X Wing Tactica: How to build a "Meta Killing" squad

By Gersun, in X-Wing

Lando Calrisian is a PWT that, with Nien Numb and Engine Upgrade, can pass off two actions at PS7 with room for VI to push it to PS9. On the other hand with that build he's a minimum 49 points. How to fill out the list?

I'm thinking Nera Daniels with Advanced Protons and deadeye- with Lando along, she can get a PS9 barrel roll and target lock into Soontier and overload his arcdodging with 5 hits, but I'm open to other ideas.

You could grab 3 Bandits (or Talas) with Concussions to make use of the passed TLs at PS9. That would make a good alpha strike.

So many awesome squads on here, I love it!!

I love Z swarms! Thanks for sharing this!

I was going to play a Han/Jake build at the upcoming tournament to prepare for GenCon, but now I want to fly my swarm again! ^_^

I usually fly Tarn or Jake with my Zs, but here is a Missile Z list I was considering before:


Thoughts? Yours is better though. Hand out a couple TLs after the enemy is close-by.

I actually like your homing missile list a lot! Having 5 of them has the potential to do more damage than my list can put out, and the numbers on a basic shot without Focus are actually better for the Homing Missile I think. Regardless, you can wreck some people's day with this, and I think that it is worth a go! I would deploy spread out though, and force some chases so your opponent either has to chase the injured Zs to get points, or sit in Range 1 to not get shot with missiles. I could see that list have a grand 'ol time if flown correctly.

Just played against a Fel, Dark Curse, AP x4 list. I was worried going in, but did what you said and won! Fel fell to three Homing Missiles from R3, then an AP and DC fell before he decided to call it. I just lost 1 Z, and two others had 1 damage.

Good game DarthRootBeer!

I am so glad you took down Fel! Now just imagine that all you had to do after that was point some Zs at a decimator and watch it sweat... That is exactly how you would take down Soontir/Chiraneau in that matchup... I love it. You should keep flying that list, and see what builds give you trouble. I think if you fake like you are going to follow for the chase and fly into range 3 instead of range 1 or 2 to pick up all of your target locks before the enemy moves and flies away out of range leading a chase, you can have great success against a high PS arc-dodging opponent like Soontir, or any fatty with EU. All of your Zs will be TL'd, and you just have to wait and spring a trap. All of your homing missiles will have TL+F on the turn you want to attack, unless you do it from a K-turn (which might take a few people by surprise.

Lando Calrisian is a PWT that, with Nien Numb and Engine Upgrade, can pass off two actions at PS7 with room for VI to push it to PS9. On the other hand with that build he's a minimum 49 points. How to fill out the list?

I'm thinking Nera Daniels with Advanced Protons and deadeye- with Lando along, she can get a PS9 barrel roll and target lock into Soontier and overload his arcdodging with 5 hits, but I'm open to other ideas.

You could grab 3 Bandits (or Talas) with Concussions to make use of the passed TLs at PS9. That would make a good alpha strike.

I like this idea. Ideally you want Lando for the end-game. If you equip him will all of those lovely bells and whistles that Falcons love, you will have a great list to take down other Fatties, but also do the chasing shenanigans that have PWT EU ships on top right now. Good mashup. You just have to worry about losing your escort before they get to fire their missiles...

Great read, given me a few things to think about.

I know I rarely think that far ahead when playing, so have been know to fly straight at the enemy and have some range 3 exchanges, but then find myself faced with either taking some range 1 fire or be completely out of position. Need to get that sorted out, although my last tournament I did grab 2nd place, so I've been improving.

