Imperium and in the stars between, a hundred rebellions grow in strength. Without the Holonet, these groups are unable to coordinate across massive distances but focus on local and sector opposition. These rebellions exist in Sith and free space alike with the growing realization that cooperation in the face of the Imperium is the only possible chance.

Between the Republic and the Sith Imperium lie the undefended stars and independent regions. Here the mercenary, the criminal, and the power-monger all seek their own causes. Warfare, espionage, cutthroat commerce, piracy, slavery and far more villainous actions manifest constantly in these regions. Nature abhors a vacuum and so petty dictators, pocket empires and other factions grow in power and seek domination of their neighbors. System conflicts and pocket wars flare up repeatedly between the many different powers in these regions.

A dark cloud seems to be on the horizon and many feel the coming anarchy in their very bones. For the Jedi, the Force hums with the plaintive cries of lost souls on so many stars.

The galaxy is in a war for survival, only the fittest shall survive. All others shall kneel or perish.


Rebellion Campaign

The basic campaign in mind was designed around Force and Destiny. The players would be Jedi/Padawan that head out into the Mid-Rim, Expansion, and Outer Rim to bring the fight to the Sith. By joining a sector rebellion group, they would work within the various Sith territories to bring an end to their rule. Players would likely be Jedi but all corebooks would be used. Duty/Contribution would be a mechanic available to all.

With the Sith operating in feudal pockets, the players could be an effective force against a domain that covered only a sector. While the overall Imperium would respond to a massive threat such as Republic invasion, these smaller domains would be forced to deal with insurrection with their own resources. This makes a very plausible way for players to have a huge impact and overthrow a Sith Lord!

Republic Campaign

Fighting corruption, crime, Sith infiltrators, politics and corporation machinations. This campaign would be focused on urban adventures and plots. Players would likely come from all corebooks. The possibilities here are endless and not much different than a KOTOR setting.

Scoundrel Campaign

A straight Edge of the Empire campaign works beautifully also. No central authority makes trade and smuggling between systems a veritable gold mine. Insurgents in Sith territories need resources, the Sith need goods, the Republic needs information, and the Hutts need money. Black Sun exists in addition to a hundred other organizations. Slavers and pirates abound in the lawless regions and the Outer Rim.

Mercenary Campaign

Mercenaries in the lawless stars. Any number of conflicts could be the focus of this game as well a series of unconnected contracts. A city rebelling against a local dictator, a system wanting a covert strike against a neighboring system as a prelude to invasion, a Core corporation seeking information or action outside their reach. Factions within the Republic may hire disposable heroes for black-bag operations, while the Sith Imperium may do the same. Sith Lords may hire mercenaries for private wars between each other for deniability. And, of course, there are wandering Jedi on their own crusades who require muscle.

Sith Campaign

For those who just have to have it… a Sith campaign also works great in this era. Due to the feudal nature of the Imperium, a group of Sith Acolytes/Marauders/Adepts working together to gain enough power to compete in the game of Sith politics would be a common occurrence. This campaign would look similar to traveling warbands gaining favor and fortune under local lords. A more political campaign would be the group serving under the same Sith Lord. Service under this Lord would include trouble-shooting, diplomacy to other Sith, responding to calls for mustering, and so on. Any medieval fantasy game would provide ripe material for this type of game.

Think Game of Thrones but with dark robes, lightsabers and glowing yellow eyes.

Back when I was dreaming about the future Force corebook, I was looking for a neat setting. I came across the New Sith Wars (-2000 BBY to -1000BBY). It hits all the right spots and has lots of wiggle room. But mostly, it provides the ability to run a campaign from any and all of the corebooks. It offers solutions to many of the “what do I do with it” concerns that a few people have raised…

Campaign ideas at the bottom. I’ll post my rough map at a later date since it’s on another computer.

NEW SITH WARS (627 Intra Bellum/1373 BBY)


For almost a thousand years after the seventeenth and last Alsakan Conflict, the galaxy had enjoyed an era of relative peace and social and economic stability. The Sith had not been heard of since the end of the Galactic War sixteen hundred years prior, and what little remnants of that order existed, posed no threat to the now unchallenged, if complacent Jedi.

It is the second great age of colonization as galaxy-spanning hyperlanes such as the Hydian Way and Corellian Trade Spine are finalized. The Republic spreads beyond the Slice and into the Mid Rim and Outer Rim territories, making contact with new species and colonizing thousands of new star systems. Over the years, the Republic struggles to assimilate these new member worlds. Giving each of them full membership in the Senate would create a bureaucratic nightmare, so instead, the new member worlds are given only partial membership, most only able to send non-voting representatives and lobbyists to the Senate.

