What are your impressions so far? [Possible Spoilers]

By ShiKage, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

Malefax blanked on his initiative roll killed in round on by 2 lightsabers and a blaster rifle.


Conversely, I've just finished the first part and currently have 3 unconscious PC's at the feet of the one remaining Advozse merc, after some truly epic bad rolling by the players. Going to interesting picking it up from there next time! :)

Sheesh what a trio of deadbeats. The mystic with the walking stick should have stuck to making toasted sandwiches... (first time I've ever killed a character).

What I've seen of the story (not much cos I was the first to drop on the bridge) looks good. Don't get an attachment to the characters yet like I did with Pash and Oskara yet even with the cool space wizard stuff.

To be fair, you haven't killed one yet.

Some people just enjoy making life... fun... For their GM :)

This is definitely the weakest one of the three... the adventure is very, very linear, with what seems to me little possibility for exploration or interaction.

I'm thinking of removing the gatekeeper from the beginning, allowing the players (who are anything but beginners at this point) to explore the valley as they wish. I'll probably use both the boxed game and the Free Followup in a mish-mash order - if they wander into the icewolf den before they get to the temple and find Malefax, let them fight the dark side monsters and find the second holochron first - but it wont work until they get to the Plug It In Station.

And the Mentor? Gone. I'm going to set up the game by having the players (one a book worm, the other an archaeologist) find mention of it in a long forgotten tome and just wander off to see what they can find. They're naturally curious and knowledge hungry, so this will be an easy sell. It helps that my game is KotOR era and more plausible that ancient Jedi stuff would be just lying around.

Oh, and Malefax? That name has got to go. Terrible name.

But yeah, village encounter? Angry Hunters? Ice Wolf Den? These things will hint at "hey, there's something going on wrong here" as opposed being spoon-fed the fact that "Go kill this dark jedi!" from the get go.

Edited by Desslok

One thing I'd like to see more of in these adventures in general is force users having a reason to go looking for lightsaber parts (particularly crystals) and ending up dealing with other things on the way or to successfully reach them, rather than the characters out doing one thing and just happen to get handed access to crystals on the side. It makes the construction of the lightsaber seem rather incidental and to me that makes it loose some of the connection the character should have with it.

Currently it feels rather like: Oh this? (pulls out his lightsaber) It's just something I threw together. I needed to start doing something with all these... (gestures to a crate of crystals).

I run the beginner campaign a lot.

I've made a series of adjustments to the starter campaign. I've run this about 4 times now. The intro story of why they were on the planet in the first place is weak. I played on the fact that they were all tied to their Mentor in some way and then came up with an alternate beginning which ultimately takes them to the planet. This also sets up something to do after they finish on Spintir. I also use Roll20 and i mask out the bridge scene and the temple scene so it forces them to explore and adds much more tension. With regard to Malefax, remember that he has stimpacks in his inventory. Also remember that he has soak and the ability to use some force abilities. He shouldn't die with a hit or two. I also changed the holocron experience and made it much more cinematic with lots of backstory. I also leave a really nice cliff-hanger which sets up the next phase. I think it's really good and I get a lot of nice feedback. The key is to let your imagination wander and improve the areas you feel are weak. Build it into a larger campaign.

The light sabers are pretty strong and you only get training sabers when you start your main character.

This is definitely the weakest one of the three... the adventure is very, very linear, with what seems to me little possibility for exploration or interaction.

But yeah, village encounter? Angry Hunters? Ice Wolf Den? These things will hint at "hey, there's something going on wrong here" as opposed being spoon-fed the fact that "Go kill this dark jedi!" from the get go.

The craziness that is going on with the hunters, wolves, etc. reminds me of the movie The Keep . As the creature contained inside the Keep becomes stronger, the people outside are affected more and more.


This seems to be the best current thread to ask about the FaD Beginner Game setting - Spintir (sorry, I don't mean to hijack the thread). I wasn't intending on getting any more beginner sets; don't really use maps, have plenty of dice, and my group are all experienced players and will likely want to make their own characters, But...

I am intending on running an alternative SW game for my EoTE group, and I was hoping to eventually have the young Jedi wannabes find an ancient temple that doesn't have too much Imperial presence locally for them to set up a base of sorts (after some adventuring to claim the temple, of course).

The setting seems perfect for this. Can people tell me their thoughts of Spintir itself, how much info is provided in the beginner set, and so on? (I have already downloaded the followup adventure).

Try downloading the free PDF followup adventure first. I believe the planet is more fleshed out in that document than in the actual BG, however, my memory is pretty fuzzy at the moment.

Try downloading the free PDF followup adventure first. I believe the planet is more fleshed out in that document than in the actual BG, however, my memory is pretty fuzzy at the moment.

Cheers, Kaosoe. I have already read through most of the followup adventure, by the sounds of it the beginner set adventure, and the description of Spintir, is as minimalist as possible (which is fair enough being purely introductory exercise into the game).

So I'll probably stick with just 'Lure of The Lost' and make the rest up, as usual. :)