Organized Play?

By voidreturn, in BattleLore

I've not given up.

World's was the end of an OP cycle, any new announcements will be when the spring OP kits are announced.

I think it'll be elves first and then OP.

I've not given up.

World's was the end of an OP cycle, any new announcements will be when the spring OP kits are announced.

I think it'll be elves first and then OP.

Probably won't see OP until 2017 season, as that gives them all of next year to release expansions and Elves.

I can't wait to see elves though. An archer based faction could be awesome.

They released 7 expansions this year, if they are going to release a 4th faction I don't think we'll have to wait too long.

Undead are being released across multiple terrinoth games at once, the last of the undead releases still haven't hit the stores.

It's not unreasonable to assume we'll see runebound/descent/battlelore releases announced in Q1 2016. Hopefully they'll share a common theme of elves.