A solution is proposed by enacting sector-based senator positions. As new sectors are added to the Republic, the Galactic Senate nominates a single Senator to represent the entirety of the sector. These new positions mollify the masses for only a short time. As the existing Senators remain representative of their individual planets, these newcomers beset by demands from many constituents lack the voting power to overcome the entrenched elite of the Core. Factionalism within species and sectors rears its ugly head and renders many sector Senators ineffectual or simply incapable of providing resolutions to their consituents.

This weak representation leaves the new colonies and junior members of the Republic vulnerable to political and economic exploitation at the hands of interstellar megacorporations, who use bribery and coercion to block any attempts at curbing their power. As disillusionment grows in the outlying systems, well-meaning senators propose legislative remedies, only to see them killed in committee through the efforts of the commerce guilds.


The Jedi Order watched from the sidelines as the power and the corruption of the Senate infected the very institutional beliefs of the Republic. While debate and factionalism grew within the Order itself, the Jedi Council strictly adheres to the belief that their role in the Republic is to maintain law and justice. The precepts of the Order are to allow individuals the opportunity for freedom and independence. That the Republic has no longer become a similar tool worries many in the Order.

The Fourth Great Schism was the result of a well-respected Master Jedi, Phanius, who felt that the Order was the only instrument capable of reforming the Republic and ending the corruption. His call to action gained adherents and traction within the Order but eventually he was brought to heel before the Council. The Council is firm in its stance and Master Phanius publicly steps away from the Jedi Order. In doing so, he became known as one of the Lost (XXX), esteemed Jedi whose philosophies required a respectful withdrawal from the Jedi Order and its precepts. Master Phanius disappeared from sight but not before dozens of Jedi Knights and younger Padawans rally to his cause. In the space of a year, their odyssey from the Republic is over and they are not seen again.


The return of the Sith was without warning and their power swept aside opposition in the north-east quadrant of the galaxy. Led by Darth Ruin, the first Dark Lord of the Sith in a hundred generations, the Sith Empire consolidated its hold over ancestral territories such as Korriban and Yavin 4. Darth Ruin strode the stars at the head of a military machine millions strong surrounded by Sith warlords and acolytes. The Sith Empire was led by its dark warlords, now comprised of all species not just the Sith purebloods, and drove the light of the Republic back and back again.

The New Sith, as the Council names them, call on their traditional comrades-in-arms, the Mandalorians, for their military expertise. As the Republic prevaricated and debated about the presence this new power in the Outer Rim, the Sith Empire marshaled their forces and trained new recruits under the eyes of Mandalorian experts. The manufactories of a hundred worlds glowed brightly with the industry of war.

The Jedi Order did not fail to realize the extent of the threat; recognizing their ancient enemies immediately. Republican elites refused to heed their calls for action and counseled patience and diplomacy. Lacking the support of the Republic and, therefore, its military, the Jedi gathered their own ranks and prepared for war.

The Jedi found unlikely allies in the megacorporations. Under Darth Ruin, the Sith Empire absorbed industries, corporations and clamped down on trade in every area under their control. Those behemoths that dominated systems trade and markets outside the Core saw this Sith Empire as a threat to their profits. A crude alliance of these megacorps backed the Jedi militarization and supplied the Order with an army of droids to supplement their ranks.

The Sith Empire launched its first major assault down the Hydian Way from Taris. Darth Ruin’s devastating assault ripped through systems along the hyperlane until it reached the mobilized Jedi Order. This battle was devastating to both sides but the Sith recoiled from Darth Ruin’s suicidal tactics and disregard for his followers. For the first time, the Sith are driven back to their own borders in the Outer Rim.

This defeat costs Darth Ruin his life as the Sith warlords turn on him. Bereft of their leader, the Sith Empire becomes a unified power in name only. The Sith Empire breaks into numerous factions led by warlords. These factions coalesce with each other to form multiple, mobile threats to the surrounding space. Seeking territory of their own, the Sith warlords, accompanied by their faithful followers and hired mercenaries, spread like an infection at the edges of the Republic.

