Welcome reader to my first post on the FFG forums.
I wish to start this post by expressing my excitement regarding Warhammer 40,000 Forbidden Stars. This is exactly the sort of game I'm looking for to get back into 40K.
As with most games, it'll end up having names altered to fit into my own narrative. I'm planning a narrative campaign, a vast story, that spans multiple games. Much of the details will, over time, be appearing on my blog but I've literally just made my first post yesterday. But I encourage you to follow as Forbidden Stars will start the narrative.
How so?
The ??? Sector has been isolated by warp storms for centuries but is now opening up. During it's isolation, the unfortunate inhabitants suffered from raids by Work and Eldar pirates but worst of all the armies of Chaos. Now the Imperium is able to reclaim the ??? Sector in the Emperor's name. Spearheading the liberation are the Ultramarines, or a recent Successor Chapter.
OK, so it's basically the same game with the same story. Just different names.
But from a tiny seed a mighty tree will grow, and from this game a whole epic saga will grow to an apocalyptic conclusion. So stick around, as I'll be posting more in this topic as I....
1) Buy the game and review it
2) Practice the game until I get the feel for it
3) Begin my narrative campaign by playing for results
This is going to be legen.....
.....wait for it.....