Warhammer Fantasy Fiasco Playset

By k7e9, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Hi all,

I don't know if any of you are familiar with Fiasco ( http://www.bullypulpitgames.com/games/fiasco/ ). It is a roleplaying game that you play in one session, without a GM. As the name implies it often ends in a total Fiasco for the characters. If you want to check out how it works there's a Tabletop session on youtube which you can check out ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXJxQ0NbFtk ). If you look at the first five minutes of the video you'll get a better idea of my question below if you're not familiar with Fiasco allready.

In the game you use a playset which sets the theme for the gaming session. I've been googling for a Warhammer Fantasy Playset, but it seems that there is none. So I decided I'd create one.

The playset define certain things; Relationships, Needs, Locations and Objects. So in this playset these should have a warhammer feel to them.

Relationships are between player characters. The other three, Needs, Locations and Objects, are defining a part of the relationship as well. For example two player characters could have a relationship as Chaos cultists and might have a need to get out of town.

So I would love it if you have any thoughts on Relationships, Needs, Locations and/or Objects that would make a playset feel like Warhammer Fantasy.

I'll share the playset here as soon as I have a draft.

Thanks in advance! :)

EDIT: Now that I'm done I thought I'd put the link to the final version here in this first post:


Edited by k7e9

This is a great idea. I love Fiasco, and just recently wrote my first playset.

To clarify, are you thinking of going with a generic Warhammer/old World playset, or have you thought about concentrating on some theme/place etc.?

Thanks, I'll share it once I'm done.

For this playset I will go for the "normal" WFRP-focus. So set in the Empire in other words, and in a city or town.

I'm also thinking of modifiying the Tilt table, where most things will be just like in the normal tilt table, but some results will be more Warhammer specific (mainly mutations, corruption and such).

I would also absolutely be interested in this. Never played Fiasco, but it looks like a fun diversion from the normal game.

It is, it's a good game in between regular sessions as it only takes a couple of hours to play, including "character creation". So it's great when you feel like roleplaying, but your regular RPG-group is not gathered.

If you have any warhammer-esk needs, objects, locations or relations, please feel free to share your thoughts. :)

I'll probably have a first draft done this weekend, and I'll share it here for input.

It strikes me that the adventure "Night at the Three Feathers" is basically the party walking into a session of Fiasco :P

This is a great idea. I love Fiasco, and just recently wrote my first playset.

By the way, what's the theme of your playset? Do you wish to share it?

Your playset looks really cool, and a very fun them I must add.

Will definitly try it out at a future fiasco session.

Here's a link to the first draft of fiascohammer (the working name for the playset at the moment):


The boilerplate, score and similar pages are missing. And all the results are not there yet.

But if anyone wants to take a look at the work in progress, and have any feedback or ideas, you are welcome to it. :)

EDIT: Dropbox-file in link above has been removed.

Latest draft: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/14855200/Fiascohammer-draft-0.9.pdf

EDIT 2: Version 1.0 link:


Edited by k7e9

Looks great! Some thoughts below.


Family: Maybe add one for family members from two different social classes (Noble & secret peasant child etc.)

Chaos: Love these. About #5 - do you mean one is power behind the throne and the other sits on the throne?

Romance: #1, #2, #5 and #6 are very similar. Maybe change one of them? Secret lovers perhaps?

Crime: Very good. Maybe #3 and #5 are a bit similar. Add Smugglers perhaps?

Community: There are quite a few careers in WFRP that have to do with death and cemetaries. Maybe something along the lines of "You both "operate/work" at the same Garden of Morr". Or - You both work with the (un)dead.


To get out: I love these, especially #2, #5 and #6.

To get what you want: #2 I would change Chaos to Ruinous Powers as it is more thematic to the Need.

To kill: Some ideas - To kill... ...someone - again. To kill... in a ritual to summon a daemon. To kill... in a duel to restore your honor (or in a honorable duel). Also, #4 can be a bit dangerous as I could see a player just go on a killing spree to please the Blood God in a way that is destructive to the game. Maybe try Khaine?

To get the truth: Love these. #4 - yay for Skaven.


The decent part of town: #5 I would maybe name the hero to make it more flavorful. And maybe not one of the real heroes, but a Warhammery "hero" with a weird name - like One-handed Heinrich or whatever. If I remember correctly I think there are good ones in the Tome of Salvation.

The Business part of town: Maybe the Citywatch feels a bit different to the others in this category. It is a good location though.


Perilous: #1 - maybe give a couple examples of mutations to spur the imagination (tentacle, bird feet etc.). Same for insanity. Maybe give the disease a name, or a few examples?

Magical: #4 book (or tome) is good, could also be "the real name of a Daemon"

Information: #4 is very good

Valuable: #5 is very good

Maybe needs an entry for a small but vicious dog.

Edited by d6 Evil Men

Thanks for the great feedback!

Relationships... Chaos... #5.

My though was that it would be up to the player to flesh out if both players are (trying to) control the throne together. Of if one sits on said throne. I wanted it open ended. It could be that both player characters try to be the power behind the throne, but have different agendas so that they are rivals.

I see what you mean with the Khorne entry in Need... To kill #4. But I wanted each of the four primary chaos gods named in different needs. I will think over if there's another way to insert Khorne in one of the needs sections with less risk of a slaughter.

