Was not sure where on the forum to post this, but it has to be posted and shared. (if this is not the best place, feel free to have it moved)
I'm in Central Texas - a few weeks ago we got hit by some serious flooding (house went totally under)
My bag containing my entire x-wing minatures collection (one of every single ship) went under.
As you would expect, all the plastic bits survived just fine - but every single other part that was card or cardboard got utterly muddy soaked and ruined.
Due to urging of a few friends I contacted FF about even just purchasing replacement parts.
What did I receive today? A huge box with every single non-plastic piece in it for the entire x-wing set, and a handwritten (!!) note wishing me well and informing me that they were missing a few replacement bits for me. Attached to that was ANOTHER order request for those very bits that were missing.
This is WAY above and beyond what I expected when I contacted them, and needless to say, I'll happily continue to buy any products that I can that bear the FF logo, as often as I can afford.
Thanks Fantasy Flight.
You guys rock.
Now, I think I need to find a waterproof storage solution for all these cardboard bits.....
- Dagan