Tournament Software

By Edsel62, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Thanks for the report. I'll have to get that fixed.

The software ran great for both of the last two tournaments, thank you.

Is there likely to be an update for this to the new rules? Since FFG seem in no rush to release their software to us normal humans? :P

Yes please God give us an update! I love this tournament software. It is so easy to use.

Holy crap is it not updated? I'll have a new version ready for you before the weekend. Sorry guys, my bad. Things have been nuts for me lately.

Could someone explain to me what changed? I'm not deep in the imperial assault scene to know what's different.

LOL I need to read what forum I'm in. What are the Armada changes?

Found one of those errors that made me think "how did the Armada module ever work?". Anyways, it should be all up to date. Give it a shot and let me know what you think.

Sorry dude, I didnt see this until now. Looks like someone sorted you out though. It was just the MoV changes due to going to 400 points. I will take a look at the update and if there are any issues, ill come back to you :)

The point spread is off for MoV.

Current spread of points is:













Can someone confirm the scoring is still a problem in version 4.1.0? I've got the different values in there so it should be working. I'm unable to look at it at work, but I'll check it out when I get home.

Seems like there is still an issue with resolution of draws. It's using wins/losses record rather than MoV.

See attached pic

. post-135187-0-96768700-1456047466_thumb.jpeg

Did George ever play against dan? The first tie breaker is actually head to head. Can you send me the save file?


Thanks for the quick reply.
I know you get a lot of messages about this, so just to be clear, this is the Armada version we are talking about. I'm looking at the Armada Tournament rules 2.02 which I believe to be the latest and page 3 suggests tiebreakers are decided first on MoV and from there to strength of schedule. I don't see anything about who beat who of the tied players in the mix?
I have asked the TO for the file, I will attach here as soon as I can get it.

Thanks again.

Edited by Grobb

You're right, I don't see anything about head to head like they have in X-Wing. Surprising they would do it differently. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. I'll get it fixed asap and post where when completed.

All fixed as well as the new mov for the bye player. 4.1.4 is now current version.

Cheers dude.

I'm not great on the Armada rules, are there changes needed with this new tournament rules update?

There is likely to be.

Now they have the potential to have an X-Wing style Cut for Larger (29+) tournaments.

And we have to sort out the Head-to-Head vs MoV thing before we have a more definitive answer as a community - it tends to contradict itself based on how you read it.

What's confusing about the head to head portion? They do the same thing for X-Wing. It rarely to never comes up.

Also, that can be changed in a matter of seconds. Fortunately it's built in and hot swapable.

Its just mostly wether ti actually applies to Armada, or wether this was a transposition issue based on the fact that a bunch of the document was the X-Wing Document Copy-Pasted without Editing.

Gotcha, I see what you're saying. I'm going to add it in and if they switch it back I'll take it back out. It really isn't difficult for me. I've only seen this tie breaker come into play once so it shouldn't be a big deal either way.

Hey killerardvark is there any chance that Cryodex can be updated with the new MoV from the recent tournament rules?

The following is the new margins:

Tournament points

MoV Win Loss

0-59 6 5

60-139 7 4

140-219 8 3

220-299 9 2

300-400 10 1

Also note that no matter how big the margin won by the winning player can win no more than 400 MoV.

Also can you make the Swiss pairings to match the rules in the tournament:

swiss rounds

"For the first round of Swiss pairings,players are matched randomly against an opponent. For each round after the first, players are paired at random against another player with the same number of tournament points.To determine pairings, take the group of players with the most tournament points and pair them at RANDOM. If there is an odd number of players in that group, pair the remaining player with a RANDOM player from the group of players with the next most tournament points. Then, pair all remaining players in the second group at random. Continue this until all players are paired.If there is an odd number of players remaining in the tournament,aplayeratrandomreceivesthebyeinthefirstround. In later rounds, the bye is given to the lowest ranked player who has not yet received a bye.No player should be paired against the same opponent more than once during Swiss rounds."

Thanks for all you do!!

Check version 4.3.0 it should be accurate to new rules. Let me know if you see any problems. Only thing i know it's missing are the concede rules.

Copy that thanks!