Funny Board

By Carioz, in CoC General Discussion

Am I the only one that find hilarious that the Cthulhu gaming board shown in the intro lacks space for Conspiracies, a crapp -backspace- -backspace- -backspace- -backspace- -backspace- -backspace- wonderful mechanic our kindest devs seem to be convinced to shove down our collective throat?

Or is it the board just a tentative one?

now that you mention it.........

i hadnt noticed that before. but in all seriousiness who is gonna use the board? i probably wont even use whatever tokens come with it either. i use mini-d6 one die per story. i have yet to make a creature with toughness of +6 so those d6 work for eveything i need them to.

Heaven forbid they ever invent a Short Fuse resistant character!

No problem for me, since I'll most likely quit playing after rotation or splitting.

It is just that I'd have figured that the first item in the core set content should have been designed at least considering this game can accomodate up to 5 stories in a 2 players game (then again, it could just mean no Conspiracies reprint in the Core Set).

I don't agree that the new game board is a problem (ironic that my last post railed these boards, but I digress). No disrespect to conspiracies, but the board fits the game GREAT. Granted it's just a flash glimpse. The game soon celebrates its half decade - a game of THREE stories won, three stories laid on end side to side collecting opposing tokens. It is the image, look, structure, and essence of the game. A story deck rests at the end. (I'd have placed it lengthwise alike to the stories, but whatever.) I'm not yet sold on the green orb and the gilted trappings framing the card placements. And I don't particularly love a square token. Perhaps they're little tomes. But I think I'll be into it in the end. So, you place a conspiracy somewhere else. It doesn't fall off a cliff. There's no run on neutral play areas. You're own card area is blank too. There are some nice play mats out there, some felt. The original ccg demo mats are out there too. A table top has been known to suffice on occasion. Conspiracies may comprise one quarter of the playable card types; but is in importance infinitesimally smaller. Why not a clear plastic clip on an arm to place an event on to signify it's in play, hovering over the board.

Call me a conspiracy theorist but I have this feeling that Nate is so enamoured with the Conspiracy concept that, feeling it is underused, he will produce a card in the next pack that will practically enforce their use.

Shoes wrote: "A table top has been known to suffice on occasion. "

Made me laugh there, Johnny !


Carioz said:

<p>.... so enamoured with the Conspiracy concept that, feeling it is underused, he will produce a card in the next pack that will practically enforce their use.</p>

Donald said:

Nah, that's crazy talk. Even Nate should realize that would be bad for the game and make players mad enough to quit the game. Half way decent play testers would catch a card like that, point out horrible it would be and suggest a better alternative. Any card like that making it to print would be, well... just dumb. Give a little credit.

You're right, maybe I am pushing it a bit too far.