Move action(s) to enter/exit vehicles

By SirRoland, in Only War Rules Questions


I have recently restarted an Only War campaign after a long absence. Forgive me if the question has been answered elsewhere (or you can simply direct me to the page # in the book) but...

How/what type of action does it take to enter a vehicle? A full action? Half-action? What if about different vehicles? Does a Sentinel take more actions to enter (as the pilot would have to climb into the cockpit..unless of course the walker was parked in a "squat", allowing quicker access...) Would a Leman Russ take more actions to enter than a generic ground car?

I'm curious not only for the sake of knowing the rule, (if there is one) but I am also considering 'regimental specific' formation commands that would allow a mechanized infantry or armored formation to enter/exit their specialty vehicles easier/faster.

Any replies would be appreciated.

Half action to board a vehicle, as a standard, I think.

I think the rules are silent on this, which means GM will make an ad-hoc rule if needed. Strangely despite running a mech inf regiment I haven't needed to make a ruling as the PCs never dismounts in combat (that's dangerous!).

I would rule half action to open normal hatch and move out, maybe full action for the more awkward hatches such as a loader or sponsoon gunner in a leeman russ.. in fact everyone who does not have a personal hatch such as the commander or driver, or a large hatch like in the chimera.