I'm taking part in a tournament next month where I play one faction in rounds 1, 3 & 5 and then another faction in 2 & 4. I have my trusty 3 x B's with FCS and Manglers + Prototype refit A-Wing for one squad. But for my other squad I want to use my Scum, specifically my M3's. So I have come up with the following:

Guri - Virago, FCS & Autothrusters (35)
Serissu - Stealth Device (23)
Laetin - HSI & Mangler (24)
Cartel Spacer - HSI & Flechette Cannon (18)

I think it gives the opponent a difficult choice between going for Serissu who buffs everyone's defence, Laetin who has a nasty mangler shot and Guri who is probably my 'ace'. The biggest worry I have is that it's a little fragile.

The other bonus is that not only am I using M3's which I love, but also that they rarely see tournament play.

Any advice or changes that people think may be needed?

I think that is a great list! Laetin will probably want to focus to help his defense, but if he doesn't need to spend it he gets to make his mangler deadlier, which is a plus. I don't know if I would ever TL with him, unless I was sitting at Range 3 and wanted to tempt my opponent into a shot. I love his pilot ability, especially combined with the Serissu build you have. Serissu might be better off with a Hull Upgrade, but that is honestly down to how much you trust your dice.

This list feels like it wants to stay at range 3 though, minus Guri. It would be hard to pick out one ship to shoot at, that is for sure. That Guri build is solid, and not obscenely expensive, I would probably go for her first. Serissu would keep her alive though, and that would make me annoyed, so I might shoot at her instead. Laetin and the Cartel are probably the only place I would try to mix things up, and that would be down to piloting. Laetin feels like a good buy, sitting at 24 points, not too expensive. Focus as your action and fly aggressively on the flanks with the Cartel. Leave Serissu and Guri as the bait in the middle, and hope that you can pincer your opponent.

That's my best guess at least. I have not flown scum yet, so I don't have any experience to go off of, this is just conjecture :(

What you've described is exactly what I did! I pretended to chase Fel, got the three TLs, and when he later came around I sniped him with focus and TL! I managed to wound DC and hide behind debris while getting shot at by some APs while waiting for Fel to come around. Next turn I killed Fel and an AP! Once DC fell he conceded.

I'm going to do some more playtesting before the tournament.

Edited by MegaSilver

So many awesome squads on here, I love it!!

Lando Calrisian is a PWT that, with Nien Numb and Engine Upgrade, can pass off two actions at PS7 with room for VI to push it to PS9. On the other hand with that build he's a minimum 49 points. How to fill out the list?

I'm thinking Nera Daniels with Advanced Protons and deadeye- with Lando along, she can get a PS9 barrel roll and target lock into Soontier and overload his arcdodging with 5 hits, but I'm open to other ideas.

You could grab 3 Bandits (or Talas) with Concussions to make use of the passed TLs at PS9. That would make a good alpha strike.

I like this idea. Ideally you want Lando for the end-game. If you equip him will all of those lovely bells and whistles that Falcons love, you will have a great list to take down other Fatties, but also do the chasing shenanigans that have PWT EU ships on top right now. Good mashup. You just have to worry about losing your escort before they get to fire their missiles...

If Lando takes PTL (for Evade+EU) he cant take VI... you'd be accepting that elite pilots would move AFTER you pass off target locks. And he cant take both R2 and 3po and still hand out both actions- he needs Numb to give him a green boost or he only gives 1 action.



Lando can ignore 2 damage/round, can make his escorts arcdodge at PS7, and can threaten a decimator with an ion pulse missile. Unfortunately he's only got two bandits with concussions following him, which Soonts will laugh at...

Yeah, Lando might be just a little too expensive to warrant an ordnance swarm behind him. I'm sure there are other uses for him though...

What you've described is exactly what I did! I pretended to chase Fel, got the three TLs, and when he later came around I sniped him with focus and TL! I managed to wound DC and hide behind debris while getting shot at by some APs while waiting for Fel to come around. Next turn I killed Fel and an AP! Once DC fell he conceded.

I'm going to do some more playtesting before the tournament.