The Jedi Order, unaware of these happenings and having suffered its own losses, are incapable of pressing the advantage. Pleas to the Republic for military aid fall on deaf ears as the Core Worlds vote overwhelmingly to acknowledge the defeat of the Sith. While the sentients on the Rim and other Regions see the darkness spreading, the Republic remains secure and distant from the perspective of those in power. Instead of a single united enemy, the Republic now faces dozens of independent armies, all equally ruthless and capable of striking anywhere at any time.

THE INFECTION SPREADS [-1950 to -1740/50 to 260 IB]

THE SITH INTERREGNUM [-1740 to -1540/260 to 460 IB]

For the next two hundred years, the Sith Empire and the Republic trade blows across the galaxy. As the cohesiveness of the Sith erodes, the various factions and warlords stake out territories throughout the stars. The Republic

The Jedi were the foremost defenders of the Republic’s far-flung members and states at this time. While the Council heeded the dictates of the Republic Senate, the call for justice was too strong for many Jedi.

THE REPUBLIC/JEDI MILITARIZATION [-1540 to -1466/460 to 534 IB]

By the mid-5 th century, the Jedi Order had convinced the Republic that victory over the Sith was a necessity. The Republic and the galaxy had suffered greatly under the ongoing struggles in the Outer Rim, Expansion and Mid-Rim regions. The call for militarization was heard throughout the systems of the Republic. Generations that had known nothing but distant war were inspired to enlist in the new Republic military. With the support of Chancellor Kee Okor, an upstart supported by industrial clout, the Republic swung back onto war footing.

The new Republic offensives, bolstered by scores of combat-trained Jedi, swept into Sith space and those areas left to their own devices generations ago. The Republic achieved numerous victories over a number of years as the disorganized Sith were divided and easy meat for the return of the Republic. Large-scale victories in Corphelion, King’s Galquek and Gap Nine were responsible for freeing entire sectors of the galaxy from Sith domination.

These systems were reclaimed in the name of the Republic but…


Even the Jedi Order, long deferring to their agenda for order and peace-keeping, stepped wholeheartedly into the militant effort. Padawans were required to return to the Academy for a year of military training before they could be considered for the Trials. Many masters sent their apprentices at young ages such as fifteen and sixteen in order to improve their efficacy at their master’s side. Instructed in conventional weaponry, strategy and tactical coordination, the new Jedi were prepared to take their role as battle-leaders in the coming storm.

BATTLE OF MIZRA [-1466/534 IB]

The Battle of Mizra marked the end of the renewed Republic war effort. The massive economic toll and loss of life that accompanied the victories and campaigns of the last century were leaving their mark on the Republic. As always, a sensation of victory amongst the populace far exceeded the reality of the situation. With this sensation came a disinterest in the life-and-death struggle taking place hundreds of lightyears away. This apathy and discontent grew as pressure on the Republic eased even while, economically, the entity withered under war debt.

Considered one of the most decisive victories in the war, the Sith devastated a Republic offensive and turned the tide. Over a half-million Republic soldiers slain and hundreds of Jedi surrendered to the Dark Side and the Sith. The defeat sent shockwaves through the Jedi Order.

SITH ASCENDANCY AND THE NEW IMPERIUM [-1466 to -1401/534 to 599 IB]

The backlash to the Battle of Mizra was severe and far-reaching. The galaxy tremored as new dedication swept through the Sith ranks. The infusion of Fallen Jedi bolstered the ranks of the Dark Side. Conquered systems throughout the galaxy began to churn out materiel for the Sith war machine. New warlords rose amongst the Sith and brought order to the civil war that had weakened their ranks and allowed the Republic to reverse the course of the war over the past century. The Sith factions began to cooperate and even discuss unity amongst them. At the time, huge swathes of the galaxy were under Sith rule and many of the systems had known centuries of dominion by the Dark Side.

The Republic reeled from the defeat and the betrayal of so many Jedi. The Senate and the people turned on the Jedi Order with accusing eyes. It had been the Order that pushed so hard for the resumption of active warfare with the Sith and the…

During this time, a cohesiveness began to appear amongst the Sith. Word of joint operations and reduced factional conflict reached the Republic and the Jedi Order. Without serious opposition from the Republic, still reeling, the Sith began to coalesce into a unity not seen for centuries.

The Sith Ascendancy adopted a quasi-feudal approach to governance amongst the dark forces. While some conflict occurred between dominions, it was clear that the Sith had evolved a new form of unity as lesser warlords and adepts swore fealty to stronger Sith. These High Lords, the oath-holders of many warlords, brought a measure of order to Sith Space. Territories began to firm up their borders, resources and military assets began to be shared amongst the various over-dominions formed by these feudal bonds.

