Two questions

By Oathman, in CoC Rules Discussion

I have tried to find the answer to these question but failed so I will ask them here now. I am sorry if I am double posting.

1. The card Peerless Tracker has the ability to pay 1 and copy the icons of an opponents character and then commit to the same story that the chosen character is at. If Peerless Tracker is Exhausted can he still use the ability?

2. st. Hubert´s Key has the ability to disrupt an effect were a character would go insane or get a wound. Can this ability be used during resolution. In my understanding disrupt is used agains actions that a player use against the opponent. In resolution no player use actions, right?

From the rulebook:

A Disrupt is a special action that can actually cancel or change an action just taken by the opponent . Remember that all actions are fully resolved before the next action may be taken. The disrupt ac- tion can create the only exception to this rule.

Both cards seems a bit extreme and very good for the cost, especially st. Hubert´s Key if you can use it during the resolution phase.



1. Yes. You never have to exhaust a card to use its ability unless the card text says so.

2. Disrupts interrupt the resolution of stories, so, yes, you could use the ability to cancel the effect of a story struggle. Here's the relevant section from the current FAQ:

(3.2) Resolving Stories
Resolving struggles and determining success at all three story cards happens all within the same “green box” on the timing flowchart. Thus, no Action or Response effects can be triggered between one story’s resolution and the beginning of the next story’s resolution. The only effects players can choose to trigger are Disrupts , however Forced Response effects that apply to the situation must trigger automatically.

Thx for the answer jhaelen

I see your argument but I don´t fully agree on them.

1. Then you can use peerless tracker in both offense and defense if you have domains enough for it. During your phase you can commit him to a story and then he returns exhausted after the resolution of the stories. Then in your opponents phase you can pay 1 and commit him to a story and get all the bonuses despite that he is exhausted. Have I understood that correctly?

2. Just because you can't use an actions it dosen´t say that you can use disrupt. Nowhere in the rules it is stated that story resolution are an action. Under disruption it states clearly in the rule book.

- A Disrupt is a special action that can actually cancel or change an action just taken by the opponent .

an action just taken by the opponent, but a story resolution is not an action but just something that happens when you resolve what happens at a story. So I don´t fully agree on that argument. And just because the rules state that you can´t use actions during resolution but only disrupt and forced response I can´t see why you suddenly could use a disrupt here. Can you pls use another card with a similar affect to make your point clear.


1. Yes.

2. Here's another example:


Thanks jhaelen for the answer. We are a bit new to CoC card game so it is nice to be able to ask questions here. Now that this one is clear I only need to figure out how to play round these two cards :) .