The small but vicious dog has to be included somehow. :)

I will go through all the sections and post a new draft once done.


A new draft has been uploaded to Dropbox:


@d6 Evil Men: I credited you in the playset for all the great feedback above, hope that's ok with you.

If you want me to remove it or credit you in another name, please let me know. :)

Thanks for the credit, you can just use Sami Uusitalo

A few final comments:

I love the cover

In Setting in brief: in the last sentence I believe it should be "feature s "

Regarding Daily Empire, I'm sure doc cthulhu will feature this playset on that site if you'll just ask him.

Romance #4 I believe it is Morrslieb ' s and in Needs #3 burgomeister ' s

The Chaos focused Insta-Setup is really good.

Relationship: Chaos: "Suspected of Chaos"

I would reccomend changing it to "Suspected of heresy". Sounds better and leaves it more open to interpretation.

Edited by Ralzar

Thanks for the input both. I have planned to host a playtest of the playset and then create a final version.

And if you use the playset I'd be glad to know how it went.

Thanks for the credit, you can just use Sami Uusitalo

A few final comments:

I love the cover

In Setting in brief: in the last sentence I believe it should be "feature s "

Regarding Daily Empire, I'm sure doc cthulhu will feature this playset on that site if you'll just ask him.

Romance #4 I believe it is Morrslieb ' s and in Needs #3 burgomeister ' s

The Chaos focused Insta-Setup is really good.

I'll change the credit and look over the other changes for the final version, and will definitly check with Doc Cthulhu when the final version is done. Thanks for the tip! :)

Relationship: Chaos: "Suspected of Chaos"

I would reccomend changing it to "Suspected of heresy". Sounds better and leaves it more open to interpretation.

You are right, that's a much better wording. Heresy opens up more for witches and other evil in a much better way. I'll definitly get that changed in the final version. :)

NIce :)

I actually ran Fiascohammer a few days ago. It worked out pretty well allthough having played Fiasco twice now I notice that three is really one player too short. It gets a bit too... cramped? With just three players there are a bit too few character combinations to do as many scenes as there should be in each act.

Anyway, our session:

A mayor, a priest(slaanesh cultist) and a witch hunter.

The priest and wtich hunter had a past of fighting chaos.

The mayor and priest were both trying to gain control of the baroness of the area and planned to assassinate her (Not together mind you, thye each had a seperate plot but were sort of working together as well, trying to use eachother.)

Then a disease pops up in the village that makes the with hunter investigate. He finds it to be identical to a disease him and the priest ran into in a chaos temple and starts getting suspicious of everybody.

The mayor and the priest start trying to frame eachother to deflect blame. The witch hunter is unable to ascertain who is to blame before the mayor weds the baroness. The mayor then poisons the priest, witch hunter and baroness with the disease (he was a nurgle cultist all along!) However, the servants mess up and serve the diseased wine to all the guests.

The chaos-powered disease makes the priest manifest his chaos corruption in the form of a sign of chaos on his face and the witch hunter arrests him. He manages to get most of the truth out of him and goes to the barons castle to interrogate the former mayor. However, the guards will not let him enter as his skin is now marred by boils, the first signs of the gruesome fate awaiting him.

The town dies, the mayor flees and starts a new plan in a new city.

The priest escapes with the help of a converted guard.

The whitch hunter is doomed to a horrible disfiguering death.

Edited by Ralzar

Fantastic, looks like a real Fiasco. ;)

But yes, 4 players seem to be the sweet spot. 3 players are a bit to few, 5 players might get crowded and the increase in the number of scenes can make the game go on quite a bit longer.

We played a game of Fiasco yesterday on four players.

One player was a noble with a bastard barmaid daughter (whose mother blackmailed the noble who was married).

Then we had an thief who wanted to get control of the underworld and a smuggler who just wanted to get laid (to not die a virgin).

The smuggler and the bastard had the noble as a common enemy.

The noble player threw a party in his garden maze for everyone in the town, so the whole session happened during that one evening.

The noble had plans to have his bastard daughter assasinated to stop tge blackmailing so he hired the thief.

The thief enlisted the help of the smuggler in attempt, in exchange for a promise to sleep with him.

The bastard barmaid daughter mainly tried to get to the truth regarding her father (the noble).

So after some manouvering in the hedge maze plans were made for assasination. a wild lion got loose in the maze and a deamon of slaneesh possessed several characters.

Safe to say, this did not end well for most characters. The noble and the thief died horribly in the maze. The basterd barmaid and smuggler actually managed to flee the maze, relatively sane and unharmed, and ended up spending the night toghether. That would have been all well and good, but the barmaid got pregnant and later gave birth to one normal child, but also a horrible chaos abomination of Slaneesh...

Oh man! How have I missed this!

If you want to I can host this at the Daily Empire and announce it at the front page. I do love Fiasco!

Oh man! How have I missed this!

If you want to I can host this at the Daily Empire and announce it at the front page. I do love Fiasco!

That would be great, thanks!

Oh, and I uploaded a new verison today, I have changed my name since I wrote the playset so I changed that. :) Same link as above though, but here it is again:


Edited by k7e9