July 18 Tournament - Oklahoma City

By Edsel62, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

At Game Headquarters in south Oklahoma City scheduled to run from 10:00 AM until 7:00 PM. It will the first ever Armada Tournament at Game Headquarters and, as far as I know, the first ever in Oklahoma City.

$5 entry fee. This will be the standard 3-rounds of 300-point games using the official tournament rules. We will be using a Spring Tournament kit for this first tournament. If things work out I would like to make it a monthly thing with the latest tournament kits.

I am the Tournament Organizer and Chief Judge so any questions can be directed to me. Up until then I will be at Game Headquarters on June 21st, July 5th and July 12th at 1:00 PM each day for casual play and to teach if called upon.

Count me in and at least one more from Tulsa. I'll spread the word and see if we can't more people to travel.


I have established a Facebook page for Star Wars: Armada Central Oklahoma . A quick caveat: I am new to all of this and still trying to figure it out. I will use that page to post assorted information about Armada happenings in Central Oklahoma, the whole state or even the region.

Edited by Edsel62

Taught two more players at Game HQ today. That makes 6 that I have taught this game to. :)

Casual play at Game Headquarters on Sunday July 5th, come on by and hone your skills before the tournament on the 18th.

I've been testing out a beta copy of Cryodex for Star Wars: Armada. So far so good. Thank you killerardvark.

There will be casual play tomorrow evening (July 14th) at Game Headquarters. I will be there teaching a new player but will be available to answer any questions about Saturday's tournament.

The tentative schedule for the tournament has been posted on the Star Wars Armada Central Oklahoma facebook page.

Congratulations to Gabriel the winner of our local tournament and proud owner of a gunnery medal. And to the 2nd place finisher Ben who was only a single tournament point behind him.