Play - Put into play (Hammersmith - A very good Tale)

By Mndela, in Rules questions & answers

Which is the difference between play-put into play?

In other words: if i put into play Hammersmith by the effect of the event A very good Tale, can i return an attachment from my top discard pile?

Very Good Tale: writes --> put into play allies...

Hammermith: writes --> when you play him, return...

Edited by Mndela

This one is in the FAQ

(1.16) The phrase “put into play”
If a card effect uses the phrase “put into play,” it means
that the card enters play through a card effect instead
of through the normal process of paying resources and
playing the card from hand. “Put into play” effects
are not considered to be playing the card, and will not
trigger any effects that refer to a card being played.
“Put into play” will, however, trigger any effects that
occur when a card “enters play”.

This one is in the FAQ

(1.16) The phrase “put into play”

If a card effect uses the phrase “put into play,” it means

that the card enters play through a card effect instead

of through the normal process of paying resources and

playing the card from hand. “Put into play” effects

are not considered to be playing the card, and will not

trigger any effects that refer to a card being played.

“Put into play” will, however, trigger any effects that

occur when a card “enters play”.

...which is why you can't sneak attack Galadriel to use her ability. :(

Edited by Ecthelion III

Galadriel is different. Galadriel says: playing 'from hand'. However, Hammersmith no needs to play from hand.

Yes. To your second question, if you are still looking for an answer?

If Hammersmith was written like Galadriel, then no... but he isn't and his response is still valid with a very good tail as he just needs to get into play to use his response...

Yes. To your second question, if you are still looking for an answer?

If Hammersmith was written like Galadriel, then no... but he isn't and his response is still valid with a very good tale as he just needs to get into play to use his response...

No, he doesn't. His response triggers when you play him, not when he enters play. So no, you need to actually pay the resources to play him normally if you want the response.

Yeah, it's right there in the FAQ. It doesn't matter if it says "play" or "play from your hand". Hammersmith and Galadriel are the same.

“Put into play” effects
are not considered to be playing the card, and will not
trigger any effects that refer to a card being played.

ah... so wrong again... oh well good to know, thanks :)