On first glance, the text on the card seems to indicate that only one piece of ICE would be trashed. However, a close reading could be interpreted as ALL archived ICE: "instead of accessing a piece of ice in Archives, trash a rezzed copy of that ice."
The singular "a" is what would indicate that you only get one (though you can obviously choose if there are multiple). But also knowing that you access ALL CARDS in archives you could interpret the "a" as simply one-at-a-time as you attempt to access each one (and you can access archives in any order iirc).
This question extends to Valley Grid, which has similar wording: "whenever the runner breaks all subroutines on a piece of ice protecting this server, his or her maximum hand size is reduced by 1 until the beginning of your next turn."
This could either be interpreted as a single piece of ice (using "a" as singular), but this one could also easily be interpreted as stacking per piece of ice. I don't see enough of a difference in the wording to suggest that they each would get different interpretations... whatever one means, the other should also mean. But that means (sorry) that immolation script is potentially incredibly powerful! Especially in a deck that trashes cards (ICE) regularly (Noise or any cutlery deck).