Armada organized play / regionals?

By CorayThan, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

I'm trying to figure out when organized play will begin for Armada, but can't find any information.

I can see that in Tacoma, Washington there is a regionals game for FFG on June 20th and June 21st.

But it also looks like there is an Armada qualifier and tournament. Is that an official tournament? Does FFG have a points/rating system for participating in league play or tournaments? I'm actually a bit confused about why I haven't seen posts about something like this, which looks mildly official. There's another tournament in Lynwood just an hour or so away in WA on one of the same days as this. That got a post in these forums!

I don't really know the first thing about FFG tournaments. What sort of prize support is there? From looking at x-wing, it looks like casual stuff, trophies, play mats, alternate artwork, and such.

FFG does not have or use any kind of ranking system for their players. Check with the local TO or the store that is hosting to find out what their terminology means.

Organized play has already begone in the NW region. They have hosted several organized play Armada events in Portland. The Armada Tournament in Tacoma is not a regional event, its a side event. To my knowledge there are 2 other Organized play Armada tournaments those days as well. One in Longview on the 20th and one in Lynwood on the 21st. The Armada world Tournament is scheduled for beginning of November.