Well, it seems my work here is done ;)

I have been thinking a lot about some other ways to build outside of the box to counter the meta other than Z95s, and this is what I've come up with:

Vessery - Lone Wolf (37)

Vader - ATC, Engine, Predator (37)

Scimitar - Proton Bombs, Flechette Torp, Extra Munitions, Munitions Failsafe (26)

Although the bomber looks pretty loaded out, I think that the two proton bombs will make an impact on the game until the ship is dead. The Flechette torps are there to continually stress small ships like whisper and soontir. I think the squad would make a pretty decent run at any tournament because Vessery gets to use Vader's ATC to get free rerolls. That is always fun. If you're not a fan of Vessery I guess you could switch him out for Soontir and give Vader a Procket. That would be the scariest sith I can imagine. 5 dice attack with a focus token that piles a free crit on top? Yes please.

A lot of people have been talking about how to make munitions work as well, and these are some things I have come up with for that build, using both Jendon and Jonus. I call it JayJay and the Jetplane.

Jendon - Title, HLC, Engine Upgrade, FCS (42)

Jonus - Determination, Ion Pulse, Seismic (28)

Scimitar - Cluster Missiles, Assault Missiles, Seismic, Extra Munitions (29)

Jendon gets rerolls for his HLC, so he never needs a TL for himself, and being able to keep passing out TLs even when he is doing red moves helps. Engine upgrade is there so he can keep shooting at people after the first pass. The only thing is that he gets expensive really, really quickly. Dropping the HLC down to a mangler saves 3 points, but then Jendon becomes less scary. Because he is in a Lambda and sucks at the End Game, I would rather he get targeted first. Jonus is nice in this build because he lets the other pilots do some serious damage, but has some utility with his missile and bomb. The first thing I would buy if I dropped an upgrade would be Extra Munitions on him. Determination is just there to give him a chance to stay alive. Also, you will never have to worry about losing his pilot ability again. The Scimitar helps keeps swarms at bay, and Cluster Missiles is just beautiful with Jonus nearby and a free TL from Jendon.

Yeah, Lando might be just a little too expensive to warrant an ordnance swarm behind him. I'm sure there are other uses for him though...

Which is why I originally suggested Nera (torpedo turret) or Salm (torpedo sniper) riding Lando's flank.

Salm, EPT Astromech, Expose, Proton torpedo, Extra munitions. He's basically got 2 long ranged Advanced Proton Torpedos if Lando can give him a focus after he Exposes... Throw on a Draw Fire on Lando to keep Salm alive...


Also congratulations for your winnings in Tacoma. I was absolutely giddy upon seeing your list.

Alright, pair of long range misile boats and a support ship that hangs out arounf range 5 from the fight and isnt a real attractive target to begin with...
99 points
Horton Salm
PS 8 2 1 5 3
When attacking at Range 2-3, you may reroll any of your blank results.
Autoblaster Turret
1 2
Attack: Attack 1 ship (even a ship outside your firing arc).

Your results cannot be canceled by defense dice. The defender may cancel results before results.
Proton Torpedoes
2-3 4
Attack (target lock): Spend your target lock and discard this card to perform this attack.

You may change 1 of your results to a result.
Extra Munitions
When you equip this card, place 1 ordnance token on each equipped , , and Upgrade card. When you are instructed to discard an Upgrade card, you may discard 1 ordnance token on that card instead.
After executing a green maneuver, you may recover 1 shield (up to your shield value).
Munitions Failsafe
When attacking with a secondary weapon that instructs you to discard it to perform the attack, do not discard it unless the attack hits.
Ship Total: 38
Jan Ors
PS 8 1 2 4 1
When another friendly ship at Range 1-3 is attacking, if you have no stress tokens, you may receive 1 stress token to allow that ship to roll 1 additional attack die.
Squad Leader
Action: Choose 1 ship at Range 1-2 that has a lower pilot skill than you.

