Hello, I've recently discovered the awesome game that is X-Wing. And while the Original Trilogy/Galactic Empire setting has so much material one could play for years without getting bored, it did get me to thinking about the future. At first I was concerned about the licensing because of the sale of Lucasfilm to Disney. Then on this board I ran across this:
The Dice Tower
FFG has renewed Star Wars license for many years. Includes Episode 7. #GAMA2015
https://mobile.twitter.com/thedicetower/status/577926022261186560 (originally reposted by ForgottenLore )
I'm not familiar the Dice Tower but I hope he is correct. My question is this. Is FFG planning on doing an X-Wing Miniatures game set in the new time period? Just the modified ships we've seen so far (new X-Wing/Black and White Tie Fighters) has me excited to see possibley a new core set. Nothing wrong with the rules now, just cool new ships. Of course you could cover the new fighters with expansions while still maintaining the original game. The Y-Wing has been around since the Clone Wars, it fought in the Battle of Endor and I hope it still sees screen time in the Sequals.
With all of the Star Wars stuff going on right now I can't help but think that synching up some sort of tie in with X-Wing and EpVII wouldn't get a lot of current and potential players excited for Post-ROTJ expansions.