Downtime random background filler

By nikink, in Dark Heresy

Hi all, I don't have a better name for this project at the moment, but anyway...

Once upon a time I had a player who wanted to join in a game with players of characters who had accumulated thousands of XP, and more importantly to me, quirks, injuries, fate points, friendly NPCs, enemies and so on. So rather than give a blanket boring amount of XP on top of a base starting Dark Heresy character, I created a bit of a lifepath generator to represent all those adventures undertaken in the course of gaining the final XP amount.

For every 400-600XP, they rolled on the charts and tables, and eventually had a built in background, a collection of cybernetics, a mix of new equipment, friends, enemies and contacts.

The problem, such as it was, was that I'm a bit completionist and so there are a LOT of tables and subtables, and requires a lot of human interpretation to make sense of the results.

It's set firmly in Calixis Sector at the moment due to being long before 2e came out.

Example current output:

Performed a mission for the Inquisition (Marr of the Ordo None (Radical (Recongregator) Faction))
Your mission was witnessed by (Few Servants of the Emperor. (Arbites and Specialists)) who thought your actions were Merciful.
You felt your actions were Righteous.
You faced Several opponents. You were assisted by A Few allies.
The real enemy was Xenos (Species 6-942).
Overall the mission was Troublesome.
The revelation was: Uncovered a Heretic
The Task Succeeded (and was easier than expected!). (Mod = -2)
Your physical outcome was A few minor scars and broken bones. (Mod = -2)
Your mental outcome was Such horrors as the mind should not have to bear haunt you to this day; gain (11) IP for a total now of (26). (Mod = -2)
Your spiritual outcome was Nothing can remain untainted forever; gain (-2) CP for a total now of (11). (Mod = -2)
Current Fate Points: 3.
This adventure took 1 Month(s) (Imperial) to complete. (Mod = -2)

From this you can see a couple of things: Species 6-942 means the chart rolled on resulted in 'other' for Xeno species - I give them designated numbers so you can track previous encounters. I do the same with Space Stations and a few other things at the moment. Mod = -2 is relevant when rolling on the consequences charts and not something likely to be seen in final version. The adventure took one month to complete - I calculate times taken since the origin was to level up a character and it gave some weight to how many years the character had been performing all these missions.

I have begun scripting a little app to do the rolling and lookups. It's nearing a releasable version and I was wondering if there was any interest in it here?

The first release will be some weeks away yet, since I'll be afk. And eventually I hope to have it user configurable via a series of ini files or similar.

Just an update to say I haven't forgotten, merely busy. Hopefully I have a few weeks spare to refine this some more and maybe post the alpha build. :)

Please post when its done...


There should be things like this for all of the 40k line. Keep it up!

Thanks MorbidDon! I've got that app, but I couldn't make it do what I wanted. I'm sure it could though, in the hands of someone with time and patience. :)

I've been stupid-busy for the last little while, but I haven't forgotten this. Maybe I'll get some time to revisit it come November. Will definitely take on board suggestions for 'things that can happen too, so with that in mind:

If you have any "Places" a PC might venture to, "People" or "Organizations" they might interact with and really, any other thing you'd like to see have a chance of appearing, list it here and when I get back to coding I'l see what I can do to add all ideas in. I get a bit bored of seeing my list of 'Missions' all the time. :)