The chosen ship may immediately perform 1 free action.
Ship Total: 27
"Dutch" Vander
PS 6 2 1 5 3
After acquiring a target lock, choose another friendly ship at Range 1-2. The chosen ship may immediately acquire a target lock.
Autoblaster Turret
1 2
Attack: Attack 1 ship (even a ship outside your firing arc).

Your results cannot be canceled by defense dice. The defender may cancel results before results.
Extra Munitions
When you equip this card, place 1 ordnance token on each equipped , , and Upgrade card. When you are instructed to discard an Upgrade card, you may discard 1 ordnance token on that card instead.
Proton Torpedoes
2-3 4
Attack (target lock): Spend your target lock and discard this card to perform this attack.

You may change 1 of your results to a result.
After spending your target lock, roll 1 defense die.

On a result, immediately acquire a target lock on that same ship. You cannot spend this target lock during this attack.
Munitions Failsafe
When attacking with a secondary weapon that instructs you to discard it to perform the attack, do not discard it unless the attack hits.

Jan gives Dutch a TL at PS8, who passes it along to Salm. If Salm has a Focus, target lock, and target in range 2-3, Jan is letting him roll a 5 red proton torp, keep focuses, reroll misses. (and if Soonts dodges it anway, Salm keeps the missile) Dutch tries to follow up on his bosses's shot, but his average damage is a bit over half as much. (but he keeps the missile if he misses)

If an arcdodger tries to get in close, the Autoblaster turrets can throw 5 dice (with Jan) of undodgable hits and laughing at the word "autothrusters"

Once the Twin Laser Turret is added, I might drop R2D2 and Salm's munition failsafe to give Jan a bit of long range support.

I think this is a good place for me to say this: I only complain about turrets for fun in jest. To be honest, I love flying the Decimator and I do see the interest in how the different turrets work.

Still each game, no matter what I do exactly what Gersun has said about Turn zero.

I learned an incredible amount about Target Priority though, and how to create traps of multiple turns. I really enjoyed your creativity in the list.

This list made a huge amount of sense to me immediately when I saw it. Unusual but perfectly ideal to the meta you were facing.

Same thing when I saw DarkTemplar's unusual Shuttle Soontir Whisper build.

However, being able to create it first, or think of it first is still a testimony to lots of practice, and good thinking. This is where a player who actively plays tournaments and uses their mind stands a head above where I am.


Btw, Leebo only gets another red dice on his primary right? So you can't combine Outrider with him.

Excellent read. I've recently been trying to brainstorm 4+ ship builds using munitions. I've been playing since January and have been learning a lot. At my first tourney in April, I fielded 5 z-95's with cluster missiles and hot shot blasters. I went 2 for 4 that day and realized that I needed more ability to withstand some damage and deal damage at the end game. So last weekend I placed second in a small tourney with 3 Z's with clusters and Leebo with determination, recon, title and mangler. The only list I struggled against was BBBY. I'm thinking of trying a similar scum list of 3 Z's with clusters and Kath fielding a cluster of her own. But after reading your post, I think I'll put a concussion missile on Kath with RecSpec and Deadeye.

Edited by Droidlover

So many awesome squads on here, I love it!!

Great read, given me a few things to think about.

I know I rarely think that far ahead when playing, so have been know to fly straight at the enemy and have some range 3 exchanges, but then find myself faced with either taking some range 1 fire or be completely out of position. Need to get that sorted out, although my last tournament I did grab 2nd place, so I've been improving.

I'm taking part in a tournament next month where I play one faction in rounds 1, 3 & 5 and then another faction in 2 & 4. I have my trusty 3 x B's with FCS and Manglers + Prototype refit A-Wing for one squad. But for my other squad I want to use my Scum, specifically my M3's. So I have come up with the following:

Guri - Virago, FCS & Autothrusters (35)

Serissu - Stealth Device (23)

Laetin - HSI & Mangler (24)

Cartel Spacer - HSI & Flechette Cannon (18)

I think it gives the opponent a difficult choice between going for Serissu who buffs everyone's defence, Laetin who has a nasty mangler shot and Guri who is probably my 'ace'. The biggest worry I have is that it's a little fragile.

