You Build the Character #6: Lando Calrissian

By awayputurwpn, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Hello everyone, and welcome back (after a short hiatus) to You Build the Character!

This is the sixth installment of the regular competition in which FFG community members can compete to build their versions of famous characters from the Star Wars universe. The winner is decided by popular vote, and will receive all the honor and glory that comes with peer approval! The winning build will also be eternally enshrined in the YBtC Hall of Fame .

This month's challenge is to build the best version of that sophisticated scoundrel, the strikingly suave Lando Calrissian, as a Player Character (PC) or a Nemesis (NPC).

The following rules apply to your submissions:

1. You may use as much XP as you like to build Lando as a PC or to Develop your Nemesis, but attempts to be both thematic and reasonable are highly encouraged. You can grant him any amount of additional XP as "earned XP” to be spent on talents, skills, and specializations.

2. If building a PC: All builds MUST adhere to the Rules As Written (RAW) for Player Character creation (Steps 1 - 9) and advancement. No skipping talents in trees, no homebrewed rules. You may ignore Step 10 of character creation, or include it in your builds, at your discretion. If you choose to use Step 10, simply select one of the RAW options available from Age of Rebellion or Edge of the Empire .

3. All FFG-published material for the Star Wars RPG is fair game for creating and/or advancing your character: Edge of the Empire, Age of Rebellion, and the Force and Destiny Beta (using the latest errata available), including any supplements or other officially published material from these lines, may be used.

4. Your build(s) may come complete with any gear and equipment, and may represent Lando at any point in his life.

5. The Legends universe is open, as is anything from the Star Wars canon . Including a picture with your build is encouraged!

6. All entries must include a full stat block, which should be presented in a fashion similar to the stat blocks found in official material, and should contain a minimum of the following:

Character Name/Title, Species & Career*

Any Specialization(s)

Background text

Duty, Morality, and/or Obligation score*

Characteristics (Brawn, Agility, etc)

Soak, Wound Threshold, Strain Threshold, Defense

Skill Ranks




*Careers and Duty/Morality/Obligation are PC-only traits

7. For those interested, there is a Nemesis version of "Baron Administrator Lando Calrissian" found on page 11 of The Jewel of Yavin adventure book. You may use this, if you wish, as a starting point from which to develop your Nemesis. This is entirely optional.

You have until 8am PST on Thursday, June 25th (4pm June 25th GMT) to enter/edit your builds, after which entries will be closed. Any entries edited after the deadline will be disqualified.

Voting will commence as soon as entries close! The voting period will then run through the end of June, and the winner will be determined by popular vote at 12am PST on July 1st (8am GMT).

Thanks, and happy building!

Never mind. I see now you mention the JOY version. My bad!

Edited by Jaspor

Only 6 days left!

Build your Lando while you can :)

Hey folks, only about 2 days left! Post 'em if you've got 'em.

I wanted to get in on this, but it's been difficult finding the time.

Edited by kaosoe

I wanted to get in on this, but I am it's been difficult finding the time.

There's still 34 hours left!

If no one posts by the 25th at 8am, we can go into a Lightning Round. Rules forthcoming, if we need them :)

Lando Calrissian (By the end of Episode VI, as seen in the films and Star Wars Rebels)


Species : Human

Career : Smuggler

Specializations : Gambler, Charmer, Pilot

Total XP : 715

Brawn : 2 Agility : 3 Intellect : 3 Cunning : 3 Willpower : 2 Presence : 4

Wound Threshold : 12 Strain Threshold : 14 Soak 4 M/R Defense : 0/0

Trained Skills : Charm (Pr) 3, Cool (Pr) 3, Deception (Cun) 2, Leadership (Pr) 2, Negotiation (Pr) 2, Piloting - Space (Ag) 2, Skulduggery (Cun) 1, Knowledge (Core Worlds) (Int) 1, Knowledge (Outer Rim) (Int) 1, Knowledge (Underwold) (Int) 1, Knowledge (Warfare) (Int) 1

Duty : Personnel 10


Congenial (1 Rank) - May suffer a number of strain to downgrade difficulty of Charm or Negotiation checks or upgrade difficulty when targeted by Charm or Negotiation checks by an equal number. Strain suffered this way cannot exceed ranks in Congenial.

Convincing Demeanor (1 Rank) - Remove [sETBACK] per rank of Convincing Demeanor from deception/skulduggery checks per rank.

Dedication (Intellect and Presence)

Disarming Smile (2 Ranks) – Take the Disarming Smile action; succeed at an opposed Charm check to lower all defenses of a target by rank in Disarming Smile until the end of the encounter.

Double or Nothing – Suffer 2 strain to perform the Double or Nothing incidental to increase difficulty of next check by one. Then, after canceling opposed symbols, double the amount of remaining [ADVANTAGE].

Double or Nothing (Improved) – When performing the Double or Nothing incidental, after canceling opposed symbols, also double the amount of remaining [sUCCESS].

