Where to buy a line laser?

By wtfboar, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

I am looking for a line laser. Does anyone have a link on where to buy one or an easy way to make a line laser?

In our neck of the woods, Harbor Freight has them for $5

Oh nice. Gota love Harbor Freights cheep crapy tools.

You'll have to dig around a little more, as I didn't find it at first glance, but I own a laser-line light from them about key chain size that wasn't too expensive when I bought it at my LGS.


You'll have to dig around a little more, as I didn't find it at first glance, but I own a laser-line light from them about key chain size that wasn't too expensive when I bought it at my LGS.


Army Painter found an issue with their original design and is re engineering it. The currant model is sold out at MSRP but might be found at huge markup. If you wait till late this year a new design should be available.

This is the one I have and use. A bit costly but it works wonderfully.


Edited by Edsel62

This is the one I have and use. A bit costly but it works wonderfully.



Edited by wtfboar

I have been looking online and I haven't found anything yet.. I saw a guy using one the other day, and he said that he got it out of Germany.

Suprizing there is nothing on Ebay of Aliexpress...

Ok I actually just found something thats US$13 with free shipping out of China.. I have ordered one, once it arrives it ifs any good I will let you know....

Oh nice. Gota love Harbor Freights cheep crapy tools.

I had a Harbor Freight model for a while but after about six months it quit working (it wasn't the battery) for unknown reasons. I decided to splurge this time around.

I know several other local gamers who have the Harbor Freight model and they have had no problems. I figure I just have bad karma with that brand.

Edited by Edsel62

That looks pretty cool. Let us know your impressions once you have a chance to try it out some.

I got mine from Amazon UK, black and decker, £15? Seems great to me - life saver in fact!

I got a Black & Decker line laser and while expensive, I love it. I also have one of those hand-held lasers but the problem there is obviously keeping my hands steady. With this B&D line laser, I just put the device on the table, angle it as needed, and my opponent can examine the line at his leisure without me having to concentrate on keeping my hands steady.

Just make sure if you go to a tourney with one that everyone else has them or you're a very giving person - I was about to start charging last Saturday.

I just grabbed a Harbor Freight one a few weeks ago. The line isn't as bright as the other ones I've seen. Wonder if the batteries are bad...or I'm like Edsel and got a bum one.

I got 2 of the Harbor fright lasers use 2 of their 20% off coupons even if they only last 6 months each I spent less then $9 and will just buy a new one the batteries cost more then a new laser.