OK, so we have a total of four games under our belt now and we are all feeling the same way. We love this game, BUTTTTTT! the rules, we have so many open questions on the rules.
1. How do you determine moving the warp storms? You have the diagram in the book but NO refrence point on how to move it. When you draw the event card to move the warp storm is the diagram facing your direction on where you are at in the table seating or is it anyway you want. ie. take the diagrame in the book on pg 7. the one that show's up and down movement. now we have all four warp storms in the middle of the table surrounding one sector. Can I pick any one of them and move them the direction it is showing even though it shows up and down. What determines up and down?
2. Can ships do battle? That one got us, the only ref we found was that it is a unit. But then it is lost in translation. If it does battle, when does it happen, before you transfer ground units to a planet or after or durring? The rules only talk about ground units doing battle on a planet not in the void. Can you clairify where in the rules this is? This one stopped us in our tracks last night where we just said role a dice and that was the rule.
3. Orbital strikes: So lets say I am in a system with three ships, and there is two void areas and two planets, ie. tile number 5a. I am in one square with all three of the ships, and there are enemy's on booth planets, do I have to be adjacent to those planets to strike them? In other words, do I have to split up my ships to have one ship in one area and the other two in another. Or can I have it them all in one square and hit booth planets?
4. Why would you put 5 ships in a void on an attack when you know you are going to loose 2 of them because of stacking limits in a void? This one has us so confused. pg 9 of the rules refrence.
5. Routing and damage. OK so we could not figure this one out. ex. we had a combat on planet where there was 1. SM, 2 scouts and a frigate against 2. ork boyz. The battle only lasted one round because we could not figure out what to do with routed ork's. The Marines routed, not killed the ork's in the first round. It says in bould letters on page 13 "a player cannot assign damage to a routed unit if he has one or more unrouted units or bastions in the area" OK so there are two routed orks, what happens next? Do we finish playing the other two cards or is the round over and the the Marines win the battle? If so what happens to the orks. Do I do an orbital strike or do they just run away? If I do orbital strikes will it hit my units too?
6. Dominate order: OMG, the part we all agree is the broken part of the game. OK so lets take the SM as the ex. OK he/she playes a dominate order, he gains the Assets from the system he is in, now he does his faction's ability. Upgrade one scout to one space marine or one sm to a land raider. Do I need to have two cites to do this? If not then what is the point of building cities if your a SM? I get that you need the cities for the titan and the upgrade cards but with having the ability to upgrade you just go in and take over someone else cities almost by the 3rd round.
7.Retreating: suppose your being attacked and you loose and you have to retreat, what happens if you your system is surrounde and all the planets and voids have enemy units on them, where does your units go?
8. Why do you have two rule books, durring game 4 we found out that you can only have a stack limit of 3 assets of each kind. In the Learn to play rules it talks of nothing about the stack limit but in the Rules reference it tells you that you can only have three in bold letters. That one got us, it seemed we waisted allot of our turns stacking 5 or 6 reinforcement tokens just to find out that we can only have three of them at anyone time. I know what you are going to say, I should have read the rules ref all the way through. But we thought the rules for this one was cut and dry so we did not refrince the other book.
9. Will you be doing a video on how to play this awesome game? This might help a little on how it works and maybe help with rules. Also, when will you put out the Necrons, it seems that they are always last to hit any game you guys put out. ie, conquest, BTW another freaking great game. PLEASE put Necrons out in the 1st expansion.