Malefax blanked on his initiative roll killed in round on by 2 lightsabers and a blaster rifle.
Conversely, I've just finished the first part and currently have 3 unconscious PC's at the feet of the one remaining Advozse merc, after some truly epic bad rolling by the players. Going to interesting picking it up from there next time!
Sheesh what a trio of deadbeats. The mystic with the walking stick should have stuck to making toasted sandwiches... (first time I've ever killed a character).
What I've seen of the story (not much cos I was the first to drop on the bridge) looks good. Don't get an attachment to the characters yet like I did with Pash and Oskara yet even with the cool space wizard stuff.
To be fair, you haven't killed one yet.
Some people just enjoy making life... fun... For their GM