The Eraidu Campaign (Empire vs. Scum) - feedback requested

By DocCheech17, in X-Wing Mission Control Technical Support and Feedback Forum

I got a bit crazy the other day and began writing a campaign for myself and a good friend which would feature both our favored factions, Empire(me) and Scum (him). I've never written a campaign before and as I near completion I was wondering if anyone out there on the inter-webs would take a few minutes to take a look over what I have so far and provide some feedback before I finish writing this thing. Any questions, comments, issues, criticism or concerns are all greatly welcomed.

(Also posted this in X-Wing off Topic, apologies for the double post but wasn't sure where it belonged)

Love ok'd like you did a really good job here. I'm still reading through it all, but I' wonder if I have the ion rules right. Do you need to ionize the large ship twice, each time with two ion tokens, to disable it? That makes shuttles pretty difficult to ionize if you need the do it twice with the shields down (without destroying it); alternatives it is fairly easy to do with a decimator.

I'll go through your missions and try to give some specific feedback. Overall looks like a quite good job!


Thanks for taking a look at the campaign and providing some feedback! I actually changed the Ion rules a bit thanks to your suggestion it now reads that large base ships with no shields and hull values at 50% (rounded up if a decimal) are disabled when ionized.

Here is the finished version

Thanks again!

Glad the Ion feedback helped! I'm looking through the missions now, here's some notes:

Mission 1:

Looks fairly well balanced and clearly written. There may be a slight advantage for Imperials, since they get points for each ship they scan, regardless of whether their ships survive; pirates may have trouble surviving to score in the imperial deployment zone. (at least in significant enough numbers). Hard to tell for sure if there is a problem without a playtest though.

Mission 2a:

The rule about pirates shooting out of the debris field is odd - is that the only kind of attack they can make? Do they need to be in arc; do other normal shooting rules apply?

The imperials seem to be at a disadvantage; is that intentional? In general, the defenders in an escort mission need an advantage in points or abilities to make for a fair fight.

Mission 2b:

Interesting mission. My first instinct is that the imperials are in a very bad position; the space station looks like it has 1-2 turns of life in it, and the starting garrison ships won't last much longer. If the pirate player can knock out the first defenders without major losses, they can probably also destroy reinforcements piecemeal as they arrive and finish the mission at their leisure.

The fact that the pirates need to lower their shields to pick up cargo containers is interesting, but I think that the smart pirate move is to eliminate all opposition before recovering the containers.

The language for the rules of picking up containers could also be tightened up; it's unclear when containers are flipped and their token added to the freighter (when during the next round?).

Once again thanks for the feedback, we play tested the first few mission(s) the other day and based on your feedback and what we experienced the following changes were made:

MISSION 1: It is short and goes by fast and it went fairly smooth. My opponent did a really good job of keeping his distance to prevent me from scanning his ships and it forced me to make some moves I normally wouldn't. Also the getting hot in here rule was interesting as it was a mad dash to get back to the deployment zone(s) around round 7, it also make a lot of my better pilots I had brought totally useless because their PS was dropping every turn.

MISSION 2A - when writing it I was getting the debris and asteroid rules mixed up when granting the pirates the ability to shoot from them, as they would be able to do it normally, the rule was kind of odd thanks to my mistake. It now reads:

Home turf: Pirate forces that either fly through or end their turn on debris field do not incur stress tokens. Additionally they still follow the “that looks like a good spot” special rule.
We also changed the "that looks like a good spot" campaign rule, increasing the range from 1 to 2 that pirate ships overlapping obstacles can be engaged at, still no range bonus for attackers granted.
The imperial are supposed to be at a disadvantage here and trust me I sure was when playing this match. The basic idea I was writing the campaign with was that if you win, the next mission is going to be harder for you.
Didn't get to play this mission but I totally agree with your concerns about the small station and its durability and viability, in an attempt to beef it up we gave it the ability to perform both a primary and secondary attack each turn. That should make it a much greater threat. We are debating allowing the imperial reinforcements to choose their table edge when they arrive but are going to play test it first. Also tightened up the wording for the docking rule as per your suggestion it now reads:
Docking Operation Complete: Added to all freighters/transports. In order to raid a container a transport/freighter must end its turn within range 1 of a container and perform the “docking operation complete” action. During the beginning of the subsequent combat phase the Shields of the transport are lowered so that it may board the container. During the movement phase of the following round flip the container upside down to show that its contents have been raided and a token needs to be added to the transports card showing it has cargo
If a transport is destroyed while carrying raided item(s) it turns into a debris obstacle and needs to be recovered in the same manner as a container.

Thanks again for helping in finding the issues with this campaign