Side Mission Choice

By kac, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

OK, finally getting a Campaign started, and I need advice from my Rebel brothers and sisters.

My group just won Aftermath, and our choice for the side mission is either Imperial Entanglements or Celebration.

Your thoughts as to which would be better for us, and which would be more fun?

Thanks for all your help.

12 cards to pick 2 from and get both Han and Chewie? That's some luck.

Don't I know it. Fortunately everyone watched me shuffle for five minutes, then fan the cards, and my daughter chose from two different places in the deck.

Is it good luck, or bad luck, btw?

Is it really 12 cards? I didn't check. I have all wave one plus the core set.

You do 4 grey cards randomly, 4 green cards (rebel's choice), and then 4 red cards based on which heroes taken.

First things first:

Rules Reference Guide, Pg. 17:

B uilding the S ide M iSSion d eck
During campaign setup, players separate the Side Mission cards into piles by type (color). Shuffle the following cards together to create the Side Mission deck:
• One red Side Mission card corresponding to each hero in the campaign.
• Four green Side Mission cards chosen by the hero players.
Heroes cannot choose more than one of these cards that rewards the same ally, regardless of the ally’s subtitle, such as “Hero of the Rebellion.”
• Four random gray Side Mission cards. These are dealt facedown and are not shown to any players.

I've not played either of those missions so I can't give you any pointers on how they play. I can say that you (Rebels) get to look at the reward deck at any time during the campaign (RRG Pg.22). So you need to look at the cards "Intimidation" and "Quick Draw Holster" and see which fits your game better. In my opinion, Intimidation is a better card overall as it increases the threat cost of one group. It will make it tougher to deploy hard hitters like RG's and Elite anything. But you might want QDH if the Imperial isn't playing Subversive Tactics since you'll have more endurance to work with.


Thanks very much for the direction and help with the rules. It is much appreciated.