Casual Armada, X-Wing and SW LCG in Northern VA

By Jester006, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play


Just wanted to let those who are interested know that this coming Saturday, June 20th, there will be open gaming and demos of the games mentioned in the thread's title. The venue will be at the Comics and Gaming in Gainesville, VA.

Here is the contact info for the store:

7556 Gardner Park Dr.
Gainesville, VA 20155

The store has a separate space for gaming that is located at 7540 Gardner Park Dr.; which is just on the other side of the row of offices.

To be clear, this is no official tournament and no prizes will be awarded. This is just for some casual gaming and to allow all players (veterans, new and potentials) an opportunity to meet one another for a good day of gaming. Hope to see you all there and, as always, may the Force be with you!