The other bonus is that not only am I using M3's which I love, but also that they rarely see tournament play.

Any advice or changes that people think may be needed?

I think that is a great list! Laetin will probably want to focus to help his defense, but if he doesn't need to spend it he gets to make his mangler deadlier, which is a plus. I don't know if I would ever TL with him, unless I was sitting at Range 3 and wanted to tempt my opponent into a shot. I love his pilot ability, especially combined with the Serissu build you have. Serissu might be better off with a Hull Upgrade, but that is honestly down to how much you trust your dice.

This list feels like it wants to stay at range 3 though, minus Guri. It would be hard to pick out one ship to shoot at, that is for sure. That Guri build is solid, and not obscenely expensive, I would probably go for her first. Serissu would keep her alive though, and that would make me annoyed, so I might shoot at her instead. Laetin and the Cartel are probably the only place I would try to mix things up, and that would be down to piloting. Laetin feels like a good buy, sitting at 24 points, not too expensive. Focus as your action and fly aggressively on the flanks with the Cartel. Leave Serissu and Guri as the bait in the middle, and hope that you can pincer your opponent.

That's my best guess at least. I have not flown scum yet, so I don't have any experience to go off of, this is just conjecture :(

I am still undecided about having the stealth device or a hull upgrade. I keep thinking that having potentially 5 dice at range 3 makes my opponent face a tricky decision with his choice of target. Does he shoot (at range 3) at a 5 green dice ship, an autothruster equipped Starviper or a 4 green dice ship armed with a Mangler, with an evade re-roll and potential to gain an evade token! But then my agility dice have not been known for their ability to roll evades, so an extra hull point may be more useful!!

With Guri, I'm thinking at maybe keeping her in formation with the other ships at range 3, take advantage of Autothrusters and Serrisu's re-roll and then try to boost into range 1 of my number 1 target, and put her ability to use. The scyks will then try to hang back and take advantage of their cannons, basically support Guri from afar.

I'm gonna playtest against myself this week, and hopefully grab some proper games next week, see if I can put some of your advice into action.

Edited by bwingstrike

I wished with 'Squad Leader' you could command 2 friendly ships @ 3 points, so Jonus could order 2 Bombers to get a TL.

This would also be interesting for Scum. Xizor with Squad Leader surrounded by Z's with Concussions...

Jendon - Title, HLC, Engine Upgrade, FCS (42)

Jonus - Determination, Ion Pulse, Seismic (28)

Scimitar - Cluster Missiles, Assault Missiles, Seismic, Extra Munitions (29)

Jendon gets rerolls for his HLC, so he never needs a TL for himself, and being able to keep passing out TLs even when he is doing red moves helps. Engine upgrade is there so he can keep shooting at people after the first pass. The only thing is that he gets expensive really, really quickly. Dropping the HLC down to a mangler saves 3 points, but then Jendon becomes less scary. Because he is in a Lambda and sucks at the End Game, I would rather he get targeted first. Jonus is nice in this build because he lets the other pilots do some serious damage, but has some utility with his missile and bomb. The first thing I would buy if I dropped an upgrade would be Extra Munitions on him. Determination is just there to give him a chance to stay alive. Also, you will never have to worry about losing his pilot ability again. The Scimitar helps keeps swarms at bay, and Cluster Missiles is just beautiful with Jonus nearby and a free TL from Jendon.

I wouldn't put that many points into a shuttle if I were you. Its giving it way too much of a bullseye. The main problem with Jendon is that his ability is way too limiting for a shuttle. If it was at least range 1-2 he'd have a lot more utility. Having to stay in formation with a shuttle is really difficult, especially with small based ships. I also think the title is a bit over costed. Once you get into the fight its all but useless.

