Missing Pieces - Daemonettes

By VinnieMcVince, in Chaos in the Old World

Hi, folks,

Anyone else missing any minis in their box? My game came with zero daemonettes. Factory error, perhaps? I haven't spent much time in these forums, so I'm not sure if this is a realistic expectation, but can someone official offer some input? I'll be calling the customer support number monday morning for further inquiries. I didn't see any notices or other postings about this, so perhaps my box is a fluke.

With the exception of the missing minis, I loved the game! Played for the first time tonight, Slaanesh eeked out Khorne for the win. Nurgle finished respectably, with Tzeentch bringing up the rear. Thanks for another quality product, FFG!

Vince Armella

Factory error. Mine came with all the pieces, including three daemonette figures

phobiandarkmoon said:

Factory error. Mine came with all the pieces, including three daemonette figures

S'odd, 'cause we got 10 in ours.