South Central PA Tournament-July 18

By kac, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

We will be having a tournament (300 pts.) at Comic Store West in York PA on July 18, 2015. CSW is located at 2111 Industrial Hwy. at York PA 17402. Registration will be at 1000, with gaming expected to begin at 1100.

The focus of this tournament is going to be on friendly competition, and beginners are particularly welcome. We'll be doing our utmost to help, coach, work on lists with people, go over rules questions, etc. There may be a small entrance fee.

Feel free to PM me with any questions. Come on out and have some fun.

I'll have to see what my schedule looks like heading into that weekend. May have to think about the two and a half hour trip down to York. And see if I can get any better at this game in the meanwhile.

We'd love to see you. I certainly understand about the drive and hope you can work that out.

Do not worry at all about the getting better at the game, that's the whole point of what we're trying to accomplish. You're welcome at any skill level, and we hope you'll be better when you walk out the door as compared to when you walked in.

Additionally, there should be plenty of extra cards and models for people who are interested in playing but don't own any game components. I could easily build 2 additional fleets on top of the 1 I will be fielding. As kac said, we are just trying to get people interested in enjoying what we believe is a fantastic game.

Well, we're two weeks out!

Looking forward to our games, as well as the tactical discussions that will ensue.

See you all there.

Wish you guys were just an hour or two closer. Six hours is just more than I can justify for a one day event. If Scranton was on the way I would SO do it anyway.

Wish you could be there too, Boardy.

I also have games in VA, don't know if you can get as far as Leesburg. PM me if you're ever headed or willing to head in a northerly direction.

Wish you guys were just an hour or two closer. Six hours is just more than I can justify for a one day event. If Scranton was on the way I would SO do it anyway.

I live in Scranton. Not much to see here. Move along...Move along... ;)

Edited by Stasy

Wish you guys were just an hour or two closer. Six hours is just more than I can justify for a one day event. If Scranton was on the way I would SO do it anyway.

I live in Scranton. Not much to see here. Move along...Move along... ;)

That only works on the weak-minded. What are you trying to imply?

Wish you could be there too, Boardy.

I also have games in VA, don't know if you can get as far as Leesburg. PM me if you're ever headed or willing to head in a northerly direction.

Still too far for a 'cold' trip, but if I am up that aways I'll talk to you.

Ill be making the trek up from DE for this. I will bring my entire collection to help supply fleets if needed as well.

Ill be making the trek up from DE for this. I will bring my entire collection to help supply fleets if needed as well.

Darth, that's very kind of you. As our whole goal is to encourage new players, several of us are doing the same thing. I would love it if someone just walks up, never having played the game before, uses our pieces, and gets hooked.

In any case, we'll have a good time and at the very least provide some new opponents for everyone, which of course will lead to seeing new lists and new tactics. I would love it if everyone there walks out a better player, no matter the point from where you walked in.

See you guys in a couple of hours! Got my fleet form filled out, just need to sort out my travel bag of ships!!!

Had a blast even with the shellacing I took. Guess nothing beats seat time in any game.

Hey everybody, thanks so much for coming out and making this such a success. Two things I definitely want to mention off the bat:

1. Thanks so much to the people who drove a good way for this thing. Hope you found it a lot of fun and a challenge.

2. To the brand newbs: We had one person play who had literally never played the game before, and a few others who only had one or two games under their belts. I can't praise your bravery enough, and you all played in a fashion to make others think you had much more experience than you did. Congrats, thanks for being there, and hope you learned enough about the system to make you enjoy it even more.

One other thing: Thank you Darth Ravenor for coming out. Not only did you provide some of the tournament prizes, but you also were a superior player and earned your win. Can't wait to get over to your home turf and try my best against you.

Everyone was pleasant, no jerks, all people helping each other. I had a fantastic time and hope you did too.

Glad everybody had a good time. Maybe next time I can join you even with the day's drive.

When is the next event?

Well, amusingly, we (primarily meaning the store) got a tournament pack in last week, so we're now in the process of selecting a date for the next one. Obviously, the store has a bigger role in that decision than anyone else, but I'm guessing about 45 days-ish, but that's just a guess. I would like at least 30 days to promote it to get the same kind of excellent turnout we got this past time.

As soon as we have a date, we will post it in a new thread. Thanks very much for your interest.