Riot of the Blood Iori's Trades

By ROTBI, in UFS Trading

-Please send ALL offers to [email protected]

-I shall reply promptly (no longer than 24 hours in a worst-case scenario) to all offers regardless of whether I accept or not, I expect the same courtesy.

- If you have no feedback, you should send first. All others should send simultaneously (my referrals were lost during transfer from STG, so I only have +6 so far)

- I did not list everything, as I'm a huge collector there are cards I am reluctant to part with unless offered a nice trade. I'm open to all offers.

-I also have a ton of Legacy cards. If you're looking for those or are interested in trading legacy-for-legacy, let me know.

X4 Paid to Protect
X3 Shredding Vibrato

High Wants:
X4 Execution Technique Third Rite
X2 Midnight Launcher

Moderate Wants:
X4 Dragon's Flame
X1 John Herr
X1 Omar

Low Wants:
X1 Various other Champion Cards
X1 Claws of Chian Tang
X1 Patriot Games
X1 Bloodline Rebellion
X1 Searching for Family

X4 Knight Break (kind of a weak card, but I'll take it off your hands...might even throw in a playset of Trickys for ya)

My "haves" are listed in collation (numerically by set).
I have extras of most commons/uncommons (Torn Hero, For the Money, Pommel Smash etc.) so I'm not going to list them all but let me know if you're looking for something not shown.

X1 Packing error: Black card with white "X" across it

X1 Path of the Master

X1 Cassandra*
X1 White Crane

X2 Reaver's Axe
X2 Relentless
X4 Bracers of Horus and Set

Soul Calibur:
Xx Starter Deck character cards
X1 Soul Edge*
X1 Tower of Remembrance - Encounter
X4 Memories that Stain its Armor
X1 No Forgiveness!
X2 Base Hold
X2 Tower of Remembrance - Spiral of Time
X2 Reborn Basher
X1 Atoning For His Wicked Deeds
X1 Kulutues
X1 Hades
X1 Hades Destroyer
X1 Kunpaetku Shrine - Dream Remnants
X2 Anger Towards a God
X1 Pseudo-Soul Edge
X1 Tower of Remembrance - Degredation
X2 Temporary Being
X1 Corrupting Evil
X2 Acheron & Nirvana
X2 Curse of the Ancient Mariner
X1 No Mercy
X1 Artificial Soul
X2 Researching Anywhere
X1 Gianzende Nova and Frischer Himmel
X2 Mesmerizing Dance
X1 Lightning Horn
X1 Siren's Call
X1 Challenge to Battle

X1 Fruit Picker
X1 One with the Rhythm
X2 Evil Intentions
X2 Lightning Uppercut
X2 King's Reverse DDT
X1 The Entertainer
X1 Purple Army Suit
X1 Shockwave Palm
X2 Keep Them Down
X1 Overconfidence
X1 The Ultimate Team
X1 Boxing is Life
X2 Killer Android
X1 Blazing Fist

I didnt get your email try it again...ive had some issues with it lately i dont know whats going on

email sent.


Update to needs, wants, and haves.

I am Interested in:
X2 Jin Kazama*
X4 Mark of the Beast (Foiled & Watermarked)
X3 Cursed Blood (Foiled & Watermarked)

I have:
X4 Two Deadly Rings Technique
x1 Howling Spirits
X4 Ascending Zephyr
X2 Execution Technique Third Rite
X1 Need to Destroy
X1 Claws of Chian Tang
X1 Searching for Family
X1 Valentine*

Feel free to check my list. Let me know if we can work somthing out.

Updated after several trades.

Updated to reflect recent trades.