Toronto, Ont Players?

By Starscream, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Was curious if there was anyone else in Toronto that plays or if there was any organized play at a gamestore in Toronto?

Currently only know of a friend of mine that plays, and we dont play that often.

(i know ive seen some posts about Barrie etc, im unfortunately a slave to TTC atm)

Also in Toronto and looking for a place to play, have some access to car for trips just outside of the city. Only played a few games so far, looking forward to playing many more.

I'd come into town for a tournament, but being south of the border I couldn't come on the reg.

Dueling Grounds are hosting an Armada tournament on the last Sunday of every month. The first one was yesterday in which I sucked in worst way :)

There was 6 of us that played and everyone was playing Imperials. I had a fun time even though I lost badly and everyone there was really nice.



401 Games near Yonge & College has a few Armada events per month. As much as I'd like to play, I don't think I'd go out to an in-store event. Hairy Tarantula also has some Armada game nights, and both store participate in the organized play via FFG.

They got some store champs coming up the next 2 months. Go to ontario armada Facebook page. You guys should visit Buffalo for 1 or 2 of our next store Championships. 2 guys from hamilton came down Sat for one. I know planet is having one soon.

I'll go to Toronto, from Buffalo, for a Store Championship.