Newbie questions - squadrons and tokens

By oso97, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

Newbie questions here, trying for figure this out.

1) Squadron activation: If I activate a squadron via squadron command dial, it moves and shoots immediately, i.e. during the ship phase, yes?

2) Token use: When during the ship phase can I use a token? Immediately after activation, and before revealing the command dial? Before the attack phase? After movement? Does it matter?

3) Squadron activation: Can I reveal command dial, attack, move, and then activate a squadron via token in my new location? How about toggle activation via card special effect?

Yes, the squadrons activate immediately when you execute the squadron command.

You spend a command token of a given type whenever you execute that type of command. I don't remember all the specifics, but the rulebook says when, specifically each command is executed. Repair and squadron commands happen right when you reveal your command dial. The concentrate fire command is used in the attack sequence and the navigate command in the determine course step of movement, I think.

What seems to trip up a lot of people is thinking that the dials ARE the command, and the tokens are some extra bonus. That isn't right. You have command dials and command tokens, and using either one (or both) means executing that command. Each of the 4 types of commands has a specific time it is used, and when it is that time you decide if you want to spend the corresponding dial and/or token to execute it.

ForgottenLore is spot on.

Also with commands, note that you can only use each type of command once per turn (but you can use as many different commands as you have tokens/dial). Note that using a dial and token together counts as using a single command (and their effects stack). This mainly affects Concentrate Fire - if you use the dial and you want the option of a reroll, you must burn the token at the same time (but you don't have to use it if you don't want to).

If a sqn is activated by a command dial/token and moves and shots do you get to move or attacking with it in the sqn phase ?

Or does the command count as its activation and therefore it does not get the move or shot in the sqn phase?

Secondly if a sqn attacks a ship do accuracy icons count?

1) It is activated, and you should toggle the slider, as to show it cannot activate in the Squadron Phase. That's why its there :)

2) Yes. They do not count Crits against Ships* or Squadrons, but Accuracy's do count.

*Unless they have an Exception, Bomber, for example.

lovely job. Many thanks for the prompt response

I am making a video tomorrow on commands and how they work as well as the timing of each one.

Also keep in mind if you want to cash in your dial for a token, you must make that decision immediately after revealing the dial. You can not wait until the end of your ships activation to decide.

If you didn't cash it in immediately, you use it or lose it.

If a nebulous B has a 2 sqn command and uses a command dial in conduction with a command token can he activate 3 sqns if they are in range. Or can he only activate the 2 sqns shown on his card ?

Command Dial = Amount of Squadrons on the Card.
Command Token = 1 Squadron.

Spend Both Simultaneously = Amount of Squadrons on Card + 1

For reference, p.3-4 RRG, COMMANDS is what you should be looking at. After each command name, it says when you resolve it. Navigate is resolved during the Determine Course step of movement, Repair and Squadron resolve after revealing the command dial, and Concentrate Fire resolves during the Resolve Attack Effects step of an attack.

I've found that these are some of those instances that despite reading the rules, they don't really make sense until you read them again and again and play a few games and read them again. That means new players tend to get this bit wrong most of the time, so experienced players should keep this section of the RRG handy to show to new players.