Melbourne Australia 300pt Tournament

By TylerMK, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

The Monday Knights wargaming club are proud to present a three round, 300 point Star Wars Armada tournament.

When: 26th July 2015. Setup and registration at 9:00am, game one to start at 9:30am

Where: Auburn Bowls Club, 2B Munro Street, Hawthorn East. Near Auburn train station, and the 70 and 75 trams.

Fleets should be 300 points. All ships, squadrons and cards from the core set and the wave 1 expansions are legal. Players are asked to please email the organiser, Tyler Jefferson, in advance of the event at [email protected], to let him know that you’re coming, and whether you’ll be using a Rebel or Imperial fleet. There will be a $15 entry fee, payable on the day.

Prizes will be awarded for the following:

First place

Second place

Third place

‘Baron of the Empire’, for the highest placed Monday Knight

‘Hero of the Rebellion’ for the highest placed non-Monday Knight

‘Giant Killer’ for the most points of ships killed by squadrons

‘Bloody’ for the most points lost to his opponents

‘Navigator’ for the most damage taken from obstacles

These prizes are made possible by our sponsors, who have kindly provided gift vouchers for our

prize winners:

Joe Dodgy’s Dice and Games,

Zepnix Games,

Gatekeeper Games,

Games Laboratory,

PDF of the flyer attached, which I've made up to place in all the gaming stores around Melbourne. But it's basically the same info as in this post.


Edited by TylerMK