Quest Compendium Maps

By KAGE13, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I'm sure this has probably been brought up by now, but I don't see anything recent...

Are the maps in the Quest Compendium suppose to ALL be crooked for "artistic" effect or something?
Or is this a mass printing error?

I hope its an error because I think it looks dumb. Not that it matters I suppose. sad.gif

ok, now I know its a printing error, becuase all my Titles are crooked.

I believe it's an artist choice. Silly and a very bad choice, but not a show stopper.

KAGE13 said:

ok, now I know its a printing error, becuase all my Titles are crooked.

You can tell it's not an error because your borders aren't crooked.

It's a design decision. This is just a guess, but I imagine they were going for a 'you find this map scrawled on a piece of parchment' feel. The fact that so many people wonder if the page was printed incorrectly indicates that this wasn't implemented correctly. They should have literally surrounded the maps with a scroll background.

pinkymadigan said:

KAGE13 said:

ok, now I know its a printing error, becuase all my Titles are crooked.

You can tell it's not an error because your borders aren't crooked.

Ya but why are my titles crooked? and some are more crooked then others...a few I can barley tell, others are way out of wack.

FFG as always were quick to answer. This WAS an artistic choice, and will probably not change with a reprint.

I think it was a very bad choice, because it looks like crap, but hats off to them for answering me quickly.
I guess we can't always agree 100% of the time with our favorite gaming company. sonrojado.gif

KAGE13 said:

pinkymadigan said:

KAGE13 said:

ok, now I know its a printing error, becuase all my Titles are crooked.

You can tell it's not an error because your borders aren't crooked.

Ya but why are my titles crooked? and some are more crooked then others...a few I can barley tell, others are way out of wack.

FFG as always were quick to answer. This WAS an artistic choice, and will probably not change with a reprint.

I think it was a very bad choice, because it looks like crap, but hats off to them for answering me quickly.
I guess we can't always agree 100% of the time with our favorite gaming company. sonrojado.gif

Amazing that they bothered to answer this and yet we can't get rules answers on the multiple mistakes and mixed up/left out/misplaced passages/rules in the book. I've had my questions in since the day after Gen Con.

Rules are a bit different then a cosmetic question about a book.

Rules they might not have an answer, and maybe need to think about or play test how to best handling something before they make it "official".
they may even have to wait for the developer if he is on another project or something...who knows.

pinkymadigan said:

Amazing that they bothered to answer this and yet we can't get rules answers on the multiple mistakes and mixed up/left out/misplaced passages/rules in the book. I've had my questions in since the day after Gen Con.

Not that amazing. They had a bunch of guest writers for this book, right? Which means if there's a mistake with the quest rules, they need to track down the guest author and figure out how it's supposed to work, which may involve a back-and-forth discussion clarifying any misconceptions the guest writer may have had about the game or the components, and making new decisions based on the new information (which then ought to be playtested before they're released, though there's no guarantee that would happen). And that's assuming that the guest writers are willing to spend more time talking and answering questions without demanding more money, and that FFG is willing to admit to them that their editing process up to this point has been totally inadequate.

Checking whether the images were slanted intentionally is probably much simpler and less embarassing, especially since the answer is "yes."

Antistone said:

pinkymadigan said:

Amazing that they bothered to answer this and yet we can't get rules answers on the multiple mistakes and mixed up/left out/misplaced passages/rules in the book. I've had my questions in since the day after Gen Con.

Not that amazing. They had a bunch of guest writers for this book, right? Which means if there's a mistake with the quest rules, they need to track down the guest author and figure out how it's supposed to work, which may involve a back-and-forth discussion clarifying any misconceptions the guest writer may have had about the game or the components, and making new decisions based on the new information (which then ought to be playtested before they're released, though there's no guarantee that would happen). And that's assuming that the guest writers are willing to spend more time talking and answering questions without demanding more money, and that FFG is willing to admit to them that their editing process up to this point has been totally inadequate.

Checking whether the images were slanted intentionally is probably much simpler and less embarassing, especially since the answer is "yes."

Ha, all too true.

I guess I wasn't really amazed so much as annoyed.

It not only looks daft, but couppled with the book not opening niceley due to the binding, plus the headders being slanted the OTHER way from the maps, the whole thing makes me dizzy when I try to read it.

Can somebody post a scan of what this looks like? No need for a full map or page, just a portion so we get the idea.


jwdenzel said:

Can somebody post a scan of what this looks like? No need for a full map or page, just a portion so we get the idea.


That seems like a lot of work, so try this: open up any of the map books you have and imagine that everything is the same, except the map, in it's entirety, is rotated about 1-2% clockwise. Not incredibly off, but just enough to notice. Then, the title of each quest is also tilted, but not with any kind of conformity between the two tilts. It's completely artistic, and not really anything to get up-in-arms about. Just a slightly skewed map and quest title. Other than that the entire book follows the standard quest layout format, for the most part.

It would be nice if someone would upload a pic for us.

Take a digital-picture.

Upload it to imageshack.

Post the URL here so we can see it!

(If I had the book I would do it myself)

FFG might be annoyed to have a quest they're trying to sell available on the Internet for free. The quest maps are presumably copyrighted.

Antistone said:

FFG might be annoyed to have a quest they're trying to sell available on the Internet for free. The quest maps are presumably copyrighted.

Good point.