These High Lords accepted responsibility for their own territories but also began to coordinate and stifle warring between other Sith factions. Whispers of this new body, the Imperium, filtered down to Republic spies and the results of this unity was to tilt the scales once again against the Republic.


A seed of fear amongst the Republic had grown into a movement, quiet at first, that gained traction among many in power. A movement to seek an armistice with the Sith and an end to the centuries of war. The movement was promulgated in backrooms and private conversations. It had its greatest support amongst the financial communities which had suffered long under the onus of the conflict. As it grew in support, word of it inevitably reached the ears of the Jedi Order.

As word of the growing support for an armistice reached the Jedi, the Council was pressured into action. The Order itself had hardened into factions over the centuries. The influence each of these factions held over the Jedi and the Council itself ebbed and flowed with each passing year. he Council had been in disarray since Mizra. Unwilling to commit to the conflict for fear of another disaster, the Council had retreated behind its protestations of protecting only the Republic despite the avowed purpose of the Sith to destroy them. These decisions marred the membership of the Council in the Order’s eyes as antagonism towards Jedi again reared its head.

Pressure within the Order itself, led by several militaristic Masters, resulted in the resignation of five Council members over a short period of time. Responding to the cries of their Order, the Council raised up two of the most vocal Masters to long-term seats on the Council. A life term was granted to Master Ranc Tyu, a more conservative Jedi who had nevertheless seen his share of warfare. Present at the Battle of Mizra, Master Tyu was scarred by the massive betrayal of his brethren and his experiences lent fervor to his cause. The previous holder of the seat, Master Laxum, had been one of those who remained subservient to the Senate over the decades of his tenure. This position cast him poorly in the new politics of the Order. Master Tyu’s appointment was to be a sop to the militaristic factions, as were the short-term seats, in order to forestall any action on their part.

Over the course of the following decade, the tenor of the Jedi Order changed and became almost paranoid in its perception of the Republic especially the Senate. The whispers of armistice had grown into open calls for such action, calls that were answered firmly by Jedi and their allied Senators. The politics seeped its way into the Order and brought resounding calls for Jedi leadership and reformation of the Republic.

In 599 IB, Jedi Master Ranc Tyu ascended to the office of the Chancellor of the Republic Senate. Several years earlier, the Senate narrowly passed a resolution allowing distinguished military and non-Senatorial individuals to seek the position of Senate Chancellor. Seen as a non-starter, the resolution was rarely commented on since no such individual could expect the support of an entrenched Senate elite to vote outside the “family.”

History records that the Jedi Order did not seek the power though many would disagree with such a statement. Whispers of coercion, bribery and power-wrangling between Jedi factions, Senators and the elite would grow into shouts and accusations but it did not stop his appointment. Indicating that his assumption of the seat was a temporary measure to lead the Republic in a time of strife, Chancellor Tyu promised that he would step down from the post when he was confident in his reforms.

After seventeen years in the office, Chancellor Tyu did step down… to his hand-picked candidate, Jedi Master Koor. It soon became apparent in the Order that a powerful faction of Jedi intended to strengthen their grip on the Republic. To the supporters, it is believed that this leadership will provide a restoration of the Republic and victory over the Sith. To the detractors, it is yet another sign that the Order has been subverted into a faction of elites that seek power for themselves. Accusations of corruption and excess abound within and without the Order.

Four years into his term, Chancellor Koor with the support of the Senate, issued the Bastion Decree.


Preservation of the Republic and a restoration of stability was deemed necessary to the continued existence of the Republic. The Bastion Decree ordered all Republic forces to withdraw to established corridors of control and territories to maintain a strong defense against the encroaching Sith Imperium. The dismantling of far-flung hyperspace beacons has been ordered in certain areas vulnerable to invasion. Holonet transceivers and relays have been shut down or left to decay in areas no longer defended by the Republic.


The struggle for galactic supremacy continues. The Jedi Order is polarized between philosophical and militant factions. Many Jedi Knights have abandoned the Order and made their way into the Conflict Zones of the Outer Rim, Mid-Rim and Expansion Regions. Alone, in small groups, and sometimes supported by mercenaries or loyalist troops, these knights continue to fight the Sith and petty dictators amongst the lawless stars. They are supported by local systems, various Core World groups and corporations, as well as clandestine activities within the Republic itself.

