So a few of my friend are planning on playing a huge game over the course of a few weeks. We will be playing with a 8 players on a 7 layers galaxy, using extra pieces from another core set. Here are what we are trying to do for variants on the rules. We are still trying to work it out.
-A note about player elimination: When a player has lost every single system and every single ship is destroyed than a players empire is destroyed, they do not pick strategy cards, they clear their racial sheet of all command counters. They give all their trade goods to the conquering player
However they maintain all their technologies and lose one victory point. If another player captures their home planet they have the option of re-establishing that empire. They may gift any of their ships in the Home System to that player. The player then regains their starting command counters and gains a space dock.
They may also be gifted any planets in systems adjacent to the Home System. ( I don't know about this one)
-When assembly comes up and a random person is chosen to play a political card and does not have one they draw two and discard one.
-We will be playing with all alternate rules, so distant suns, representatives, ext, and will be using the newer set of Strategy Cards
-Altered the objective deck to have more public and more stage 2, havent decided on the number yet. We have removed the end game objective.
-In order to win the game a player must have the highest number of victory points (min of 10), and either they have to control Mexatol Rex themselfs or an ally must control it (someone with a trade agreement). This player than declares them self the Impereator. These victory conditions must be maintained for 3 full game turns. This includes having more victory points than your "allies".
This entire idea is completely WIP.