I have tried to find the answer to these question but failed so I will ask them here now. I am sorry if I am double posting.
1. The card Peerless Tracker has the ability to pay 1 and copy the icons of an opponents character and then commit to the same story that the chosen character is at. If Peerless Tracker is Exhausted can he still use the ability?
2. st. Hubert´s Key has the ability to disrupt an effect were a character would go insane or get a wound. Can this ability be used during resolution. In my understanding disrupt is used agains actions that a player use against the opponent. In resolution no player use actions, right?
From the rulebook:
A Disrupt is a special action that can actually cancel or change an action just taken by the opponent . Remember that all actions are fully resolved before the next action may be taken. The disrupt ac- tion can create the only exception to this rule.
Both cards seems a bit extreme and very good for the cost, especially st. Hubert´s Key if you can use it during the resolution phase.