Can you target a pilot (piloting a ship) with actions that target a Unit?

By Kallel00, in Star Wars: The Card Game - Rules Questions

The answer is obviously a yes if the said pilot is played as a standalone unit.

However, if it is added to a ship (so considered an enhancement), can it still be directly targeted by damage dealing cards or actions (like force choke). I assume it is a no, but I'd like confirmation.


No you cannot as it is an enhancement and not a unit at that point.

Of course, now that your pilots are enhancements, that makes them vulnerable for DS anti-enhancement effects.

Uttinni is a classic and there's also the special power of the AT-AT ... which is always available for pilots since they aren't limited.

It also kinda fits in Star Wars lore for an AT-AT to knock out a Pilot ... guess that's one of the reasons we don't have a Dak Ralter card yet :D