Edited by Jo Jo

Yeah, Jendon is the most attractive target by far. I hate that he is so expensive with upgrades, but I do want him to die first because he is such crap in the endgame. I will have to playtest it a lot, because if you can slow-roll, you have a decent chance to put a ton of hurt on with the 1st encounter, regardless of PS, because you can have a TL+F combo regardless. If it is a 3 turn approach, Jendon will have a F for himself, too.

I will play this one once my next regional is over, and I'll let you guys know how it goes.

At PS 6 and with the Lambda's dial, it shouldn't be too difficult to dodge Jendon's arc, so I can imagine that quite some players will just avoid him until he's the last ship.

I tried Jendon in the past with some surprising success - but also the dice went well for me.

But I don't like flying bombers in close formation with a shuttle. I am able to do it, but I don't like it.

Yeah, I can imagine. The bomber isn't exactly a nimble ship, and the lambda, well, is a space whale. I imagine there are only a couple of maneuvers the trio could execute, so it would be hard to have them fly together without being really predictable. I love the 5k on bombers though, it is a great maneuver to drop bombs and disengage early. Here is to hoping the unknown punisher pilot has a TL passing ability... Just give me an imperial Dutch Vander that can take a FCS!

I've played a lot of Tie Bombers successfully and was the only one who went undefeated into a Store Champ finals (wiped out by 3 generic Phantom list, though). They fly different than a Z-ordnance swarm. I highly recommend Darkhorse's article he wrote on Tie Bombers. I can't find the link now, but if I ever get the chance, I'll try to find it. I was looking for how to use Bombers when he first posted it. It was fantastic for learning how.

My list was:

Jonus w/ Homing Missile, Seismic Charge, and Shield Upgrade

Scimitar w/ Assault Missile and Seismic Charge

Scimitar w/ Concussion Missile and Seismic Charge

Scimitar w/ Proton Torpedoeand Seismic Charge

Learning the "Rule of 11" is highly important. For those that don't know, it's a YouTube video about how to figure out when you will be in firing range for X-wing. If you can figure this out, it will help out immensely. The trick is to try to get just outside R3. Next turn, zip in as fast as you can and straight at the enemy. You should be in range for the TL. If they go medium or fast, they will probably bump you, which is good as they get no actions and you should get a number of R1 shots with main weapons. It's also good as it's harder for your opponent to concentrate fire. If they slow roll, you might be at R2 right there to fire away. Most likely, your opponent won't be able to kill a Bomber in a single turn, especially if he can't concentrate fire.

Next turn, you drop your bombs and do a 5 K-turn. This should drop you out of arc of their bombs and most likely past any enemy that is in your way. The 5 K-turn is amazing to have on a Tie Bomber. You have your TL already and don't care that your stressed. They will most likely still be in range for a shot with your missiles and if in luck, landed on your mines. I killed an untouched Dash in one turn this way. He landed on 4 bombs and 2 missiles finished him off.

This list suffers vs. Bro bots, though. Their high agility can shake off the missiles if they are lucky. I think I definately threw this list to the curb when a local player started to take Sensor Jammers on his IG-88. It ruined my day. With only 4 Bombers and only 4 Missiles, it was devestating if I didn't get effective strikes.

Once Wave 7 hits, I'd get rid of Jonus all together:

4 x Scimitar w/ Homing Missile, Extra Munitions, and Seismic Charge.

You get extra missiles and don't need Jonus to fly formation. If you are smart on your approach and your opponent doesn't know Bombers, you can easily win vs. turrets. I mean, who flies Bombers?!?!? :P

Great post and I really liked how you explained your strategies. The more hard choices you force your opponent to make the more likely they are to make a bad choice that you can take advantage of. My buddy Jonathan was running the tournament and was texting me while you were playing. We had been working on a different kind of ordinance build and so we were both very pleased to see your squad, and see it do so well. Any time I see Cracken in a squad I'm happy, I just love that ship. I think all the notes you provided will be a great reference especially as we see more fixes/updates to ordinance. Really enjoyed your write up.