Double or Nothing (Supreme) – When performing the double or nothing incidental, also double the number of [TRIUMPH] and [DESPAIR].

Full Throttle - The character may push a ship or vehicle past its limits of speed. He may perform the Full Throttle action, attempting a Hard ([DIFFICULTY][DIFFICULTY][DIFFICULTY]) Piloting check. With success, the ship's top speed increases by one for a number of rounds equal to Cunning. The ship still cannot perform actions or maneuvers it could not perform normally.

Galaxy Mapper (2 Ranks) - Remove [sETBACK] per rank of Galaxy mapper from all Astrogation checks. In addition, Astrogation checks take 50% less time, non-stacking.

Grit (2 Ranks) - +1 Strain Threshold

Intense Presence - The character may spend one Destiny Point to recover strain equal to his Presence rating.

Just Kidding – Once per round as an incidental, spend 1 Destiny Point to ignore 1 [Despair] generated on a social check by the character or any ally within short range.

Kill With Kindness (1 Rank) - Remove [sETBACK] per rank of Kill with Kindness from all Charm and Leadership checks the character attempts.

Natural Charmer - Once per game session, the character may reroll any one Charm or Deception check.

Natural Negotiator - Once per game session, the character may reroll any one Cool or Negotiation check.

Natural Pilot - Once per game session, the character may reroll any one Piloting(Space) or Gunnery check.

Natural Rogue - Once per game session, the character may reroll any one Skullduggery or Stealth check.

Second Chances (2 Ranks) – Once per encounter, choose a number of positive dice equal to rank in Second chances and reroll them.

Skilled Jockey (2 Ranks) - The character removes [sETBACK] per rank of Skilled Jockey from all Piloting (Planetary and Space) checks the character attempts.

Smooth Talker (3 Ranks) [Charm] - When a character acquires this talent, he chooses one skill: Charm, Coercion, Negotiation, or Deception. When making checks with that skill, he may spend [TRIUMPH] to gain additional [sUCCESS] equal to his ranks in Smooth Talker.

Up the Ante (2 Ranks) – When gambling, win 10% more credits per rank of Up the Ante.

Equipment : Hold-out Blaster, Tailored Armored Jacket, Comlink, Marked Sabacc Deck, Bitchin’ Cape.

Designer Notes : Though I didn't base my Lando on non-canon sources, I drew from the novels in order to get inside Lando's head. In the novels, they always talk of him thinking like a gambler in every situation. Each challenge is a new hand of cards for him, and he must play them exactly right. Sometimes he has to go all in in order to overcome the obstacle, but that's what I like about Lando.

So I started with the gambler tree first. I didn't want to buy so much into the gambler tree since it is a very winding tree, but I really wanted to nab a few ranks of Smooth Talker and Double or Nothing (Supreme). Also, PC Lando was missing a frew bumps in certain characteristics that I felt he needed. So dedication wasn't a bad idea while I was in there.

The Charmer specialization is where he lives through Rebels and Episode V. He's throwing around his Disarming Smile at Leia and using Smooth Talker to leverage his 3 proficiency dice.

Finally, there was the pilot specialization. I didn't want to give him this spec at first, thinking that a good skill in Piloting (Space) would be enough to get him through the Battle of Endor, but the more I thought about it, the more I was sure that flying through the tunnels of the Death Star 2 would land him several setback dice (more likely treated as stellar phenomena, but setback dice are easier to manage). So he had to have been a Skilled Jockey in order to navigate the compact path to reach the core.

I really wanted to give him the Entrepreneur specialization. Lando is a lot of thing, he's a pilot, a leader, a gambler, and charmer, but he's also a business man. He owned and managed a pretty impressive gas mining colony. But, after reviewing the tree, there was nothing there that screamed Lando. So I decided to treat Cloud City as the plot hook and save him the XP.

Edited by kaosoe

Thanks kaosoe!

Just 24 hours left now to submit your builds for Lando!

Well, this competition is a little one-sided :huh:

The contestant is...

kaosoe, with a smashing late-career build of Lando Calrissian (By the end of Episode VI)

I believe kaosoe just needs a single vote by 12am on July 1 to be declared the defacto winner of this month's competition :)

And while you're at it, if there's a particular character or genre you'd like to see done as July's YBtC, let us know!

I'll vote for Kaosoe, I think his Lando's Knowledge Warfare skill is a little low but otherwise it looks great.

Obviously I'll vote for myself.

I'll vote for Kaosoe, I think his Lando's Knowledge Warfare skill is a little low but otherwise it looks great.

I was on the fence about his knowledge warfare skill. But considering the material I was basing his build off of, he wasn't a brilliant tactician. But I'll concede that another rank would have made sense.

You'll get another one from me as well :)

****, I missed this one!

****, I missed this one!

That is why you failed. :)

If you participated I would have lost.

****, I missed this one!

That is why you failed. :)

If you participated I would have lost.

I really like your build so I am not that confident I would have.

Awesome build kaosoe ;)