Official artwork

By RusakRakesh, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

This is cool! Some concept artists even put rare affiliated work into their portfolios. Asgeir Jon Asgeirsson is my favourite (not Star Wars, but lots of sci-fi).

Especially love the fan-art you see on dA/imgur/tumblr as well (like this and that ) once you filter out all the copyrighted material and MLP bondage porn.

EDIT: My favourite has to be...


Edited by QuinnDx

The three links of those images are from WOTC material.

Description by the artist says otherwise, but I guess they could have used it for something else. Can you link to the cards?

Artwork for the Star Wars RPG Rebellion Sourcebook. © Wizards of the Coast .

Ah yes, selective reading :) Thank you and sorry to raise the hopes up :P