I've had great success with this list, which is another Z -95 missile swarm..

Z-95 HEADHUNTER: · Airen Cracken (19)

Veteran Instincts (1)

Cluster Missiles (4)

Z-95 HEADHUNTER: · Lieutenant Blount (17)

Assault Missiles (5)

Z-95 HEADHUNTER: Bandit Squadron Pilot (12)

Homing Missiles (5)

Munitions Failsafe (1)

Z-95 HEADHUNTER: Bandit Squadron Pilot (12)

Homing Missiles (5)

Munitions Failsafe (1)

Z-95 HEADHUNTER: Bandit Squadron Pilot (12)

Homing Missiles (5)

Munitions Failsafe (1)

This was really meant to overwhelm Fat Han, and it does the job admirably.

I attempted to apply your Concussion Missiles idea to a Scum list, and both me and my opponents jaws dropped. I call this "Flash Mob":

Z-95 HEADHUNTER: · Kaa'to Leeachos (15)

Deadeye (1)

Concussion Missiles (4)

M3-A INTERCEPTOR: · Serissu (20)

· Squad Leader (2)

Z-95 HEADHUNTER: Binayre Pirate (12)

Concussion Missiles (4)

Z-95 HEADHUNTER: Binayre Pirate (12)

Concussion Missiles (4)

HWK-290: · Torkil Mux (19)

Blaster Turret (4)

· Moldy Crow (3)

In the first engagement, I was able to get both Pirates and Torkil @R2, Serissu and and Kaa'to at R3 of Boba Fett. Serissu passed a TL to a Pirate, Kaa'to stole a focus from Torkil, and Torkil used his ability on Boba. What resulted was 11 damage in one turn and a dead Boba before he could fire. So sweet.

I'll have to try testing it some more. Its hard slow rolling Serissu with the rest of the squad with the lack of straight 1, but I figured out a way to keep her close and behind, giving everyone else a defensive boost.

Thanks again for your post. It's helping me think outside the box so I can bring unique lists to tournaments that are effective and fun to fly!

Edited by VaynMaanen

That is an awesome way to build in synergy! I haven't played scum yet, but it seems like you found some great synergy! I don't know who I would target first, because I would want to take out Serissu because she is annoying, but so is Tokhil. The great thing is that neither of those ships are the dangerous targets, so you can usually get all of your alpha strike off. Nicely done! Are you going to take it to a tournament?

I'll try getting some more games in with to test, I have a tourney next month I might consider it. But as it's the weekend before Nationals, I'll probably be flying the list I'm taking for some last minute practice. Who knows, maybe it's this one? Hehe

Great Read. Opinions on switching concussion missiles to cluster missiles?

This thread is exactly what I've been looking for!

I've been trying to get a Z-95/ordnance swarm working for ages, see this thread for an early attempt relying on prockets, but I was limiting myself by ignoring spend-a-target-lock munitions like the Concussion missile. Which is weird, because my favorite pilot in the game, and the core of most of my lists is Dutch Vander with R7-T1.

So this is what I'm going to play next chance I get:

"Dutch" Vander (23)
Autoblaster Turret (2)
R7-T1 (3)

Bandit Squadron Pilot (12)
Concussion Missiles (4)

Bandit Squadron Pilot (12)
Concussion Missiles (4)

Bandit Squadron Pilot (12)
Concussion Missiles (4)

Airen Cracken (19)
Squad Leader (2)
Ion Pulse Missiles (3)

Total: 100

View in Yet Another Squad Builder

The only variations I'm considering are maybe taking that ion pulse missile away from Cracken, and using the three points to either convert to Talas to get out of the Predator danger zone or upgrading that Autoblaster turret to an Ion Cannon Turret. Not quite sure which of the three variants will be the most valuable just yet.