Republic forces, held in check by a nerveless Senate, maneuver constantly to press the advantage. Espionage, deep-strikes, and covert operations in support of localized insurrections or campaigns has become the norm. The Republic military machine has seen mass defections in personnel who have followed the Jedi into war against the Sith. Many of them simply seek to reclaim worlds once cherished by the Republic.

The Sith Imperium continues to grow and war against free peoples everywhere. While strife and conflict between the Sith is still common, the Ascendancy feudal order has stemmed the most vicious of these internal struggles. Now, when a Sith Lord rides the stars to war, they are accompanied by vassals and forces from all of their holdings. High Lords can muster military forces sufficient to crush entire sectors of the galaxy. Acting in a mutual non-aggression, the High Lords have dissected the galaxy into areas of responsibility and future expansion. The mercenary Sith warlords and Adepts gather together to wage war and seek power or profit in these very same stars. Acting independently, these Sith raiding forces cause trouble throughout the galaxy. Many of these campaigns result in the formation of new fiefdoms for these raiders and christen the truly victorious as new Lords.

Within the Imperium and in the stars between, a hundred rebellions grow in strength. Without the Holonet, these groups are unable to coordinate across massive distances but focus on local and sector opposition. These rebellions exist in Sith and free space alike with the growing realization that cooperation in the face of the Imperium is the only possible chance.

Between the Republic and the Sith Imperium lie the undefended stars and independent regions. Here the mercenary, the criminal, and the power-monger all seek their own causes. Warfare, espionage, cutthroat commerce, piracy, slavery and far more villainous actions manifest constantly in these regions. Nature abhors a vacuum and so petty dictators, pocket empires and other factions grow in power and seek domination of their neighbors. System conflicts and pocket wars flare up repeatedly between the many different powers in these regions.

A dark cloud seems to be on the horizon and many feel the coming anarchy in their very bones. For the Jedi, the Force hums with the plaintive cries of lost souls on so many stars.

The galaxy is in a war for survival, only the fittest shall survive. All others shall kneel or perish.


Rebellion Campaign

The basic campaign in mind was designed around Force and Destiny. The players would be Jedi/Padawan that head out into the Mid-Rim, Expansion, and Outer Rim to bring the fight to the Sith. By joining a sector rebellion group, they would work within the various Sith territories to bring an end to their rule. Players would likely be Jedi but all corebooks would be used. Duty/Contribution would be a mechanic available to all.

With the Sith operating in feudal pockets, the players could be an effective force against a domain that covered only a sector. While the overall Imperium would respond to a massive threat such as Republic invasion, these smaller domains would be forced to deal with insurrection with their own resources. This makes a very plausible way for players to have a huge impact and overthrow a Sith Lord!

Republic Campaign

Fighting corruption, crime, Sith infiltrators, politics and corporation machinations. This campaign would be focused on urban adventures and plots. Players would likely come from all corebooks. The possibilities here are endless and not much different than a KOTOR setting.

Scoundrel Campaign

A straight Edge of the Empire campaign works beautifully also. No central authority makes trade and smuggling between systems a veritable gold mine. Insurgents in Sith territories need resources, the Sith need goods, the Republic needs information, and the Hutts need money. Black Sun exists in addition to a hundred other organizations. Slavers and pirates abound in the lawless regions and the Outer Rim.

Mercenary Campaign

Mercenaries in the lawless stars. Any number of conflicts could be the focus of this game as well a series of unconnected contracts. A city rebelling against a local dictator, a system wanting a covert strike against a neighboring system as a prelude to invasion, a Core corporation seeking information or action outside their reach. Factions within the Republic may hire disposable heroes for black-bag operations, while the Sith Imperium may do the same. Sith Lords may hire mercenaries for private wars between each other for deniability. And, of course, there are wandering Jedi on their own crusades who require muscle.

Sith Campaign

For those who just have to have it… a Sith campaign also works great in this era. Due to the feudal nature of the Imperium, a group of Sith Acolytes/Marauders/Adepts working together to gain enough power to compete in the game of Sith politics would be a common occurrence. This campaign would look similar to traveling warbands gaining favor and fortune under local lords. A more political campaign would be the group serving under the same Sith Lord. Service under this Lord would include trouble-shooting, diplomacy to other Sith, responding to calls for mustering, and so on. Any medieval fantasy game would provide ripe material for this type of game.

Think Game of Thrones but with dark robes, lightsabers and glowing yellow eyes.

