RTL-avatar question

By oren2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

hello everyone,

we are about to start our first campaign.

i need your recommendation- which avatar is best to start our first campaign?

can you give me some pointers regarding the avatars and their strategies (e.g- avatar x is best for experienced group because...)?

Starting with the Sorcerer King or Demon Prince may be deterring due to their early dungeon dominance and brutal lieutenant respectively; if you want to give tham an easy time choose the Beastman Lord.

In the final battle, it matters little who you play because you die anyway.

oren said:

hello everyone,

we are about to start our first campaign.

i need your recommendation- which avatar is best to start our first campaign?

can you give me some pointers regarding the avatars and their strategies (e.g- avatar x is best for experienced group because...)?

Well, the first point is that almost universally heroes concede their first campaign relatively early after making csome critical errors and getting butchered. So in some ways it isn't all that important...

The Sorcerer King: Avoid this one for a first campaign. His specialty is dungeons and he is the most powerful early on - a fast starter, though fairly weak overall. The usual result is that inexperienced groups pick him, the heroes get thrashed horribly and don;t enjoy it at all. Becuase of his overall weakness the SK is best for a 2nd or third campaign. Once the hero players are more experienced he is relatively easy to beat.

The Demon King: Probably the strongest overall. Not quite as strong as the SK initially in dungeons but a better treachery mix, much better keep location and a very hasty Lt means keep this guy for experienced parties.

The Spider Queen: Not bad for a starting game as she is relatively weak in dungeons but strong on the map-board. However I would 'save' her for a more experienced group becuase she is one of the strongest late-game Avatars (she doesn't rely as much on monsters and her traps get better with more treachery) and much less boring to play as OL once heroes reach gold level.

Titan: Quite nasty against an inexperienced group but easily nullified by an experienced group. Great keep position and really quite nasty at beseiging cities but although Humanoids hit very very hard they have enormous weaknesses (slow and melee only). Generally either too easy or too hard depending on the group.

Beastman Lord: Generally the weakest unless your heroes are incompetent at spawn prevention. Might by suitable for a first campaign.

Dragon Lord: Would be my first pick for a new campaigning group. Not too strong in dungeons, No real nasty specials but nice little bonuses for the OL that keep things moving along.

You might want to keep a couple in mind, and not fully decide until you see the party you are going up against. For example, if Nanok showed up, I'd lend more thought to taking the spider queen since traps will be your best way to whittle him down.

...and if Kirga or Boggs is in play, you won't have any joy with the Beastman Lord or with the Titan as you won't ever get your spawned melee-fighters close enough to the heroes.

If they can restrict Spirit walker in RTL because of the smaller dungeons, I would think that a limit should also be put on Boggs as well for the same reason.

mordak5 said:

If they can restrict Spirit walker in RTL because of the smaller dungeons, I would think that a limit should also be put on Boggs as well for the same reason.

True, I think they should also limit him to preventing spawns only at 5 distance.