best Archetype of control

By onebon, in Black Crusade

I am new to the world of 40k we play black crusade, mixed party or CSM

Wanted a hybrid character (-social damage), catches my attention a psychic player who has control over the battles, which Archetype recommend?

any ideas ???

So you want a social leader type carater who also a good fighter? or

one with fighter and psychic powers? or

a psyker/social kombo?

I want a character who controls that take advantage of intelligence (spell powers) instead of brute force, the damage it will do another player (Khorne Berserker)

I thought of a psychic (1000k son, psyker, sorcerer) for the variety of powers, but it may be another Archetype

The idea is to take control, immobilizing, stunning, sleeping, use walls, ect and if the way is proficient in social skills much better

I hope I've explained

Edited by onebon
Q’sal Magister immaterial if you want a good psyker (Tome of Fate)

Intelligence is for lore skills Willpower for psy....

+1 vote for the Magister Immaterial.

They can become beasts at Deceive etc.

what powers and rituals recommend to start

for rituals what the Gm allow. Rule of thumb pick int bonus for you. 1-2 type of summoning lesser, beast/mount, bind, bond and after it other what you find interesting.

Agreed on the Magister Immaterial. If you want to be a support/buff/crippler in battles and good at social stuff, focus on telepathy and Tzeench powers.

You have the advantage that you can use unfettered powers without (too much) risk, but should avoid pushing - as an unbound psyker, you cause a bigger ka-boom but trigger perils more than a bound psyker, and whilst you're immune to psychic phenomena, you've little protection from bad perils of the warp (kind of the reverse of the thousand sons sorceror).

A lot of telepathy/tzeench powers can cause distractions, stunning, give other players openings (Compel - "drop your sword" or "stand up" is a perfectly valid command, and a lot easier than "stab yourself to death"), and learning to use them more subtly helps in non-combat situations, too. I think Mantle of Lies is quite a good one.

thaks :)