Sounds good. I believe the force would need to be slight upgraded to account for the sith and jedi are not in the dark times and not restricted by the lack of training that exists in the dark times. Obviously non force would complain about game balance, but as a GM for Star Wars for years if we are running true to the great story of Star Wars then Jedi in anytime of old should be at a higher power than non-jedi.

To account for this I would suggest a few following adjustments:

1) Parry and Reflect would rank together except for the first time each is taken. Improved and supreme versions would remain as normal.

2) All lightsaber specializations would count as universal specializations to account for any Jedi/Sith/Lightsaber traditions being ingrained from the start of their training. A non-lightsaber force tradition would count these as normal.

3)Any pc who gets a lightsaber specialization automatically starts with a lightsaber and in game will get access to crystals and mods easier than in the dark times.

4) All characters who begin with a Force career get a Force Rating of 2 instead of 1.

5) Cortosis is more available and non force pcs would commonly take of involved with Jedi or Sith.

Yep, you've hit directly on a couple thoughts I've had for "Old Republic" style Force-Users.

-Lightsaber styles as Universal, yep, I think that should be the rule period for anything while the Order is intact. One of the reasons I asked Oggdude to throw it in his Chargenerator.

-Was also planning on granting each Jedi one lightsaber style as a free specialization. Any non-Jedi gains their choice of a Free Specialization (or +30xp).

-Lightsabers is a given ;-) Non-Jedi get a ship/fighter or 10K credits.

The Parry/Reflect was mentioned in another Old Republic thread and I wasn't sure about it due to experience with system (minimal). Any experienced thoughts?

+1 Force Rating, I'm wary of this since I'm not very familiar with the system and was concerned about overpowering them right out of the gate. I did figure that the Sith were likely to have this since Dark Side generally has more raw power. If I did not add it, I figured it was up to the chaos of the New Sith Wars. The Jedi Order has been pumping Jedi out of the academies at an accelerated pace so they are not fully-fledged at this point. But granting it in more normal Old Republic seems to make sense.

Since my plan was for a primarily Jedi/Sith campaign, I wasn't seeing too many power level problems. I decided against the +1 Force Rating though since the end result was unclear to me in terms of power levels. Also, if there were non-Jedi, this would be the most unbalancing change.

I give Jedi/force pcs Force rating 2 to start and give non-jedi/force pcs a free dedication talent to any stat of their choice.

Sounds interesting I proposed a MUSH set in that era long ago but got shot down (I wanted to avoid a GCW setting and the person who eventually took over insisted on a GCW mush. His idea of compromise was to take a few ideas from my proposed New Sith Wars plot and dump them into a GCW era plot ignoring the fact that some of those plot points, particularly a major Republic one which I intended to have massive long term consequences for the story, wouldn't make sense in the New Republic, and the fact that the conditions that set it in motion would never exist in a GCW Legends Empire (This was pre Disney.)

Yep, you've hit directly on a couple thoughts I've had for "Old Republic" style Force-Users.

-Lightsaber styles as Universal, yep, I think that should be the rule period for anything while the Order is intact. One of the reasons I asked Oggdude to throw it in his Chargenerator.

-Was also planning on granting each Jedi one lightsaber style as a free specialization. Any non-Jedi gains their choice of a Free Specialization (or +30xp).

-Lightsabers is a given ;-) Non-Jedi get a ship/fighter or 10K credits.

The Parry/Reflect was mentioned in another Old Republic thread and I wasn't sure about it due to experience with system (minimal). Any experienced thoughts?

+1 Force Rating, I'm wary of this since I'm not very familiar with the system and was concerned about overpowering them right out of the gate. I did figure that the Sith were likely to have this since Dark Side generally has more raw power. If I did not add it, I figured it was up to the chaos of the New Sith Wars. The Jedi Order has been pumping Jedi out of the academies at an accelerated pace so they are not fully-fledged at this point. But granting it in more normal Old Republic seems to make sense.

Since my plan was for a primarily Jedi/Sith campaign, I wasn't seeing too many power level problems. I decided against the +1 Force Rating though since the end result was unclear to me in terms of power levels. Also, if there were non-Jedi, this would be the most unbalancing change.

I run two games one in Dark times and other in Old Republic and started all force users with a Force Rating two and non force users got a free dedication. There have been no game balance issues. Issues come in past Force rating 3 so I have limited that no player can go above a Force rating 3 without a mentor and none above a 4. I also have experience game balance issues with ability scores above 4 that are paired with skill ranks above 3 so have limited for now that no skill rank except knowledge skills can be above a 3.