Painting other figures following Sorastro's style

By Gecimen, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

Most of us Sorastro followers tend to be reluctant when it comes to painting figures that Sorastro hasn't yet covered. But well, it takes time to make those beautiful videos and life doesn't wait (especially if your wife is expecting a child and your painting corner takes up a lot of space).

So I began to paint my Royal guard champion thinking he's only red & black. I even went to far to paint the armor-ish areas gray and dry brushing them with necron compound and finally giving everything a good wash with relevant colors. It looked great, well.... until I put him beside my Royal guards which I had painted according to Sorastro's tutorial months ago. My RGC looked like the work of a 2 y/o kid.

So I re-watched the RG and DV videos again (bye 2 hours) and did the "15x thin layers with lighter colors" thingie everywhere, and finally giving a red glaze to the reds and another nuln oil to blacks and greys. I went into every detail with the thinnest brush just like he does. Now it looks ok, and I understood how his style works rather than copying every step.

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cool. I added a light dry brush of silver on the armour shin guards and shoulders. it helps with a flecked metal look

Painted mine almost exactly the same as this. With the dry brush on just the armor plating, too. Great work!